Jun 21, 2021


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.


kevinlindley said...

OK, some things to try in order:

1. Unplug your mouse, wait, plug it into another USB Port (assuming its a USB Mouse).
2. Same as above but for your keyboard.
3. Try using different keyboards / mice.
4. Login as a different user (create a new account, can be done at the command line if you google if your UI is screwed).
5. Run Windows Troubleshooter if possible, follow its instructions.
6. Remove any "new" apps through the "Add/Remove Programs".
7. Try recovering to a "restore point".

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the pc.

In Win10, can you right-click the taskbar and select Task Manager? Under
the Processes tab, you can right-click Explorer and click 'Restart'. If that
doesn't restore the Start button, press the Reset button on the front of the
case to restart the computer.

If 'web slice gallery' "suddenly appeared" I'd be very suspicious. I'd
remove it and do a full av scan.

Do you dual boot Win10 & XP or is XP a VM??

Quibus said...

best wishes, hope you be able to sort it out. good luck

Anonymous said...

so happy about that, the best news i've read, die motha fucka

Windinscalp said...

Ignore this previous wankers comments. You make a lot of people happy. Hope you sort your problems out.

Anonymous said...

Ooops - Windows is just like that sometimes. Personally, I'd use Puppy - https://puppylinux.com/ - on a usb stick or sd card and use it to access remaining files. Wave goodbye to Windows, if you want.
Other helper OSs that'll run off usb sticks, SD, CD - AntiX https://antixlinux.com (or Knoppix from knoppix.org). All can be made to read your windows file system. For full install Linux, if you find you like it, I'd certainly consider MX (linked to AntiX) - https://mxlinux.org/
Good Luck and thank you for all previously posted.

Inertia from Oz said...

Hi Rho,

Good luck with your computer. I can't offer nay solutions but do thank you for all the amazing music that you've shared with the community over the years. Hope to see you back online very soon.


Windinscalp said...


Anonymous said...

This post above is not me. (Windinscalp) The twat above obviously didn’t like being called out.

Unknown said...

Hi guys,thanks for your tips and support.As. it happens i got a linux os on usb somewhere,alas chaos tends to increase in my life and appartment(plenty of space means less need to organise)until finding stuff becomes daunting.As to thr forsy ampn and his list of options
apart from unplugging mouse/keyboard all others are impossible to reach, this issue is really bizarre as i see it's a freaky malfunction, not a deliberate attack, otherwise i would have found other like attacks, this further complicates finding a solution,and did i tell yet my modem went offline too,unable to handle the nonstop requests by an opened browser. I've been looking for another pc already, anyway it could be weeks before i'm up and running again, as currently there are other important issues in my life.
Greetingzzz, Rho

Anonymous said...

Long life RHO!!! Must be a pain in the arse but hope yo'll be back whenever possible.
Thanks for jusy being there.

Anonymous said...

Take a vacation Rho, ease up your mind and we'll be waiting for you.

T. S. said...


I sent you an email a few days ago (in case you can access your account).

youssef said...

Waiting for Rho's big return
For Those misanthropy people : They can blow there asses off peacefully

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your computers fucked. Buy a new one.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rho -

You really seem to have recurrent troubles with your computers & hard disks & internet-connections. I hope you can sort this problem out.

Take it easy, take care of your other priorities and come back whenever you feel like it; I'll be waiting.

I love your blog; it's one of the most interesting and best curated music blogs in the whole wide net.

Thanks for everything you've shared with us so far!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for everything, Rho.

Kevin Lindley said...

Hi Rho,

So based on the fact that you haven't bounced back I assuming things are more serious on the computer front.

As someone who really appreciates the blog that you curate I would really like to help out, and I think many others are probably having the same thought. You have contributed so much and as someone said earlier, this is one of the best music blogs on the whole web, so I think its time for us as a community to come to your aid, its payback time folks.

So, is there anything we can do ?. If we all throw a bit of cash at this problem can we fix it? I for one would be happy to make a donation towards getting you some new hardware ...

I would so hate for "CRASH" to be the last post on Rho-Xs

Kind Regards

T. S. said...

I agree with the user above me. I wouldn't mind helping with that.

Jake Sniper said...

Hi Rho,agree with Kevin in this. You have vastly expanded my musical taste (thank you) and it would bea really shame to lose this blog.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


@Anonymous-suckerbeforeme said...


Anonymous said...

As anyone else noticed that a simple "removed all posts in CAPITALS" script would solve a lot of the Internet's problems.

Keep working on a fix RHO, the adults are all rooting for you, and again let us know how we can help.

Anonymous said...

to the the adults who suck, the crash is on his ass & i hope he likes it ! you're in wait mothafuckaz dirty leechers

Anonymous said...

Things are improving, no more CAPITALS :-) However, you still need to work on your punctuation. If you could start you next rant with a capital letter and end it with a period that would show progress on your behalf.

Given time and some helpful criticism I think you could improve, and, who knows, one day you may be able to mix pleasantly with others in society.

Anonymous said...

All comments are so useless, crash is here to stay for ever in his ass, all comments after will be useless too, crash is going to stay in his ass lol

Anonymous said...

Rho will be back!

Anonymous said...

The half wit has found caps lock! Good luck Rho

Anonymous said...

Rho rulez!

Anonymous said...

Is rho back yet?

Anonymous said...

Best of lucks with the snafu I'm a zero about comps, can understand your frustration.
All the best.

Moxy said...

browser hijack,i had it m8 on firefox.
delete browser and re install... that will fix it...dont forget to export your bookmarks to HTML


Anonymous said...

"If you're a Windows XP user after the end of its life, the lack of support puts your security at risk."

Anonymous said...

Is rho been hi-jacked?

Anonymous said...

amazing suckers & leechers, this is it, the end, ahahahahahah, put the crash in your ass brho ahahahahha

Anonymous said...

His return will be magnific.

MCable said...

Rho, also down with the aforementioned assist towards renewal of the vibes.


THE BEST CRASH: LOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


If you don't feel comfortable with people donating money to get you back on your feet what about computer kit? I'm sure there are lots of us with older computers gathering dust that people would be happy to donate and which would be very serviceable. Just let us know how we can help.

Anonymous said...

hmm, I guess Mr.Rho is sitting under a palmtree and enjoying his (temporary) off-time and he is laughing about you people writing poor comments.
nowadays no computercrash keeps you offline that long, except you want it, of course ... so in my point of view this all is just a ridicolous spectacle :-)
Mr.Rho is doin so for any purpose, but hey ... :-p

so, welcome back Mr.Rho then after your hiatus, your posts were always appreciated ;)

Anonymous said...

@ "Anonymous said"

So I'm curious, What has happened in your life to make you so bitter and the need to share such messages. Specifically what has Rho / this site done to you ? Please be specific in your answer.

Also, does the act of posting a nasty message make you feel better at the time ?, does that feeling last or do you have to leave another comment soon after to get the same buzz ?

Do you feel your problem is getting better or worse over time?

In short, could you explain your motivation ?

Anonymous said...

anonymous ppl referring to anonymous ppls comments ... please be specific in your answer reg. the related comment, Mr.Anonymous 8/10/21, 1:19 PM

confusing times

Anonymous said...

R.I.P Rho.

Anonymous said...

So Long Rho, and Thanks for All the Fish !

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Well its been exactly 2 months now and not a peep from Rho. Wonder if he's ever coming back.

Anonymous said...

He'll be back at xmas time like Santa.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Saw legendary rho,looked kinda busy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Francois in Siam said...

Who is this "Anonymous" person who is only insulting the blogger, and for what reason[s]?
Another coward hidding behind his keyborad who has no balls to tell who is [s]he and why [s]he is happy about the crash.
Thank you Rho for all these years of good work. Don't get discouraged by such a wimp...

Anonymous said...

he,s a nutcase m8 with nowt better to do since he lost his straight jacket!

Anonymous hater

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rho expanding through the universe.

Anonymous said...

This is a blogg* to share my eXcess; that which reached, touched, entertained or angered me, in general all that draws my interest and thereby transmutes my Xsistance. Eclectic music, metaphysics, (pre)history, conspiracies against humanity, the environment. LOL I THINK THIS OLD BOY FACE THE REALITY NOW LOLOLOLOL

Anonymous said...

rho, pls deliver us from the braindead ...

Anonymous said...

Another sucker still waiting ↑ lol

Toll Baiter said...

I used to come back here to see if Rho was back online, but these days I find I get enjoyment just turning up, posting a message with the sole intent that the hater will have to spend time checking and posting more of his bitterness.

Anonymous said...

Hi Rho,could you up Shaolin Afronauts,thanks.

Sam said...

Hi Rho, please could you reup 'Yes' by Pet Shop Boys. Thanks.
Get well soon.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rho can you reup this or that? What a bunch of wankers!

Sam said...

Hi Rho, ignore 'anonymous above'. He know nooooothing!! lol
Pls reupload 'Back to Bedlam' by James Blunt (24 bit flac if poss??).
Hope you're doing ok.

Sam said...

And don't forget all the artwork at the highest resolution while you're at it.

Sam said...

Thanking you in advance and wishing you all the best for the future.

Anonymous said...

wtf... Sam, rho is desperately waitin for your bullshit requests. go go to supermarket of your choice and buy your crap somewhere else ...

Anonymous said...

Ŕhò is not back yet?

Anonymous said...

Rho tha old boy of service is no more, looks like god show him that is not a dog for others & conspiracies are always against humanity until you do no more the dog for these.




Anonymous said...

Whats going on in this blog ?

Toll Baiter said...

Looks like the Troll is getting upset that we keep turning up to check to see if Rho is OK.

Poor Troll.

Anonymous said...

Yes,Rho upset the upsetter.

Angelo Dagdagan said...

Good day mate. All the download links of this post (https://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2018/06/rhodeo-1822-aetix.html) no longer work. Would you mind re-uploading them? Thanks in advance.

InYourAssTollBaiter said...

ALL SUCKERS STILL WAITING, Toll Baiter one of them lololol

Anonymous said...

Rho among the legends already.

David Orines said...

Troll, can you re-upload the expired links from RhoDeo 2120 Sundaze?

Cheers, man!

Anonymous said...

Ups or no ups rho must return.

ISeeTooMuchSuckersHere said...

Put a finger in your ass fucking leechers, Maybe Rho the old boy from germany is inside...

That"s what i said...


Jim Crow said...

Biden rules okay!

Anonymous said...


I think your are genuinely missing the point of this website.

I and most people can buy CD's for less than 1 Euro/Dollar/ each, and if I wanted to "leech", then ill just go on any Torrent site and download away. Or its the fact they I'm only interested in getting music for free then I'll just fire up Spotify.

So I think we can establish that the majority of people must come here for some other reason .... after all music has very little commercial value these days, and that's something I think you are missing.

So what is it ? Well Rho takes the time to review and curate a list of music, this is the true value of this website, it is one persons view on what music he likes, why he likes it. This allows people to get the background on music they may have never heard before and give it a try. In doing so people broaden there music tastes, discover new (or old) artists. This is something that sets this website apart and the community he has created. It the fact that it brings together a curated selection.

So Maybe "Crash" will be the last post but Rho has shared with this community a great deal of music, thoughts and ideas over 15 years, and so if this is the last post he has still left a great legacy behind him and will not be forgotten.

However this website is still a great resource because it contains the "Curators Notes", anyone wanting to get the music can then go off to eBay, Charity store, Spotify or Torrent and download but use this website as a guide. Hence the reason it will continue to be visited and hence why its been indexed and stored by "The Wayback Machine" so even if this blogspot site is taken down the information in it is still available.

The Internet and the community here just see you "@ISeeTooMuchSuckersHere" as damage and just routes around you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Great,Rho community alive n kickin'!

Anonymous said...

@Anon9:35 AM
hear, hear!

Jake Sniper said...

Very well said, totally agree. Rho has broadened my musical knowledge and introduced me to bands/albums that I may have never heard.

That's what i said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Iggy Pop said...


Sam said...

Rho, get yourself on Linux mate. Manjaro KDE is your friend

Anonymous said...

Is Rho called it a day?

Why i wanna said...


J116H said...


Jake Sniper said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jake Sniper said...

Wow! that really is sticking it to us,you've won nothing.

Anonymous said...

Psychopaths love to engage in mindless destruction. It makes these subhuman creatures feel powerful.

Anonymous said...

Meh. I scrolled briefly through all this, but the point most of you are missing is this guy went kinda batshit a while back. All those SF novels and quasi new-agey garbage - please.

Also - if he went, what, over a year without mastering how to properly list links again, then this crash must have really been beyond his reach.

He was a good guy back in the day. Although, anybody as invested in Formula One as he also seemed to be should also never be seen as one of the "people", either.

Sam said...

^ You've got a point. The new age guff is proper cringe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah you've got a point. Forget all the marvelous music he's given us through the years. Here's hoping he never comes back.

The 100th said...

I am the 100th comments & i want you all to know: FUCK YOU SUCKERS LEECHERS !! ahahahahahahahahahhahahahahaha

SmartOoo said...

Hey, you used to write wonderful, but the last several posts have been kinda boring… I miss your tremendous writings. Past few posts are just a little bit out of track! come on!
Read More: German shepherd husky mix

Anonymous said...

Hey what the hell you doin here,Rho has a new site now.

Cassandra said...

If you are a regular visitor here, it was plain to see that Rho was not himself as far as his ability to navigate and to post proficiently is concerned. I picked it up awhile back and phoned him. He is not at all himself because he has developed a medical condition that makes it difficult for him to perform certain actions as he once did. The brain is a fragile entity and anyone visiting here regularly would be able to pick up on his progressive lack of proficiency. Even with adequate hardware I do not think he will be able to operate the blog as he once did as he is experiencing both cognitive and physical decline.

Think what you may, Rho is smart in ways that you appear to lack.

Science fiction has often been the foundation for actual scientific discovery. There is still so much to uncover in the physical world, and some ‘new-agey’ material is merely the Western interpretation of certain knowledge that has been in the possession of indigenous populations for centuries. If you truly have nothing better to do, please do not hesitate to provide me with some examples that Rho has posted here that you feel are ‘batshit’ and I shall endeavour to discuss the possibility that they may well be facets of reality that are merely awaiting full realisation and discovery by the majority of humankind.

Shame on the weak of mind and heart here that are anonymously attacking Rho, his interests and his blog. May the road towards humanity rise up to greet you and may you come to possess the particular intelligences required to walk gently upon it.

mozysoulandjazz said...

very sorry to hear this..i hope he makes a recovery as hard as it is..

Anonymous said...

Take a chill pill, Cassie. I am not the Anonymous who's being the dick a million times above here. And I meant "batshit" in a friendly, joking way, though based on some of the stuff he started posting relentlessly. If he's ill, I wish him well. But all I can comment on is what's in front of me on the screen - which I did, and stand by.

And also, a note to the dope above with his "forget all the music, hope he never comes back" footstomp - grow the hell up. That attitude proves nothing other than your own leeching behavior. And that your debate/argument/comeback skills are stuck somewhere around the approximate age of a 7 year old.

T. S. said...

Hello, Cassandra:

Thank you very much for your message. I know that Rho and you have exchanged messages over this blog for years, so I totally trust your words. I emailed him a few months ago, but I don't know if he saw my email.

I hope Rho recovers or gets better soon. He has shared a lot of knowledge with a lot of people and has opened my mind to a lot of new music. My music tastes have been greatly influenced by this blog and I have discovered a lot of artists thanks to Rho. Regardless of whether he comes back to his blog or not, I just want to say THANK YOU for all the time he has devoted to us without expecting anything back from us. It was always a joy to drop by every week to read about music artists that were and are so talented and inspiring. I was always surprised to see that week after week, year after year, he would take music requests and update the links when any anonymous person from the Internet requested to do so. Every. Single. Week.

He posted on all sort of eclectic music, from ambient and electronic music to jazz, rock and roll, pop, hip hop, space music, etc. He meticulously wrote info on labels, artists, culture context, albums and songs. This blog has become a reference. It is just amazing the site that he has created and the loyal community that comes here every week for years.

If you call him back, please tell him that there a lot of people that are thankful for what he has accomplished and that his music tastes have greatly impacted many of us and live in us. I feel lucky to have found this blog.

The Spaniard.

Anonymous said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle

Anonymous said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.-

Anonymous said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.+

Iggy Pop said...


Unknown said...

Hello, im back for another Afterpost, first i want to thank you all for the kind comments , furthermore i wish to tell you that in case this blog goes off line or goes private (havent decided yet) the place to go is transgloballs where all Rho-Xs data on how to join or get hold of all data i've posted on the blog in RTF format. Might be a good idea to bookmark transglobal, or rip the blog yourselves whatever. As i said posting will be irregular.
Greetingzzz, Rho

youssef said...

Very Happy to Read that,
Welcom Back Mr.Rho

Anonymous said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.+-

Anonymous said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.+++

Iggy Pop said...


Iggy Poo said...


Not being a serious user of smartphones

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Anonymous said...

Not being a smart user of serious phones..............................................................

Anonymous said...

Is it the end of the blogger or are you dying of greed??? Anyway, thanks for all the "new" songs you've given me over these years.

Anonymous said...

is "dying from covid" sorry

Anonymous said...

if your fuck of a government says covid exists think the opposite

Anonymous said...

Happy new year Rho!

Anonymous said...

FUCK THE NEW YEAR & FUCK RHO !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's gonna be a wonderful year with RHO!

Anonymous said...

Xsistance transmutes.

Rho said...

share my eXcess like a gangsta; that which reached, touched, entertained or angered me, in general all that draws my interest and thereby transmutes my Xsistance.

moxysoulandjazz said...

ignore all the loonies m8 and get back posting...its what you excel at!

Anonymous said...

It's obvious that the twat above shining himself as Rho is not Rho as he never uses that.

Inertia from Oz said...

Thanks fro all the amazing music that you turned me on to Rho. Sad to see your incredible blog falter like so many before it. Sending love and good wishes.

Inertia from Oz

Anonymous said...

Hi rho,whassup?

Anonymous said...

This week
went belly up.
That was a massive resource

Anonymous said...

All messed up.

Rho-Xs said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought it had something to do with web slice gallery which suddenly appeared, without me asking for it-no idea what it was, it seems to be a legit tool for browsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Rho-Xs said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought irowsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Anonymous said...

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again

Francois in Siam said...

Bonjour Rho. Thanks for all your efforts of the past [at least] 15 years [that I remeber of] to upload all that good music. I discovered quite a lot of bands thanks to you.
I hope you saved passwords and entry url somewhere else, so if this is the case, you better get a new computer and just trash the one that malfunctioned. It has been 9 months since that crash, so I guess you already have purchased a new one. Avoid work from a phone at all costs.
Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh it's so sad Rho.

Beatiful work over the years. You will stay in my heart.

Hopefully your music is not gone.

Anonymous said...

Xổ số miền Bắc

GianniZ said...

We miss you........Hope you are well.

Anonymous said...

1 year to the day that Rho said goodbye.

Thanks again for all the amazing sounds that you shared with us.


Inertia from Oz

arriazu said...

¡¡¡¡ ¿¿¿¿ Cuando volves Loco ????? !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One love I&I

Anonymous said...

Espero que vaya todo bien.
Te echamos mucho de menos!!!

Josh said...

Still thinking of you

Richard43 said...

Just wondering if you're ok. Hope all is well. Please come back...

Li66 said...


I'm frequently checking whether you re-start posting your marvelous stuff ... unfortunately not yet ... but hopefully soon!!!

inertiareel said...

Sadly now 2 years to the day that Rho said goodbye.

Thanks again for all the amazing sounds that you shared with us.


Inertia from Oz

FuckYouAll said...

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought irowsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought irowsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought irowsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

Not being a serious user of smartphones, I just maneged to log in at my blog to tell you all what's going wrong. My pc is going crazy, I'm not able to access anything useful-knot even something like safe mode. I can play music and video, but say a browser goes crazy scrolling down non-stop as does every other program. First I thought irowsers working on windows 10, some how my Mozilla browser picked it up whilst running on windows XP and totally fucked up my computer. I have no idea what to do as all roads seem to be blocked. Cannot safe/delete anything-even the start button is unavailable. Personally I don't believe this as is a virus attack, but a mysterious windows malfunction, no idea when I'm back on line-but I will be, meanwhile feel free to share your Idea as to a solution to this debacle.

casino jouer gratuitement machines sous said...

Thanks for the time and dedication you've put into this blog

Anonymous said...

“Gravitational systems are the ashes of prior electrical systems.”
— Hannes Olof Gösta Alfvén

Anonymous said...

Cult blog.