Oct 16, 2006

In The Beginning

Sundaze Mass

" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God"

An intriguiging start to the genesis account in the bible, these days we know that much of all this was copied from earlier sources, the same goes for the O.T. basis, Mozes' Torah. In fact we can find the source some 1500 years deeper in time in Sumer, which spawned the babylonian civilisations and spread its knowledge/culture from egypt to persia and beyond. Latecomers as the greeks acknowledged their sources, but the west seems largely to have turned a blind eye to it, not in the least part due to the inconvenient pre biblical truths.
Herecy was and is a label that most scolars rather evade, though the consequences aren't as severe these days, nothing much has changed, scientists remain tied to the savety of groupconsensus, even if their research shows them otherwise.

Back to 'The Word', a spanish kabbalist, Joseph Gikatila, created a beautiful analogy of the Torah as the Name of God. The Torah was like a fabric. Through warp and weft the fabric was created and woven directly from the Name of God (Scholem, On Kabbalah 42-3). Gikatila also explained the letters of the Torah as the mystical body of God while God Itself was the soul of those letters.
Spanish Kabbalists had a well developed conception of who they believed God was. God was Eyn Sof, the infinite, impersonal being with whom they could have no relationship although it was possible to find a route to a relationship with Eyn Sof. The mystic only needed to study the Torah, the one great Name of God, to find the highest form of knowledge and step up to a relationship with God. The earliest name for Hebrew's holiest letters is "tetragrammatron". (Yod-He-Vau-He). The literal meaning of this name for Hebrew's holiest letters is that this is "A GRAMMAR OF TETRAHEDRONS"

The old hebrew alphabet letters from mozes time (1100 BCE) were derived from egyptian hieroglyphs > proto-canaaite > phoenician > ancient hebrew, the shape of the letters however is what holds the key here. In 1986 a jewish kabbalist , Stan Tenen, wrote a paper "The Light in the Meeting Tent " on how symmetry and asymmetry, tetrahedron and vortex, light and vessel, produce the letters of a particular Hebrew and a particular Arabic alphabet.
Here's a 31 min video where explains his work. First Light

The Hebrew Letters – FIRST HAND™
Chart (below) and hand drawings ©1994, 1996 Stan Tenen

Clever stuff, alas this aint even half of it, Daniel Winter, a man as chaotic as he is brilliant, published a book march 87 "One Crystal's Dance". On a side note, he has been the inspiration for the movie Pi (1998), it's website a must SEE , i will post the soundtrack coming wednesday.

Daniel Winter's work focuses on the importance of the dodecahedron, the twelve pentagonal faced Platonic solid, and how it creates, with its dual the icosahedron, a nest of Golden Mean ratios. Daniel then applied this concept to emotions and to the structure of DNA itself. One of Daniels’s central ideas was that the universe could be described as a geometry of pressure. He's concerned with what is the true LANGUAGE OF LIGHT, in so far as alphabetizing what symmetry can burn spin as memory/inertia into any membrane or surface.
This is very close to the idea of a universe created by the symmetry sets of a sacred language, such as Hebrew. Daniel also postulated that a nest of Golden Mean ratios, such as a strand of DNA, was the best way to conserve information, or shape, through time. Daniel had developed a theoretical structure, a universal hypothesis, that seemed tailor made to describe the unique value of Tenen’s discovery.

But then mr Tenen decided that gods language style needed to be copywrited with him as the sole benificiary naturally. He started to threathen and sued mr Winter who's route was sacred-geomatrical and based on the golden mean spiral. An insight mr. Tenen still has to come to terms with, were it not that an american judge, who decided that it was better to have jewish friends then some nurdy incomprehensible 'freak', ruled that mr Winters work was unlawful and anyone spreading it in contempt of court. His books were to be burned.

Daniel Winter has been on the run ever since, now when i look at the meru foundations website and Daniels work its as if an 7 year old has succesfully sued Picasso for infringing on his work, and has made selling work impossible for poor Pablo. Daniel Winter should get a nobelprize, if he ever finds a decent editor of his work, here's the main web site concerning his work chaotic as the man himself, anyway you can order his books and dvd's there aswell as his current baby the heart tuner, get some pdf's on his current work here

There's much more, but hold on;

Let's not forget that the genesis account aint the only one telling us what happened, in fact a much more consistent one was brought to us by the gnostics, who were demonised for doing so by the Catholic Church Demons, who's reign of terror is finally fizzling out.

"It seems that once there was only the Fore-Creation, invisible, without form or gender, all-pervasive, filling the depths and heights of what was and which, desiring to manifest an inward potential gave birth to many holy dyads...that is, pairs, the first of which were the Abyss and Fore-thought. Then a desire arose in Fore-thought and it meditated on Silence who conceived and gave birth to twins: the first visible female form called Truth and the first visible male form called Mind, in turn they together gave birth to Life and Word...Life was the form-mother of the Pleroma and Word was the form-father of those manifest within the Pleroma. The Pleroma is the fullness of the spiritual world, uninfluenced by matter, energy or light.

The Sophia story continues here

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
In line with todays concept, some religiously toned works from my vaults.

This is one of the two soundtracks for the movie "The Last Temptation of Christ". The other one, "Passion", deals more with Peter Gabriel's performances. This one deals with the more traditional Middle Eastern music used and sampled for the film. A great introduction to Jesus's musical roots (Middle Eastern, Indian, African, Persian, Turkish, etc) . A diverse range of styles and cultures, wonderful songs performed by excellent traditional artists.

VA - Passion Sources (222 mb)*

01 - Nusrat Ali Kahn - Shamas-Ud-Doha Bader-Ud-Doja
02 - Baaba Maal - Call To Prayer
03 - Shankar - Sankarabaranam Pancha Nadai Pallavi
04 - Kudsi Erguner - Ulvi
05 - Hossam Ramsi - Fallahi
06 - Sabahiya - Sabahiya
07 - Ethiopian Musicians - Tejbeit
08 - Lahamoud Zadeh - Prelude In Tchahargah
09 - Morrocan Musicians - Wedding Song
10 - Abdul El-Sayed - Magdelene's House
11 - Fatala - Yoky
12 - Nas El Ghinwane - Ya Sah
13 - Al Nahla Al 'Ali - Al Nahla Al 'Ali
14 - Askarian and Katchaturian - Song of Complaint

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This breathtaking centerpiece of Fanshawe's repetoire has gained favour with listeners in the years since it's release in 1973. The blending of a catholic mass with the cultures and native african recordings is certainly a leftfield concept. Basically, Fanshawe has taken the traditional movements of the ordinary mass (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei) and added movements, changed the order, and added all the African sounds that he recorded on his ethnomusical journey.


African Sanctus (flac 320 mb)*

01. African Sanctus
02. Kyrie: Call to Prayer
03. Gloria: Bride of the Nile
04. Credo: Sudanese Dances & Recitations
05. Love Song: Piano Solo
06. Et in Spiritum Sanctum
07. Crucifixus: Rain Song
08. Sanctus: Bwala Dance, Lamentation
09. The Lord's Prayer
10. Chants: Cattle Song
11. Agnus Dei: War Drums
12. Call to Prayer: Kyrie
13. Finale & Gloria
14. Dona Nobis Pacem - A Hymn for World Peace
15. Et in Spiritum Sanctum
16. African Sanctus: Dona Nobis Pacem

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Unlike Christian music in America, you won't find no halleluiahs, no gospel raves, no snake charmers and thank you Jezez, here. No. These are every day human beings, seeking help and guidance from God. Singing together sincere and heartfelt. It is quiet, joyful, solemn, traditional music. One of the finest genuine evocations of the human soul you will ever hear. This is the best that Christian music can be.

Taize      364mb*

01 - Jubilate, alleluia
02 - Bless the Lord
03 - Jésus le Christ
04 - Alleluia (Zagorsk
05 - Nada te turbe
06 - Veni Sancte Spiritus
07 - Venite exultemus
08 - Beati voi poveri
09 - Wyslawiajcie Pana
10 - Mon âme se repose
11 - Alleluia 20
12 - Kyrie 1
13 - Jubilate coeli
14 - Bogoroditse Dievo
15 - Singt dem Herrn
16 - In the Lord (El Señor)
17 - In manus tuas, Pater
18 - Ubi caritas Deus ibi est
19 - Bénissez le Seigneur

* All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !


  1. It's not even a mass, you twit!

    It's a set of folkmusic and Islamic tapes edited by a European into a fake religious format.

    Why don't you mention the obvious exploitation
    of the performers, putting their work into a new context without their knowledge or consent?

    Do you think the original Muslim Koran reciters would have approved their 'singing' being included in a Christian mass?

    'Unlike Hitler's Germany, this blogsite has no Holocaust, yet!'


  2. Mr angry australian, I think mr Fanshawe was trying to show us that all religions strive for the same, from there fusion should be possible, i dont know if koran reciters approve being fused with christian mass, they do recognise Jesus Crist as a prophet. Anyway this was 1973 in those days the fundamentalists didnt claim the limelight as is now. Your reference or threat to holocaust seems baffles me.

  3. ur blgs rd
    thnx 4 ptr 2 tenen wow
    wintr lied 2 me 2
    one crystal dance
    4 dwnld

    go here

    no flame lettrs!!!!

  4. *Intersting* to read an Australian claiming a moral high ground on race-related matters.

    Meantime, can you re-up the 3 religious albums please?


  5. Hello Rho, I am very interested in hearing African Sanctus and Taize if you can provide a re-up. Best, /m
