Sep 29, 2007

Inside Out, Again

Hello, last thursday Rho-Xs celebrated it's first year on the web, i believe its been a success, not only looking at the hits-score and downloadnumbers but to me personally, reconnecting to all that music which in my case has been steadily masked by new music. For sure i hoped more blogs would take up the OGG format, it still has the highest quality/ size ratio. I don't mind a bit of Don Quixote, i'll stick to the format, besides ever since the walkmen came around, i had a thing against these gadgets that isolate man from the world. I may have deejayed for 25 years but headphones were never my thing. Mind you, my next post is geared to the headphone experience...
Looking back i meant to do more then just music, well that hasnt come about much, after a tentative start my weekly rip rate doubled which in the end resulted in 550 titles that have come up here, the odd ebook or pdf, but music has been the main thing, especially the music from places away from the centers of the music industry (London and L A), i never had much love for the business, but this year on researching, the number of times i was confronted with artists getting ripped, abused or snubbed was amazing .
One thing that did surprise me was the lackluster response i got, considering two out of three unique visitors got away with a 'gift'. It maybe the format where i post several titles at once and the fact i have been touring for months in a format, doesnt call for requests as much. Next year will be different the formats wont be as extensive and i won't be posting like i did wednesdays and saturdays. I plan to post two Douglas Adams Series The Hitchhikers Guide and Starship Titanic in weekly instalments, i will have a mixtape series in a weekly format and around that plenty of stuff i like, from eighties wave/pop to nineties electronics (ambient and dance oriented) , who knows i might be tempted to post the dance/funk stuff that has been gathering dust.

For now it's the second instalment of Inside Out, more to come next week, to some its prime ambient but its more then that. Shapeshifter does have a point, good vibrations do matter..a lot, for those seeking a deep restfull sleep, the holophonic hemi -sync production Super Sleep is the answer, well for those that dont it still is good ambient, all headphone music. For my two freely associated albums Alice in Ultra Land and Nerve Net you can do as you like.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One - CD 1
Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One - CD 2
Super Sleep Hemi Sync
Amorphous Androgynous - Alice In Ultraland
Brian Eno - Nerve Net
Robert Monroe - Far Journeys
***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Shapeshifter - DNA Activation (Initation) Level 1 series

What is DNA?

The DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) holds the essential blueprint for all biological life, and consists of a sugar base, phosphates, and a sequencing of nucleotides. Unique and personal, it contains the encoded information for both your physical and spiritual lineages. This encoded information determines your physical form, hereditary maladies, mental proclivities, emotional behavioural patterns, spiritual gifts, and more.

The DNA contains the master plan for your life purpose and divine potential. Our present physical DNA contains two strands, which hold the genetic codes for our physical evolvement. However, there are an additional ten strands that remain dormant until they are activated. These spiritual DNA codes are our cosmic link to the universal life force, connecting Spirit with the human genetic code. When these dormant strands become activated they facilitate the development of our spiritual DNA.

Healing with Sound

Sound healing is the practice of using sound to realize and correct imbalances in the body. Vibrations or frequencies are measured in cycles per second or simply "Hertz". All things will vibrate or resonate to certain frequencies. Sound as well as light are both vibrations. Sound healing works because, like all matter, the human body is not solid. Rather it is energy that is held together by sound. Any disease therefore, indicates that part of our system has moved out of balance and is consequently vibrating at an off frequency. Harmonious synchronization between the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies results in health. Probably the most direct and effective healing force for restoring harmony is through the experience of powerful resonant sounds. When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and thus it results in some kind of illness. So through sound and light one can break up, dissolve and release these blockages.

Shapeshifter says:

Our music awakens, activates and grounds our highest potentials....DNA Activation music is transformational meditation music which has been conceived, developed and created by Shapeshifter (Gary & JoAnn Chambers), channels of higher light and information via sound/music and art. Powerful multidimensional music that enhances all forms of sound healing and body mind vibrational energy processes. Using a shamanic approach, they have been working with sound to activate the DNA since 1986, along with many other lifetimes dedicated to assisting planetary evolutionary shifts via sound. Their works are known through the DNA Activation circles as the premier work in sound to activate the divine DNA codex, to awaken humanity to their full potentials. These DNA Activation soundscapes can awaken dormant and latent potentials in the human species. Benefits and effects include self healing, enhanced health and wellbeing, healing abilities, manifestation and abundance increase, intuitive/psychic abilities, deepening meditation, telepathy, clairvoyant abilities, clairaudient abilities, clairsentient abilities, ESP/extra sensory perception abilities, sixth sense/6th sense and overall increase of happiness and joy in ones life and purpose. Reseach with the LevelTwo DNA Activation series continues to expand this work towards physical rejuvenation, transmutation, transformation, transfiguration, teleportation, ascension and advanced forms of physical immortality. These potentials are lying dormant within our 2 strand and in our etheric multi strand DNA. As humankind collectively awakens to these hidden potentials, the next wave of evolution grounds into tangible reality on Planet Earth. Ride the waves, modulate the lifewave; become the music more and more as you go deeper - the more you do, the more it will speak back to you in various ways. Meditate deeply into our multidimensional sounds to expand your consciousness and accelerate your evolutionary process and enhance all sound healing processes. Personal assistance is always available to assist you as you begin working with our soundscapes. Enjoy your journeys!

Shapeshifter - DNA Activation (Initation) Level 1 - 1

Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One - CD 1 - initiation (49:12)
Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One Companion Guide
***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Shapeshifter - DNA Activation (Initation) Level 1 - 2

Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One - CD 2 - initiation (44:22)
Shapeshifter - DNA Activation Level One Companion Guide

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
How Hemi-Sync Works

The audio-guidance process works quite simply by sending different sounds (tones) to each ear by stereo headphones. The two hemispheres of the brain then act in unison to "hear" a third signal - the difference between the two tones. This is not an actual sound, but an electrical signal that can only be perceived within the brain by both brain hemispheres working together.

The result is a focused, whole-brain state known as hemispheric synchronization or "Hemi-Sync" - an optimal condition for improving human performance...

Super Sleep

The Hemi-Sync technology assists a willing participant to sleep in numerous ways. First, the tones gently lead the brain from normal beta consciousness to deep delta sleep via the Frequency Following Response. The gentle, swishing sound enhances your perception of the Hemi-Sync patterns, and soothes you into a peaceful night of rest. Non-verbal. The CD functions without music

Super Sleep Hemi Sync (85mb)

Mind Food Super Sleep (45:07)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

New ogg 9 re-up

Amorphous Androgynous - Alice In Ultraland (05 * 161mb)

The Future Sound of London ( FSOL) has manymonikers but perhaps the best known is Amorphous Androgynous, following the breakthrough ambient dub track "Papua New Guinea", which was their first official release. Virgin Records looking for electronic bands and quickly signed them. With their newfound contract they immediately began to experiment, resulting in the Tales of Ephidrina album, released in 93 under the Amorphous Androgynous alias. Thus preceding FSOL 's first album release Lifeforms (94)

After a long hiatus, and rumors of mental illness, Cobain and Dougans returned in 2002 with The Isness, a record heavily influenced by 1960s and 1970s psychedelia and released under their alias Amorphous Androgynous. It was preceded by Papua New Guinea Translations, a mini album which contained a mixture of remixes of FSOL's seminal track as well as new material from The Isness sessions. Three years on, Dougans and Cobain followed the album with a continuation of the Amorphous Androgynous project, Alice in Ultraland. Rumoured to be accompanied by a film of the same title, the album took The Isness' psychedelic experimentation and toned it down, giving the album a singular theme and sound, and replacing the more bizarre moments with funk and ambient interludes. The album was ignored by the press, but more favourable among fans than its predecessor. Unlike The Isness, which featured almost a hundred musicians over the course of it and the various alternative versions and remix albums, Alice in Ultraland featured a fairly solid band lineup throughout.

01 - The Emptiness Of Nothingness (6:18)
02 - The Witchfinder (7:28)
03 - The Witch Hunt (2:54)
04 - All Is Harvest (6:39)
05 - The Prophet (4:49)
06 - Indian Swing (5:10)
07 - The Seasons Turn (1:01)
08 - High And Dry (4:53)
09 - Yes My Brother - You've Gotta Turn Yourself Around (4:59)
10 - In The Summertime Of Consciousness (5:44)
11 - Billy The Onion (5:28)
12 - Another Fairy Tale Ending (4:03)
13 - The World Is Full Of Plankton (8:02)
14 - The Wicker Doll (3:02)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Brian Eno - Nerve Net (92 * 99mb)

Brian Peter George St. Jean le Baptiste de la Salle Eno, sometimes simply Eno, (born May 15, 1948), is an electronic musician who started his musical career with Roxy Music. He then went on to produce a number of highly eclectic and increasingly ambient electronic and acoustic albums. He is widely cited as coining the term "ambient music" He collaborated with David Byrne, on My Life in the Bush of Ghosts Eno collaborated with David Bowie as a writer and musician on Bowie's influential "Berlin trilogy" Eno has also collaborated with Robert Fripp , Robert Wyatt , with Jon Hassell and with the German duo Cluster. Eno has acted as a producer for a number of bands,he won the best producer award at the 1994 and 1996 BRIT awards. He is an innovator across many fields of music and recently he has collaborated on the development of the Koan algorithmic music generator. He has also been involved in the field of visual arts. In 1996 Brian Eno, and others, started the Long Now Foundation to educate the public into thinking about the very long term future of society.

To a certain extent, Nerve Net is the Nineties' equivalent of a mystical, enthralling journey through creepy dark places. It doesn't take part in a macrocosm; it's a microcosm we're dealing with, the nerve system of a human. When you consider this fact, the 'conceptual' structure becomes far more clear - the music is supposed to reflect the working of the human organism, and song titles like 'Fractal Zoom' and 'Wire Shock' become far more understandable.The album's centerpiece is 'Web', present in two different mixes. Similar in some respects to Fripp & Eno's early collaborations, in that the essence is the same: a spooky, psychotic sonic landscape that slowly builds .

01 - Fractal Zoom (6:26)
02 - Wire Shock (5:28)
03 - What Actually Happened? (4:42)
04 - Pierre In Mist (3:49)
05 - My Squelchy Life (4:03)
06 - Juju Space Jazz (4:28)
07 - The Roil, The Choke (5:01)
08 - Ali Click (4:15)
09 - Distributed Being (6:12)
10 - Web (6:41)
11 - Web (Lascaux Mix) (9:49)
12 - Decentre (3:25)

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Robert Monroe - Far Journeys (85, PDF 1.3 mb)

The sequel to Monroe's Journey Out Of The Body is an amazing parapsychological odyssey that reflects a decade of research into the psychic realm beyond the known dimensions of physical reality.You are either going to be able to wrap your mind around this and accept it- or you will automatically reject it. In any case, as the book points out, all of us will cross over into at least part of this greater reality after bodily death- this is not a belief system or dogma. It is just that some individuals have the ability to consciously and lucidly explore those realms without dieing. In any case, we are more than our physical body. In the many accounts given of exploration and contact by Monroe and his associates it must be kept in mind that these are transcripts of translations from NVC (Non Verbal Communication) into human words. Human language is a very restricting form of communication and is not used at higher levels. There is also the fact that Mr. Monroe was a radio engineer and that much of his terminology reflects his training and colors his interpretations.

This is seen as the best of Monroe's three books, i would advise to start with the epilogue, it is a concise and well-organized outline of the entire system of existence through all the various levels. The first appendix gives an excellent set of questions and answers. The second appendix is an independent scientific study the OBE Psychophysiology. In the conclusion of the latter it is pointed out that Plato believed something very similar to this system. It also struck me as very similar to some of the more satisfying Gnostic beliefs .

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !


  1. happy birthday!

    somehow it seems longer then a year - but that might be because of the wealth of music i found on your blog.

    so it is definitly time for a big THANK YOU!

    and i took this as a good occassion to present you in a little post over at my blog. hope that's allright with you.


  2. Hello Sunbathing Lizard, thanks for your kind words, and of cause a little promoelsewhereis always welcome. It has been more time consuming then originally planned, but certainly worthwhile.

    Best of Luck

  3. Hi, just found your blog yesterday and it looks great!! Great stuff to hear! I'm not familiar with this .ogg format....what do I do being a Mac user? (or is this like "swearing in church"?)

  4. Hi Anon

    If you want to play oggfiles or recode them etc on a mac here's where you can get the player you need Audacity and of cause it's free.

    Best of luck ,


  5. hi rho ... the dna activation links are both the same it seems .... would be nice if you could fix that ... thanks ..
    keep op the great work ... great music ...but i also apreciate you insights into life verry much dont seem to get much comments on that ... but i think you hitting it right on the head "state of the art" links and material ... peace love and light ... hih

  6. Hello Yellow
    You got to be more specific, as far as i can see here all links are live and in my back up files i have 4 different files
    Level 1-1=94.1mb
    Level 1-2=94.8mb
    Level 1-3=97.4mb
    Level 1-4=97.6mb
    Obviously i could have made an uploadmistake but im not going to download them all, seems you have them so please which one is incorrect-sizewise.

    Thanks for your compliments and yes i do wonder sometimes about the lack of comments.


  7. I've not heard of this release before an accidental encounter last night on another site; alas, the links were dead so I left it at that. Tonight I went searching and found you. I've been here many times before but have not come across this post, not thinking postings this old would still be active. Great to be proven wrong! Many thanks.


  8. HEllo ! Can You PLEASE re-up the shapeshifterDNA files again??? THANK YOU!!! And maybe let me know then...on there´s an Ask button on my blog site... Very much appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
