Hello there, the 11th wavewagon coming up, this time is occupied by an international bunch. Fehlfarben produced an album with godfather to NDW status, if only they hadn't 'sold out' in the sense that it was released on an EMI subsidiary in those days a nono in the german alternative scene. The fact is, it 's a brilliant album which undeservedly suffered from this kind off snobbery. Mekanik Kommando (NL) never pretended to be commercial and yet they were accepted signing to the same major as Fehlfarben. Another dark horse from those days was Belfegore it's mainman publicly stated he wanted out of the NDW and enjoy international success and when he got it he dropped out from that too, nevertheless he left us with 2 great albums. The Members escaped labelling and thus didnt get filed, a pity. Such can not be said of The Chameleons, they were the press darlings from the start as to why? Who knows. The Script Of The Bridge album is great but hardly innovative, the big sound having been heard by scottish bands like Modern Eon or even Skids combined with another gaelic brother U2's the edge's guitar sound. Note, the english musicpress isn't british. Finally, The Monochrome Set, i admit i bought this back then for its poster, had it framed on the wall, crazy bunch .
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Fehlfarben - Monarchie und Alltag (80)
Mekanik Kommando - Snake Is Queen (82)
Belfegore - A Dog Is Born / Belfegore (83/84)
The Members - 1980 - The Choice Is Yours (80)
The Chameleons - Script Of The Bridge (83)
Monochrome Set - Love Zombies (80)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Fehlfarben - Monarchie Und Alltag (80 * 261mb)
Fehlfarben was formed in 1979 out of members of Mittagspause and other musicians from the Düsseldorf punk scene. Initially moving away from the Clash and Wire influenced punk of Mittagspause . Founding members were Peter Hein (vocals), Thomas Schwebel (guitar), Michael Kemner (bass), Frank Fenstermacher (saxophone), Markus Oehlen and Uwe Bauer (drums). Signing a contract with the German subsidiary of EMI lost them their status as an underground band, but in 1980 they released their debut, Monarchie und Alltag (Monarchy and everyday life), an album recognized then and now as one of the most important German-language rock records. Remarkably , Monarchie und Alltag did not reach gold status in Germany until 2000.
The single "Ein Jahr (Es geht voran)" from Monarchie und Alltag, became an unintentional hit single, as initially its slick disco groove was produced more in jest than seriousness. Shortly after having released their debut album, Fehlfarben suffered the departure of lead singer Peter Hein owing to his frustration at the follow-up tour's being lengthened on short notice. He went back to his day job at Xerox, where he worked until 2003. The band released two more albums without Hein , 33 Tage in Ketten (33 days in chains) and Glut und Asche (Blaze and ashes), with only the latter making it onto the German charts, thanks to their second hit single 14 Tage. After struggles with their label, they disbanded at the end of 1984.
Seven years later, with all the original members, saw the release of two albums: Die Platte des himmlischen Friedens (The record of heavenly peace) and sometime afterwards Popmusik und Hundezucht (Pop music and dog breeding) which was defacto recorded in 84. Another decade of silence followed before the album Knietief im Dispo (Knee deep in the overdraft loan) was released as it happened it coincided with a general revival of interest in the early days of German Punk and New Wave. Last april they've released the well recieved "Handbuch für die Welt" ( Guide to the world) .
I couldn't find the album earlier when i touched upon the NDW , eurosonic tour stop 14, well i've found it and it fits the wavetrain format very well. As you can see i've added some tracks from the follow up album, 33 Tage in Ketten.

01 - Hier Und Jetzt (2:44)
02 - Grauschleier (2:24)
03 - Das Sind Geschichten (3:21)
04 - All That Heaven Allows (3:31)
05 - Gottseidank Nicht In England (2:38)
06 - Militürk (5:17)
07 - Apokalypse (3:10)
08 - Ein Jahr (Es Geht Voran) (2:50)
09 - Angst (2:17)
10 - Das War Vor Jahren (2:34)
11 - Paul Ist Tot (7:45)
Xs - 33 tage in Ketten
12 - Tanz Mit Dem Herzen (4:22)
13 - Die Wilde Dreizehn (4:43)
14 - Katze Zur Maus (2:48)
15 - Stunde Des Glucks (4:37)
16 - Wunderbar ( 4:07)
17 - End Marsch (1:07)
Fehlfarben @ Base/
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Mekanik Kommando - Snake Is Queen (82 * 232mb)
When two members of new wave band zelek form a new band called mekanik kommando ( name taken from a Magma album), Lasika Panyigay and Peter van Vliet completed by Simon van Vliet and Mirjam van Hout (synthesizer, percussie) "we attended a school in Nijmegen which had a special media section, they had eight revox tape-machines, that kept us busy all the time." mekanik kommando were soon discovered and picked up by the ultra-movement in which underground 'zine vinyl played a big role. "our philosophy was to make sounds and don't care about how it was made, if a riff was okay, why not play it for thirty minutes. if a song only lasted thirty second, it was fine with us as well." a free flexidisc, included in the first issue of vinyl, drew attention and the band signed a deal with torso records, summer 81, at home and with minimal means, ' It Would Be Quiet In The Woods If Only A Few Birds Sing ' is recorded After the release of the EP 'Dancing Elephants, two well-received records, the band scored a two-album deal with emi. "we had a good deal, especially when it comes to artistic freedom. i think a major never would release an album like Snake is Queen nowadays." Between the release of 'Bay the Moon ' (early 84 ) and the 82 Snake album they toured extensivly around Europe. The group falls apart in 85 and EMI says goodbye they reject the third album , and the band continued to release three albums and tapes on the self-owned rosebud label. Shadow Of A Rose (86) has become a sought after item. In 88 they drop the name Mekanik Kommando as their music has evolved, for The Use Of Ashes under which moniker music is released on the Tonefloat label.

01 - Pain In Eden ( 4:28)
02 - Attraction Of Light ( 4:45)
03 - Passing Clouds (4:46)
04 - Crow (3:53)
05 - Entangled By Colours (4:01)
06 - Door (4:22)
07 - Thin Ice (5:16)
08 - Snake Is Queen / Endless (4:50)
09 - Conquer The World (4:55) 41-16
Tonefloat @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Belfegore - Belfegore (84 * 84mb)
As i was researching for this post 2 things became apparent, Belfegore's first album is very rare and so is info on them, as after the second album they just dissappeared from the scene, after support touring the album in US and Europe, main man Michael Claus dissolved the band, apparently because he had had enough of the rock'n'roll lifestyle.This caused some dispute with as a consequence no cd releases. Well here are both digitally...
Michael Clauss, guitar / synths (KFC) together with Charly Terstappen drums (Rheingold) and Walter Jaeger synth and bass (die Krupps) released the well recieved 'A Dog Is Born' under the name Belfegore one year earlier, mainly sung in german. Obviously main man Clauss was looking for a more international appeal and dropped his partners for some international stock. An American bassist Raoul Walton and a Canadian drummer, Charie T.Charles made up this unique crypto-metal band, a strange incident of subversive musical activity. Belfegore was produced by Conny Plank, the krautrock icon who worked with other new wavers Kowalski ring a bell ? Belfegore's famous All That I Wanted video was directed by Zbigniew Rybczynski directly after his landmark Art of Noise clip. Musically dark and energetic, Belfegore bypasses metal's clichés for a somber intelligence that has common ground with everyone from Killing Joke to Joy Division.

01 - All That I Wanted (4:12)
02 - Questions (5:08)
03 - Love (4:15)
04 - Wake Up With Sirens (4:17)
05 - Seabird Seamoan (4:45)
06 - Don't You Run (2:51)
07 - Comic With Rats Now (3:34)
08 - Into The Dungeon (3:25)
09 - Belfegore (Voc Conny Plank) (4:04)

Belfegore - A Dog Is Born (83 * 50mb)
01 - Mensch oder Gott (3:49)
02 - Glashaus (3:50)
03 - Herz atmet Echos (4:14)
04 - Deutsche Mark´n Bein (2:24)
05 - Ridiculous (3:56)
06 - A dog is born (2:38)
07 - WOW! (2:24)
08 - Schattenwelt (2:10)
09 - Der Fall des IQ (3:06)
10 - Tod durch die Blume (3:52)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The Members - 1980 - The Choice Is Yours (80 * 58mb)
The Members was formed in 1976 by Nicky Tesco they originated in Camberley, England.After several line up changes the inclusion of Adrian Lilliwhite 's brother Steve (who went on to become a succesfull producer).produced their first records.
The band's first album, At the Chelsea Nightclub, was critically acclaimed but did not set the world on fire. They went on to record a second album for Virgin, 1980 The Choice Is Yours. Once again this was well received but pretty much sank without a trace. The Members, however, were by this time enjoying a reasonable level of success in the U.S.; enough to make a living touring. After some time without a recording deal they recorded their last album, Going West (In the U.S. - Uprhythm Downbeat), that featured their high profile airplay hit "Working Girl". After their last tour of the U.S. in 1983 Tesco left the band. The Members soon broke up after Tesco's departure and have never officially reformed despite many requests and lucrative offers.

01 - The Ayatollah Harmony (2:44)
02 - Goodbye To The Job (2:25)
03 - Physical Love (3:20)
04 - Romance (3:12)
05 - Brian Was (3:28)
06 - Flying Again (3:27)
07 - Normal People (3:26)
08 - Police Car (3:51)
09 - Clean Men (3:57)
10 - Muzak Machine (2:44)
11 - Gang War (5:20)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The Chameleons - Script Of The Bridge (83 * 369mb)
Now considered a cult-classic and must-own for hardcore music fans, Script of the Bridge remains one of the most dramatic debuts in British rock history. The Chameleons were a dream pop/post-punk band that formed in Middleton, in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England in 1981. They consisted of singer and bassist Mark Burgess, guitarist Reg Smithies, guitarist Dave Fielding, and drummer John Lever. Musically, The Chameleons pioneered some of the richest guitar arrangements in rock history, inspiring sounds that have long since become a staple of British mainstream and indie pop. Perhaps most notable in their work was the band's innovative and distinctive use of dual guitar melodies. Their body of work is still critically acclaimed within the music press as they had an undeniable influence on bands as diverse as The Smiths, The Comsat Angels, Interpol, The Editors and Oasis
The band initially released three studio albums in the 1980's, to solid critical acclaim. After their third release, Strange Times, in 1987 they abruptly disbanded following the sudden death of band manager Tony Fletcher. The Chameleons were, for all practical purposes, extinct for well over a decade before releasing - to the delight and even disbelief of its ardently loyal fan base - a final studio album in 2001, entitled Why Call It Anything. The band quickly dissolved once again in 2002 due to personal differences, after a successful reunion tour which took them across Europe and the United States

01 - Don't Fall (4:04)
02 - Here Today (4:01)
03 - Monkeyland (5:10)
04 - Second Skin (6:48)
05 - Up The Down Escalator (3:54)
06 - Less Than Human (4:07)
07 - Pleasure And Pain (5:08)
08 - Thursday's Child (3:32)
09 - As High As You Can Go (3:33)
10 - A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days (5:40)
11 - Paper Tigers (4:14)
12 - View From A Hill (6:33)
Chameleons @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Monochrome Set - Love Zombies (80 * 217mb)
The original line-up consisted of Indian -born lead singer and principal songwriter Bid (real name Ganesh Seshadri), Canadian guitarist Lester Square (real name Tom Hardy), drummer John Haney, and bassist Charlie Harper. The band went through several bassists in the next few years (including Andy Warren of The Ants, a childhood friend of Bid). Experimental filmmaker Tony Potts began collaborating with the band in 1979, designing lighting and stage sets with film projections for their live appearances. The band's early persona was defined by the shadowy, uncertain stage images created by the films to such an extent he is often described as being the band's "fifth member."
They released several singles for the Rough Trade label before recording two albums for Virgin Records, Strange Boutique and
Love Zombies in 1980. In 1982, the band switched to Cherry Red to release their third full-length album, Eligible Bachelors. After some line up changes they recorded the relatively mainstream album The Lost Weekend for major label Warner Bros. Records in 1985. It failed commercially, and the band officially broke up.
In early 1990, Bid, Lester Square and Andy Warren reformed the band, with the addition of keyboardist Orson Presence and drummer Mike Slocombe (who was quickly replaced by Trevor Ready). The new band toured extensively--especially in Japan, where Bid had become a major star.The band released several low-key albums for Cherry Red Records during the 1990s, and has been on haitus since 1998.

01 - Love Zombies (4:04)
02 - Adeste Fideles (3:46)
03 - 405 Lines (3:13)
04 - B-I-D Spells Bid (3:14)
05 - R.S.V.P. (3:23)
06 - Apocalypso (3:36)
07 - Karma Suture (4:42)
08 - The Man With The Black Moustache (3:15)
09 - The Weird, Wild And Wonderful World Of Tony Potts (3:25)
10 - "In Love, Cancer?" (3:19)
Monochrome Set @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Fehlfarben - Monarchie und Alltag (80)
Mekanik Kommando - Snake Is Queen (82)
Belfegore - A Dog Is Born / Belfegore (83/84)
The Members - 1980 - The Choice Is Yours (80)
The Chameleons - Script Of The Bridge (83)
Monochrome Set - Love Zombies (80)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Fehlfarben - Monarchie Und Alltag (80 * 261mb)
Fehlfarben was formed in 1979 out of members of Mittagspause and other musicians from the Düsseldorf punk scene. Initially moving away from the Clash and Wire influenced punk of Mittagspause . Founding members were Peter Hein (vocals), Thomas Schwebel (guitar), Michael Kemner (bass), Frank Fenstermacher (saxophone), Markus Oehlen and Uwe Bauer (drums). Signing a contract with the German subsidiary of EMI lost them their status as an underground band, but in 1980 they released their debut, Monarchie und Alltag (Monarchy and everyday life), an album recognized then and now as one of the most important German-language rock records. Remarkably , Monarchie und Alltag did not reach gold status in Germany until 2000.
The single "Ein Jahr (Es geht voran)" from Monarchie und Alltag, became an unintentional hit single, as initially its slick disco groove was produced more in jest than seriousness. Shortly after having released their debut album, Fehlfarben suffered the departure of lead singer Peter Hein owing to his frustration at the follow-up tour's being lengthened on short notice. He went back to his day job at Xerox, where he worked until 2003. The band released two more albums without Hein , 33 Tage in Ketten (33 days in chains) and Glut und Asche (Blaze and ashes), with only the latter making it onto the German charts, thanks to their second hit single 14 Tage. After struggles with their label, they disbanded at the end of 1984.
Seven years later, with all the original members, saw the release of two albums: Die Platte des himmlischen Friedens (The record of heavenly peace) and sometime afterwards Popmusik und Hundezucht (Pop music and dog breeding) which was defacto recorded in 84. Another decade of silence followed before the album Knietief im Dispo (Knee deep in the overdraft loan) was released as it happened it coincided with a general revival of interest in the early days of German Punk and New Wave. Last april they've released the well recieved "Handbuch für die Welt" ( Guide to the world) .
I couldn't find the album earlier when i touched upon the NDW , eurosonic tour stop 14, well i've found it and it fits the wavetrain format very well. As you can see i've added some tracks from the follow up album, 33 Tage in Ketten.

01 - Hier Und Jetzt (2:44)
02 - Grauschleier (2:24)
03 - Das Sind Geschichten (3:21)
04 - All That Heaven Allows (3:31)
05 - Gottseidank Nicht In England (2:38)
06 - Militürk (5:17)
07 - Apokalypse (3:10)
08 - Ein Jahr (Es Geht Voran) (2:50)
09 - Angst (2:17)
10 - Das War Vor Jahren (2:34)
11 - Paul Ist Tot (7:45)
Xs - 33 tage in Ketten
12 - Tanz Mit Dem Herzen (4:22)
13 - Die Wilde Dreizehn (4:43)
14 - Katze Zur Maus (2:48)
15 - Stunde Des Glucks (4:37)
16 - Wunderbar ( 4:07)
17 - End Marsch (1:07)
Fehlfarben @ Base/
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Mekanik Kommando - Snake Is Queen (82 * 232mb)
When two members of new wave band zelek form a new band called mekanik kommando ( name taken from a Magma album), Lasika Panyigay and Peter van Vliet completed by Simon van Vliet and Mirjam van Hout (synthesizer, percussie) "we attended a school in Nijmegen which had a special media section, they had eight revox tape-machines, that kept us busy all the time." mekanik kommando were soon discovered and picked up by the ultra-movement in which underground 'zine vinyl played a big role. "our philosophy was to make sounds and don't care about how it was made, if a riff was okay, why not play it for thirty minutes. if a song only lasted thirty second, it was fine with us as well." a free flexidisc, included in the first issue of vinyl, drew attention and the band signed a deal with torso records, summer 81, at home and with minimal means, ' It Would Be Quiet In The Woods If Only A Few Birds Sing ' is recorded After the release of the EP 'Dancing Elephants, two well-received records, the band scored a two-album deal with emi. "we had a good deal, especially when it comes to artistic freedom. i think a major never would release an album like Snake is Queen nowadays." Between the release of 'Bay the Moon ' (early 84 ) and the 82 Snake album they toured extensivly around Europe. The group falls apart in 85 and EMI says goodbye they reject the third album , and the band continued to release three albums and tapes on the self-owned rosebud label. Shadow Of A Rose (86) has become a sought after item. In 88 they drop the name Mekanik Kommando as their music has evolved, for The Use Of Ashes under which moniker music is released on the Tonefloat label.

01 - Pain In Eden ( 4:28)
02 - Attraction Of Light ( 4:45)
03 - Passing Clouds (4:46)
04 - Crow (3:53)
05 - Entangled By Colours (4:01)
06 - Door (4:22)
07 - Thin Ice (5:16)
08 - Snake Is Queen / Endless (4:50)
09 - Conquer The World (4:55) 41-16
Tonefloat @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Belfegore - Belfegore (84 * 84mb)
As i was researching for this post 2 things became apparent, Belfegore's first album is very rare and so is info on them, as after the second album they just dissappeared from the scene, after support touring the album in US and Europe, main man Michael Claus dissolved the band, apparently because he had had enough of the rock'n'roll lifestyle.This caused some dispute with as a consequence no cd releases. Well here are both digitally...
Michael Clauss, guitar / synths (KFC) together with Charly Terstappen drums (Rheingold) and Walter Jaeger synth and bass (die Krupps) released the well recieved 'A Dog Is Born' under the name Belfegore one year earlier, mainly sung in german. Obviously main man Clauss was looking for a more international appeal and dropped his partners for some international stock. An American bassist Raoul Walton and a Canadian drummer, Charie T.Charles made up this unique crypto-metal band, a strange incident of subversive musical activity. Belfegore was produced by Conny Plank, the krautrock icon who worked with other new wavers Kowalski ring a bell ? Belfegore's famous All That I Wanted video was directed by Zbigniew Rybczynski directly after his landmark Art of Noise clip. Musically dark and energetic, Belfegore bypasses metal's clichés for a somber intelligence that has common ground with everyone from Killing Joke to Joy Division.

01 - All That I Wanted (4:12)
02 - Questions (5:08)
03 - Love (4:15)
04 - Wake Up With Sirens (4:17)
05 - Seabird Seamoan (4:45)
06 - Don't You Run (2:51)
07 - Comic With Rats Now (3:34)
08 - Into The Dungeon (3:25)
09 - Belfegore (Voc Conny Plank) (4:04)

Belfegore - A Dog Is Born (83 * 50mb)
01 - Mensch oder Gott (3:49)
02 - Glashaus (3:50)
03 - Herz atmet Echos (4:14)
04 - Deutsche Mark´n Bein (2:24)
05 - Ridiculous (3:56)
06 - A dog is born (2:38)
07 - WOW! (2:24)
08 - Schattenwelt (2:10)
09 - Der Fall des IQ (3:06)
10 - Tod durch die Blume (3:52)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The Members - 1980 - The Choice Is Yours (80 * 58mb)
The Members was formed in 1976 by Nicky Tesco they originated in Camberley, England.After several line up changes the inclusion of Adrian Lilliwhite 's brother Steve (who went on to become a succesfull producer).produced their first records.
The band's first album, At the Chelsea Nightclub, was critically acclaimed but did not set the world on fire. They went on to record a second album for Virgin, 1980 The Choice Is Yours. Once again this was well received but pretty much sank without a trace. The Members, however, were by this time enjoying a reasonable level of success in the U.S.; enough to make a living touring. After some time without a recording deal they recorded their last album, Going West (In the U.S. - Uprhythm Downbeat), that featured their high profile airplay hit "Working Girl". After their last tour of the U.S. in 1983 Tesco left the band. The Members soon broke up after Tesco's departure and have never officially reformed despite many requests and lucrative offers.

01 - The Ayatollah Harmony (2:44)
02 - Goodbye To The Job (2:25)
03 - Physical Love (3:20)
04 - Romance (3:12)
05 - Brian Was (3:28)
06 - Flying Again (3:27)
07 - Normal People (3:26)
08 - Police Car (3:51)
09 - Clean Men (3:57)
10 - Muzak Machine (2:44)
11 - Gang War (5:20)
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
The Chameleons - Script Of The Bridge (83 * 369mb)
Now considered a cult-classic and must-own for hardcore music fans, Script of the Bridge remains one of the most dramatic debuts in British rock history. The Chameleons were a dream pop/post-punk band that formed in Middleton, in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, England in 1981. They consisted of singer and bassist Mark Burgess, guitarist Reg Smithies, guitarist Dave Fielding, and drummer John Lever. Musically, The Chameleons pioneered some of the richest guitar arrangements in rock history, inspiring sounds that have long since become a staple of British mainstream and indie pop. Perhaps most notable in their work was the band's innovative and distinctive use of dual guitar melodies. Their body of work is still critically acclaimed within the music press as they had an undeniable influence on bands as diverse as The Smiths, The Comsat Angels, Interpol, The Editors and Oasis
The band initially released three studio albums in the 1980's, to solid critical acclaim. After their third release, Strange Times, in 1987 they abruptly disbanded following the sudden death of band manager Tony Fletcher. The Chameleons were, for all practical purposes, extinct for well over a decade before releasing - to the delight and even disbelief of its ardently loyal fan base - a final studio album in 2001, entitled Why Call It Anything. The band quickly dissolved once again in 2002 due to personal differences, after a successful reunion tour which took them across Europe and the United States

01 - Don't Fall (4:04)
02 - Here Today (4:01)
03 - Monkeyland (5:10)
04 - Second Skin (6:48)
05 - Up The Down Escalator (3:54)
06 - Less Than Human (4:07)
07 - Pleasure And Pain (5:08)
08 - Thursday's Child (3:32)
09 - As High As You Can Go (3:33)
10 - A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days (5:40)
11 - Paper Tigers (4:14)
12 - View From A Hill (6:33)
Chameleons @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Monochrome Set - Love Zombies (80 * 217mb)
The original line-up consisted of Indian -born lead singer and principal songwriter Bid (real name Ganesh Seshadri), Canadian guitarist Lester Square (real name Tom Hardy), drummer John Haney, and bassist Charlie Harper. The band went through several bassists in the next few years (including Andy Warren of The Ants, a childhood friend of Bid). Experimental filmmaker Tony Potts began collaborating with the band in 1979, designing lighting and stage sets with film projections for their live appearances. The band's early persona was defined by the shadowy, uncertain stage images created by the films to such an extent he is often described as being the band's "fifth member."
They released several singles for the Rough Trade label before recording two albums for Virgin Records, Strange Boutique and
Love Zombies in 1980. In 1982, the band switched to Cherry Red to release their third full-length album, Eligible Bachelors. After some line up changes they recorded the relatively mainstream album The Lost Weekend for major label Warner Bros. Records in 1985. It failed commercially, and the band officially broke up.
In early 1990, Bid, Lester Square and Andy Warren reformed the band, with the addition of keyboardist Orson Presence and drummer Mike Slocombe (who was quickly replaced by Trevor Ready). The new band toured extensively--especially in Japan, where Bid had become a major star.The band released several low-key albums for Cherry Red Records during the 1990s, and has been on haitus since 1998.

01 - Love Zombies (4:04)
02 - Adeste Fideles (3:46)
03 - 405 Lines (3:13)
04 - B-I-D Spells Bid (3:14)
05 - R.S.V.P. (3:23)
06 - Apocalypso (3:36)
07 - Karma Suture (4:42)
08 - The Man With The Black Moustache (3:15)
09 - The Weird, Wild And Wonderful World Of Tony Potts (3:25)
10 - "In Love, Cancer?" (3:19)
Monochrome Set @ Base
***** ***** ***** ***** *****
All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !