Apr 5, 2021

RhoDeo 2114 Expanse 36



Here today, naturally my mission of trying to breakthough the wall of nonsense build by the supposed smartest men on the planet is continuing as chinks start to appear, their arrogant stupidity set us back decades if not more, electro-magnetics is clean energy and would have delivered us not only flying cars, but flying saucers aswell and who knows a pathway into other dimensions..Meanwhile i got a request to continue the Expanse, and as this is one of the greatest SF series of our days and within it Abaddon's Gate one of it's highlights no reason to stop there then, so i won't...N Joy..

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Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Tesla saw energy and electricity as an “incompressible fluid” of constant quantity that could neither be destroyed nor created.

    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

— Nikola Tesla


A  mission to map the gravity field of the Moon.

On September 10, 2011 NASA launched the Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) satellites on a mission to the Moon. GRAIL-A and GRAIL-B are nearly identical spacecraft, except that B is designed to follow A around the Moon in the same orbit. The Lunar Gravity Ranging System will measure the distance between the two spacecraft, watching for minute deflections caused by anomalous mass concentrations or mass deficits beneath the Moon’s surface.

In the image at the top of the page, anomalous areas of increased and decreased expectations were mapped by the Lunar Prospector in 1998-1999. Anything in yellow indicates what computer models of the Moon predicted. Red and purple mean that there is a higher gravity field than expected, while blue and green indicate a lower field. On the left, red concentrations that do not correspond to simulations do correspond to the great maria, or “seas” on the Moon. The five largest are Mare Imbrium, Mare Serenitatus, Mare Crisium, Mare Humorum and Mare Nectaris. On the right, or the farside of the Moon, circular areas of lower gravity can be seen.

There is a major elevation difference between the two hemispheres, as well. The nearside of the Moon is flat, with vast maria, whereas the farside is dominated by mountains and is heavily cratered. This considerable dichotomy is reminiscent of the planet Mars.

In previous Picture of the Day articles, the north and south poles of Mars were contrasted. The south pole on Mars is covered with dust and debris greater in area than the State of Texas, about 430,000 square kilometers. There are thousands of craters at every scale: from the largest crater in the Solar System, Hellas Basin, to those too small to see with the highest resolution cameras.

The north pole of Mars might be considered a crater in itself, since, as terrain mapping instruments in orbit reveal, the northern latitudes are six kilometers below the mean elevation of the planet. Perhaps the central plateau at the pole is the “central peak” of a vast circular formation?

This correspondence to similar features on the Moon is striking. It could be that both Mars and the Moon experienced the same kind of forces at some period. Were those forces the result of impacts by rocky bodies, vulcanism, or flowing water emptying from now long-extinct oceans? Could they actually have come from a source that is rarely considered by planetary scientists: electricity?

Electric Universe theorists presuppose that planets and moons exist within a Solar System that could have been more electrically energetic in the past. Each celestial object is insulated within an individual charge sheath. However, if those sheaths touch, electric charge can be exchanged. Those electromagnetic exchanges are what might have created what we see today.

Magnetic anomalies on the Moon exhibit high albedo material also associated with areas of crustal magnetism imprinted on the lunar surface. It is probable that the magnetic and mass anomalies are related.

When electric arcs pass around a body like the Moon, as it oscillates up and down in an electromagnetic field, they erode material from it. At some time in the recent past, a flow of electric charge appears to have impinged upon the Moon, removing material from one hemisphere (nearside) and depositing it on the other (farside).

Plasma discharges that linger before jumping to another location will excavate a crater while melting the surrounding material. Electrons are yanked toward the center of the discharge channel, ripping apart the rocks and dragging the neutral material along with them. Finely divided dust is then sucked up into the vortex channel and ejected into space. This explains why the bottoms of the lunar maria are smooth and flat, with little or no blast debris. Subsurface electric currents tend to melt and concentrate matter, which may also explain why there are mass anomalies associated with the maria.

Since the hemispheres and not the poles of the Moon are where the most intense activity seems to have occurred, it is not beyond consideration that the Moon is no longer in its original orientation with respect to Earth. What we call the near and far sides of the Moon might once have been the two polar regions.

Stephen Smith

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Electric Universe ushers in an unparalleled revolution culturally as well as scientifically because of its foundation in the multi-disciplinary work of the 20th-century polymath Immanuel Velikovsky. We can understand our amazing cosmic story and ourselves for the first time in a universal context. The future promises the end of a tragically damaged and amnesic childhood and conscious reconnection with each other and the living Electric Universe.

Wallace Thornhill, the Chief Science Advisor to The Thunderbolts Project, will give a talk on Velikovsky Day and also the closing talk on Future Science, the theme of the conference. He is a co-author with David Talbott of Thunderbolts of the Gods and The Electric Universe. His first peer-reviewed paper on the electrical nature of stars and supernovae was published in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol 35 No. 4, Special Issue on Space & Cosmic Plasmas – August 2007. In 2010 he was awarded a gold medal by the European Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science. For his lifelong contribution to science, he received the distinguished Sagnac Award from the Natural Philosophy Alliance in 2013. He has spoken at numerous international conferences and authored or co-authored papers ranging from the Martian “blueberry” phenomenon to the “plasma focus” at the centers of galaxies. His interviews for “Space News from the Electric Universe” have been among the most popular attractions on the YouTube Thunderbolts Channel.


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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

#     Title             Pages     Audio     
1     Leviathan Wakes     592     20h 56m
2     Caliban's War         595     21h     
3     Abaddon's Gate     539     19h 42m
4     Cibola Burn         583     20h 7m
5     Nemesis Games     544     16h 44m
6     Babylon's Ashes     608     19h 58m
7     Persepolis Rising     560     20h 34m
8     Tiamat's Wrath         544     19h 8m
9     Unnamed final novel


Nemesis Games is a 2015 science fiction novel by James S. A. Corey, the pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck, and the fifth book in their The Expanse series. It is the sequel to Cibola Burn. The cover art is by Daniel Dociu.[Nemesis Games received positive reviews. Andrew Liptak of io9 called the novel "Corey’s 'Empire Strikes Back'".


The Rocinante is down for long-term maintenance after the events of Cibola Burn. Three crew members decide to take care of some personal business during the down time. Amos Burton heads to Earth when he learns someone important from his past there has died, to pay his respects and to make sure no foul play was involved. Alex Kamal heads to Mars in the hopes of getting closure with his ex-wife and to see Bobbie while there. Naomi Nagata heads to Ceres station, when she receives a message that her son Filip is in trouble. While Jim Holden supervises repairs to the Rocinante, he is enlisted by Monica Stuart to investigate disappearing colony ships.

Facing collapse by the exodus of colony ships through the rings, militant factions of the OPA coalesce into a Free Navy and simultaneously wreak havoc on Earth as they try to kill the Martian Prime Minister and Fred Johnson. Amos survives the attacks on Earth, frees Clarissa Mao and escapes to Luna with her help and the help of Baltimore organized crime acquaintances from his old life. Alex meets Bobbie on Mars and they investigate missing Martian military equipment and ships, which leads them into the middle of the assassination attempt on the Prime Minister. Naomi is kidnapped by her ex-lover Marco, leader of the Free Navy, but manages to escape; Alex and Bobbie rescue her.

The crew reunites on the Rocinante. What's left of the Earth, Mars and the non-militant OPA government meet on Luna. Naomi finally tells Jim about her violent past. Amos asks that Clarissa stay as his apprentice. The Free Navy has encamped past the belt and is preventing anyone from going through the rings. It is revealed that the Free Navy was sold most of its equipment by a rogue faction of the Martian Navy led by Admiral Winston Duarte and that the disappearing colony ships are being consumed by a force within the gates.

<a href="https://multiup.org/d59d9633922ac0f97a8fc47b8801ae14">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse .Nemesis Games 01-07 </a> ( 138min  57mb)

James S.A. Corey - The Expanse .Nemesis Games 01-07  138min

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<a href="https://multiup.org/ec2507a66facbe13b61c3d6aafd8b255">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 01-07 </a> ( 139min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/7c2db1bc4c8f93ff45f2df6e5a901aca">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 </a> ( 173min  78mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d627294ce680b55a5552ee26da80628d">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 16-22 </a> ( 169min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/71ffc68a701740415df5806f6db5c405">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 23-29 </a> ( 165min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/2ddc5eb96cece09aafae0029a72381fd">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 30-36 </a> ( 167min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/b9bbcfa99bc55b573b00e3c0287fedb7">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 37-43 </a> ( 149min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/37ee50c645c467428254dcfb0092550e">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 44-50 </a> ( 150min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/1d286bb56f1c77caf49144115f918da1">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 51-57 </a> ( 104min  48mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/04e5eba5ae7d0b8714c747f135e97208">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 01-07 </a> ( 143min  66mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/9d31e40248b2d9b26a7d0dbd9237ecb3">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 08-14 </a> ( 157min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/98823e0797656130ce7e51d3569dacfb">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 15-21 </a> ( 139min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/bc63015bb4e75014732fbd2558d1db22">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 22-28 </a> ( 158min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/66e48cef9a80992a672ae47c44cf7979">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 29-35 </a> ( 138min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d643ce67098f78606be3c6209f56337b">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 36-42 </a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a8ae55abe052929db05681aa453d8c65">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 43-49</a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/62fc21d2f4526401839898a34dba8c96">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 50-55</a> ( 99min  45mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/f7f2f9b4f8c292baa4a10cc975434388">James Corey - The Expanse The Vital Abyss </a> ( 146min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a342a96876aac55f56cc4d6d19a82489">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (01-07) </a> ( 132min  61mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/231c93090b14ff8bbc0652e462a7498d">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (08-14) </a> ( 128min  59mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a7a9a2f96fb59f3986666a9b036c24b9">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (15-20) </a> ( 134min  59mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/97725791bb5602961aee81fa64d12bee">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (21-27) </a> ( 135min  62mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/856f2b0017a6269b4631a47417d8e44f">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (28-34) </a> ( 135min  62mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/4f908544c40f49e4f188a0c811247d0d">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (35-41) </a> ( 126min  58mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/f7d9a031a03c2f95e58047befb0c55f2">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (42-48) </a> ( 154min  70mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/e7f40aef0212205f097fe4c62ab428b7">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (49-56)  </a> ( 161min  74mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/67ac8380f2bb0c46771fc0061357442b">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (57-64)  </a> ( 154min  71mb)

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1 comment:

  1. Hi Rho,could you re-up http://rho-xs.blogspot.com/2016/10/sundaze-1643.html ?
