Oct 18, 2006

Wednesdays, again

As promised last time,

Pi, the movie

How to describe "Pi"? It is a stunning film, I could hardly think of any other film in recent memory that expands and challenges the intellect on serious theological issues, but I realize it's not for everybody.

The Greek letter "Pi" equals the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. But even for the mathematically deficient, Pi is less about mathematics than it is a study in obsession, a visual representation of madness. Spiritually, it affirms the truth that God is greater than we are.

Its protagonist, Maximillian Cohen, believes that mathematics is the true language of nature, and that every action in the world, no matter how random, is intricately ordered and patterned. Given this thesis, why not use this knowledge to try to predict the stock market? This draws the attention of some shady investment banker types.

But the film goes beyond that initial premise, and takes it to an unexpected plane: faith. Although Max is an agnostic Jew, his faith more accurately reflects that of an "atheistic Calvinist" . Even so, he draws the attention of Lenny Meyer, a Jew from the Kaballah sect, who explains that the Hebraic language is numeric and replete with symbolism, perhaps with the key to the meaning of life. Lenny tells Max that the numeric symbol for man is "3", and the numeric symbol for woman is "41". The symbol for child, interestingly, is their sum: "44". He then goes to explain the symbol for Eden, and the tree of life, which coincidentally, are the same two numbers for an important mathematical ratio, that "swirls" into eternity.

The story appears to be dry. It's anything but. First timer Darren Aranofsky gets a lot of mileage out of his limitations (the budget was only $60,000). It is filmed in a strong black and white that grabs you. The cinematography is stunning, the editing is superior, and there are fantastic close up images that we take for granted: an ant on a microchip, a dismembered brain, a trembling thumb. He deservedly won the director's prize at Sundance in 1998.  This soundtrack was excellently compiled by Clint Mansell

Soundtrack Pi   ( flac 432mb)*

01 - Clint Mansell - Pixr^2
02 - Orbital - P.E.T.R.O.L.
03 - Autechre - Kalpol Intro
04 - Aphex Twin - Bucephalus Bouncing Ball
05 - Roni Size - Watching Windows (Ed Rush And Optical Remix)
06 - Massive Attack - Angel
07 - Clint Mansell - We Got The Gun
08 - David Holmes - No Man's Land
09 - Gus Gus - Anthem
10 - Banco De Gaia - Drippy
11 - Psilonaut - Third From The Sun
12 - Spacetime Continuum - A Low Frequency Inversion Field
13 - Clint Mansell - 2xPixr

Want more ? Pi @ Wiki dont forget to check out these websites Pi the movie first sight and Pi The movie sight 2, but why not buy the DVD !

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Robert Anton Wilson (RAW - 1932-) One of the most profound and important scientific philosophers of this century, Wilson has written many important works of fiction and non-fiction. His vast intelligence and sharp wit are sufficient to shock and enlighten the most heavily imprinted domesticated primate nervous system. His best-known work, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975), co-authored with Robert Shea and advertised as "a fairy tale for paranoids," humorously examined American paranoia about conspiracies. The books mixed true information with imaginative fiction to engage the reader in what Wilson called "Operation Mindfuck"; the trilogy also outlined a set of libertarian and anarchist axioms known as Celine's Laws*, concepts Wilson has continued to expand upon the themes of the Illuminatus! books throughout his writing career..

Wilson also supports many of the utopian theories of Buckminster Fuller, as well as those of media theorist Marshall McLuhan and Neuro Linguistic Programming co-founder Richard Bandler, with whom he has taught workshops. RAW recommends beginners start with NLP, Zen Buddhism, basic meditation, etc., before progressing to more potentially disturbing occult activities.

Sadly, RAW, the wizard-author-intelligence increase agent is in trouble with his life, home and his finances. Robert is dying at his home from post polio syndrome. He cannot walk, has a hard time talking and swallowing, is extremely frail and needs full time care that is being provided by several friends-fans-volunteers and family. The appeal to help financially for the next few months to let him die at his home in peace has been very successfull, a testament to the esteem he's held by his readership.

*Celine's Laws
1st - National Security is the chief cause of national insecurity.
2nd - Accurate communication is only possible in a non-punishing situation.
3rd - An honest politician is a national calamity

RAW @ Home offers the latest on RAW, buy his work like Robert Anton Wilson Explains Everything ! a 9 hour cd set from which you can get a taste here "Religion for the Hell of it" and "The New Inquisition "
Find out more about RAW at this Fansite with tons of info, interviews and reviews, and/or visit RAW @ Wiki which should get you on your way becomming an adept.

Listen to RAW's Religion and New Inquisition (56mb mp3)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

These three great albums have yet to see an official release on cd, i hope you'll agree that's a mistake. Modern Eon and Scars both released one of the best albums of 1981, without a second release they've been too easily forgotten. WillPower is a different case , there's simply not enough money in it for the main man Tony Robinson. So here's your chance to decide for yourself.

Will Powers - Dancing For Mental Health

This album can change your life. If you want to be happy you can start now, says Tony Robinson (motivation guru), at that time ' 83 not that well known, later a powerhouse who sold many people into success, he blockes this entertaining neuro linguistic programming alternative being released on cd (cdbaby sells a vinylrip apparently).
So whats the story, by listening again and again to Will Powers, by sharing it with others, you are constantly reminding yourself that anything is possible and that it is YOU who can make your life a positive adventure. Every one of your 'problems' is,in fact, your OPPORTUNITY. Will Powers will give you techniques that when practiced with humor will result in a fuller, richer, experience of what it really means to be alive.
There is no other album like this one. With the support of Sting, Steve Winwood, Nile Rogers, Todd Rundgren, Carly Simon, Sly & Robbie to name a few, Will Powers brings you words and music that will not only make you smile, but make you realize what your smile can do for you. If you do like it, tell others....where there's Will, there's a way!

Will Powers - Dancing for Mental Health (83 ^ 255mb)

01 - Adventures in Succes
02 - Dancing for Mental Health
03 - Opportunity
04 - Kissing with Confidence
05 - Will Powers
06 - All Thru History
07 - Happy Birthday
08 - Smile

check out these google vids
adventures in succes
kissing with confidence
smile/ wilma fox testimonial
adventures in succes testimonials

or maybe visit http://will-powers.blogspot.com/

***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Scars were cocky, provocative and brash, and how they never became pop stars remains a mystery , attention to detail was central to their art, and these kids were perfect material for the State Arts design group to produce the best range of pop T-shirts ever. The people involved with State Arts were also involved in setting up the style-mag i-D, and Scars contributed a song for a free flexi with an early edition. The song, “Your Attention Please”, seems curiously apt again, being a setting of a 60s Peter Porter poem about impending nuclear terror. .

Scars’ relationship with Pre resulted in a few singles and one LP. It also saw the teenage upstarts adopt a startling new image with a look inspired by Viviene Westwood’s World’s End pirate collection. This made Scars seem like comrades of Bow Wow Wow and Adam and the Ants, unfortunately-with hindsight.
“Author! Author!” deserves to be heard, get it here.

Scars - Author ! Author ! (flac 248mb)*

01 Leave Me In Autumn 2:51
02 Fear Of The Dark 3:14
03 Aquarama 4:53
04 David 3:24
05 Obsessions 4:59
06 Everywhere I Go 3:42
07 Lady In The Car With Glasses On And A Gun 3:38
08 Je T'Aime C'Est La Morte 3:10
09 Your Attention Please 3:44
10 All About You 5:30

Scars @ Wiki

***** ***** ***** ***** *****


Fiction Tales is one of the greatest albums ever made in my opinion. It is a mesmerising, etheric and sometimes disturbing record by Liverpool group Modern Eon. Their elemental hypno-rock hints and murmurs seductively, implies and evades with a coiling, smoky vagueness. Indeed, the work is 'cerebral'.
Surprisingly very little has been written about Modern Eon and Fiction Tales, it has however a dedicated albumsite, not many have ever heard of this record but those that did absolutely love it. So here's your chance.

Modern Eon - Fiction Tales  (flac 253mb)*

01 - Seconds Still
02 - The Gras Still Grows
03 - Playwrite
04 - Watching The Dancers
05 - Real Hymn
06 - Waiting For The Cavalry
07 - High Noon
08 - Childs Play
09 - Choreography
10 - Euthenics
11 - In A Strange Way
12 - Mechanic

* All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !



  2. thats simple, choose the right oggconverter , unzip inside the directory is fine doubleclick on it rightclick lists your options in your case set decode , activate all files drag into the 'fish'and a few minutes later theyve been transcoded to wave- to burn or whatever.

  3. Hi, The Pi Link is dead can you restore it please.

    Thank you, Roberto

  4. Roberto, you can try here
    o.s.t Pi

    Bounce Back

  5. Scars album is out now, baby! Bigger and more beautiful than before ! Check here :


    and also on TOTP2 BBC2 Saturday 3rd March

  6. excellent band....
    please re-upload
    the file not found.
    Regards from PerĂº,


    LUIS '80sxxxxxx

  8. Please re-upload the album modern eon.
    regards from Sevilla.

  9. Please Re-upload Scars+Modern Eon
    Regards From Lima

  10. Hi Rho,
    Thanks for your posts, but the link of Soundtrack Pi (the rest) not found. Could you please re-ups the file?
    Thanks friends, and congratulations for your blog and the hi-fi sound of the albums...

  11. Hello Jose, seems i missed that one but have restored it now.

    best of luck,


    ps please refer dead links at my latest post, that way it gets noticed sooner.

  12. Fiction Tales...
    I've been dying to get these songs again. Thanks ever so much for putting this on.
    What a great day this is...

  13. Sorry to be a pain but any chance of uploading the Will Powers LP in FLAC please.

    Regards Simon John of discoconnection.blogspot.com

  14. Hi Rho, thanks for the Modern Eon re-up. But I believe that the Pi soundtrack is on the Scars - Author! Author! link. Any chance on re-posting the Scars too? Thanks.

  15. Very COOL, but where are the Scars?

    Dear RHO, pleeeeze, give us back those goodies.


  16. Hello, ah yes this was my laste update page yesterday night, bit tired probably, in fact i switched Pi and Scars anyway things are set right now

  17. Thanks Rho. Much appreciated.

  18. Many thanks for the Will Powers re-up.
    Regards Simon John

  19. Faster than the speed of light…

    Rho bro, you're thE man!


  20. Not sure when it was last up but I am a sucker for Will Powers Kissing with confidence

  21. hi sir good work, very thanks please reupload modern eon, i very grateful with you

  22. Please re-up this post when possible.
