Mar 29, 2021

RhoDeo 2113 Expanse 35



Here today, naturally my mission of trying to breakthough the wall of nonsense build by the supposed smartest men on the planet is continuing as chinks start to appear, their arrogant stupidity set us back decades if not more, electro-magnetics is clean energy and would have delivered us not only flying cars, but flying saucers aswell and who knows a pathway into other dimensions..Meanwhile i got a request to continue the Expanse, and as this is one of the greatest SF series of our days and within it Abaddon's Gate one of it's highlights no reason to stop there then, so i won't...N Joy..

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Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Tesla saw energy and electricity as an “incompressible fluid” of constant quantity that could neither be destroyed nor created.

    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

— Nikola Tesla


Solar Energy is Our Future
by Mathias Hüfner

Climate change is forcing our society to switch from fossil fuels to climate neutral fuels. Wind energy and photovoltaic will not be enough to satisfy the growing hunger for energy of an ever larger world population. As a result, nuclear energy comes back into focus. During the nuclear fission of uranium, however, highly radioactive fission products occur that emit biologically harmful alpha radiation over thousands of years. The safe storage of this waste for such long periods of time is an unsolved problem. That is why the generation of energy from nuclear fusion (transmutation) is an alternative, since no alpha radiation occurs with light atomic nuclei and the electron radiation decays very quickly.
Classic fusion experiments

Based on the classic solar model, which assumes that the sun is a fiery gas ball, inside which hydrogen fuses to helium and the heat is transported to the surface by neutrinos, Andrei Sakharov started his first attempts at the Moscow Kurchatov Institute in 1952 for technical nuclear fusion. Its principle was the inclusion of a plasma ring in a magnetic field, which should be heated up in the magnetic field enough to start the nuclear fusion. The idea was that after the ignition, the fusion would continue by itself, as had been observed with nuclear fission. Therefore, the experiments were designed for pulse operation. This principle was named ‚Tokamak‘. It is short for „тороидальная камера в магнитных катушках“ (toroidalnaja kamera w magnitnych katuschkach) translates Thoroidal Chamber Into Magnetic Coils.

However, there were two problems with this principle. The first was that the Lorentz force swirled the plasma and the chamber walls cooled the plasma. The swirling was finally countered with a complicated magnetic field design that was modeled on a multi-twisted Möbius tape. This created a helical magnetic field. This principle was called the Stellarator, meant a machine which works like a star. However, more than 60 fruitless years had to pass before the new principle was decided.

On December 10, 2015, a short flash of light in the form of a helium plasma was finally generated for the first time on the Tokamak Stellarator Wendelstein 7-X fusion generator in Greifswald, Germany. To carry out this experiment, it took 9 years of construction, in which several hundred tons of material were used. The project devoured over a billion euros.

On June 25, 2018, the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics issued a press release: Stellarator record in fusion product: „Jetzt hat Wendelstein 7-X einen Rekord aufgestellt. Denn es erreichte nie zuvor gemessene Höchstwerte für das sogenannte Fusionsprodukt. Dieses Produkt aus Ionentemperatur, Plasmadichte und Energieeinschlusszeit gibt an, wie nahe man den Reaktorwerten für ein brennendes Plasma kommt. In den Testdurchgängen des Jahres 2017 wurde das Plasma im Reaktor auf rund 40 Millionen Grad Ionentemperatur aufgeheizt und hatte eine Dichte von 0,8 x 1020 Teilchen pro Kubikmeter.“ Up to 75 megajoules of heating energy were used for the heating and the plasma survived 2 seconds. However, there was still no sign of fusion. Wendelstein 7-X is currently out of service and is being renovated.

Figure 1: Stellarator-Prinzip IPP (Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik) (Ausschnitt)

A great technical achievement, as you would think, only our sun is a G2 star and there are only 5600 degrees on the surface and there are no traces of helium in its atmosphere. But inside hydrogen is said to burn at 15 million degrees to helium. If that were true, the sun would be a giant hydrogen bomb that should have exploded.

Not much can be known about the interior of the sun. The core may be made of liquid calcium. The density of the sun and the spectral class support this assumption. What forces should hold this bomb together? Ironically, the weakest of the four classic forces, gravitation? You can doubt it. The temperatures necessary for nuclear reactions can be found in the solar corona.
Theoretical considerations

According to Boltzmann, the kinetic energy of the atoms is a function of the temperature. From this, the mean velocity of a proton in the plasma can be estimated at a corresponding temperature. According to Boltzmann, this results in a speed in one direction of v = √ (kT / 2m) and at 40 million degrees, as the Stellarator has reached, that is around 400km/s. This is about the speed at which the solar wind enters the earth’s atmosphere. The protons should collide at this speed to fuse. However, this will not happen if they race parallel through the thorax of the Stellarator. The Stellarator principle is based on a closed system. According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy will only grow in it. However, this means that no structures can form. A nuclear fusion is therefore impossible. But in reality the Stellarator is not a closed system, energy is constantly being supplied to it, but in order to reach a high temperature, scientists are concerned that no energy can flow away. The ingenious Prigogine teaches, however, that in an open system the entropy of the system is the sum of the external and internal entropy and the external entropy is made up of the difference between the introduced and the removed entropy of the open system. Now you can see that the external entropy at the Stellarator is larger than the internal one. In order to build up a structure and to start transmutation, entropy must be extracted in the form of electrons, but this is not intended for the Stellarator.

Einstein, in his delusion, having to symmetrize Maxwell’s equations, banished electrodynamics from the cosmos with the Lorentz transformation, because he did not want to admit that this transformation is a projective transformation, that is, a mapping. He thus strengthened the position of Christianity and Newtonian mechanics and only relied on the gravitational forces, which Immanuel Velikovsky criticized, in discussions with Einstein in the last months of his life.1

Ralph E. Juergens developed an electric sun model as early as 1979.2 Already in 1972 he wrote: “It is interesting to note that the calculated energy density of cosmic rays in our galaxy is comparable to the total energy density of electromagnetic radiation, including starlight.” 3  He recognized the granules on the surface of the sun as anode tufts and an indication of a self-organizing open system. This model was significantly developed by Don Scott. His book “The Electric Sky” 4  was published in 2006.

Don Scott dealt with the questions of why there are two types of solar wind, which electrical process can bring the solar wind to a standstill over two days and what accelerates the solar wind towards Earth. Can sunspots be integrated into the model? Scott believes that the fast solar wind comes from the photospherical clusters and the slow wind comes from the sun spots around the equator. With his transistor model of the sun, he can explain the different speeds and densities of slow and fast solar wind. The solar wind has an average proton density of about 6 particles per cm3 with a fluctuation range of 3 particles per cm3 in a calm sun, as can be seen from However, the electric sun model had the disadvantage compared to the classic sun model. It could explain a large part of the phenomena observed on the sun, but it could not explain nuclear fusion.

Don Scott was able to identify the butterfly nebula as a Birkeland current constricted by the pinch effect. If you compare the Wendelstein experiment with the butterfly nebula, which represents a star birth, you immediately notice that the construction of the butterfly nebula is much simpler than a Stellarator. In the visible part of the Birkeland current of this nebula, especially in the Z-pinch node, there is a solid body that opposes the hydrogen gas and the protons. This resistance causes a large change in speed in the current. It’s like when a traffic jam suddenly occurs on the highway. Protons have no brakes, so collisions are inevitable. A mass collapse occurs. The entrained hydrogen molecules crash into each other and ions of higher atomic weight are created indiscriminately, unlike at the LHC in Geneva, where the protons are pulverized due to the maximum energy. While the ions are held up by the solid, the electrons penetrate into the body and out of the side almost unchecked.

At this point we have to come back to Maxwell’s equations because they represent the way forward for modern physics. We find two vortices described there, one magnetic and one electric. Nothing is said about their size. As an open system considered div E describes the entrance. The entropy removed is the electromagnetic radiation, which is not explicitly stated. The magnetic vortex is technically represented by a ferrite ring. We used to use such rings as ferrite core memories in computers for one bit. In its technical form, the electrical vortex is usually a copper coil. We call the combination of a ferrite core and two copper coils a transformer.

The ingenious inventor Nicola Tesla first generated radio waves with such a transformer in 1890 by sending an alternating current through the coil. Nicola Tesla has almost completely disappeared from our consciousness, although he has achieved a much greater achievement for humanity than Albert Einstein. He was the one who laid the foundations of AC technology and thus the basis for our modern energy industry.

To generate light waves, one can assume that similar structures to the Tesla transformer are necessary, but they are much smaller due to the much shorter wavelength. Atoms should work similarly to small Tesla transformers if the theory of quantum mechanics did not block our view of them.

Quantum mechanics is essentially a theory of probability. Probability statements are incomplete statements from which no causal conclusions can be drawn, which is why Einstein rejected them. However, atoms are very concrete objects whose quantitative and qualitative properties are clearly delineated. I consider quantum mechanics to be completely unsuitable as an explanatory model for a single atom. On the contrary, it is a rape of physics. It is different when you look at the mass of the electrons. There is no longer a clear delimitation of individual electrons. Only probability statements do help here.

Theoretical considerations

According to Boltzmann, the kinetic energy of the atoms is a function of the temperature. From this, the mean velocity of a proton in the plasma can be estimated at a corresponding temperature. According to Boltzmann, this results in a speed in one direction of v = √ (kT / 2m) and at 40 million degrees, as the Stellarator has reached, that is around 400km/s. This is about the speed at which the solar wind enters the earth’s atmosphere. The protons should collide at this speed to fuse. However, this will not happen if they race parallel through the thorax of the Stellarator. The Stellarator principle is based on a closed system. According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, entropy will only grow in it. However, this means that no structures can form. A nuclear fusion is therefore impossible. But in reality the Stellarator is not a closed system, energy is constantly being supplied to it, but in order to reach a high temperature, scientists are concerned that no energy can flow away. The ingenious Prigogine teaches, however, that in an open system the entropy of the system is the sum of the external and internal entropy and the external entropy is made up of the difference between the introduced and the removed entropy of the open system. Now you can see that the external entropy at the Stellarator is larger than the internal one. In order to build up a structure and to start transmutation, entropy must be extracted in the form of electrons, but this is not intended for the Stellarator.

Einstein, in his delusion, having to symmetrize Maxwell’s equations, banished electrodynamics from the cosmos with the Lorentz transformation, because he did not want to admit that this transformation is a projective transformation, that is, a mapping. He thus strengthened the position of Christianity and Newtonian mechanics and only relied on the gravitational forces, which Immanuel Velikovsky criticized, in discussions with Einstein in the last months of his life.1

Ralph E. Juergens developed an electric sun model as early as 1979.2 Already in 1972 he wrote: “It is interesting to note that the calculated energy density of cosmic rays in our galaxy is comparable to the total energy density of electromagnetic radiation, including starlight.” 3  He recognized the granules on the surface of the sun as anode tufts and an indication of a self-organizing open system. This model was significantly developed by Don Scott. His book “The Electric Sky” 4  was published in 2006.

Don Scott dealt with the questions of why there are two types of solar wind, which electrical process can bring the solar wind to a standstill over two days and what accelerates the solar wind towards Earth. Can sunspots be integrated into the model? Scott believes that the fast solar wind comes from the photospherical clusters and the slow wind comes from the sun spots around the equator. With his transistor model of the sun, he can explain the different speeds and densities of slow and fast solar wind. The solar wind has an average proton density of about 6 particles per cm3 with a fluctuation range of 3 particles per cm3 in a calm sun, as can be seen from However, the electric sun model had the disadvantage compared to the classic sun model. It could explain a large part of the phenomena observed on the sun, but it could not explain nuclear fusion.

Don Scott was able to identify the butterfly nebula as a Birkeland current constricted by the pinch effect. If you compare the Wendelstein experiment with the butterfly nebula, which represents a star birth, you immediately notice that the construction of the butterfly nebula is much simpler than a Stellarator. In the visible part of the Birkeland current of this nebula, especially in the Z-pinch node, there is a solid body that opposes the hydrogen gas and the protons. This resistance causes a large change in speed in the current. It’s like when a traffic jam suddenly occurs on the highway. Protons have no brakes, so collisions are inevitable. A mass collapse occurs. The entrained hydrogen molecules crash into each other and ions of higher atomic weight are created indiscriminately, unlike at the LHC in Geneva, where the protons are pulverized due to the maximum energy. While the ions are held up by the solid, the electrons penetrate into the body and out of the side almost unchecked.

At this point we have to come back to Maxwell’s equations because they represent the way forward for modern physics. We find two vortices described there, one magnetic and one electric. Nothing is said about their size. As an open system considered div E describes the entrance. The entropy removed is the electromagnetic radiation, which is not explicitly stated. The magnetic vortex is technically represented by a ferrite ring. We used to use such rings as ferrite core memories in computers for one bit. In its technical form, the electrical vortex is usually a copper coil. We call the combination of a ferrite core and two copper coils a transformer.

The ingenious inventor Nicola Tesla first generated radio waves with such a transformer in 1890 by sending an alternating current through the coil. Nicola Tesla has almost completely disappeared from our consciousness, although he has achieved a much greater achievement for humanity than Albert Einstein. He was the one who laid the foundations of AC technology and thus the basis for our modern energy industry.

To generate light waves, one can assume that similar structures to the Tesla transformer are necessary, but they are much smaller due to the much shorter wavelength. Atoms should work similarly to small Tesla transformers if the theory of quantum mechanics did not block our view of them.

Quantum mechanics is essentially a theory of probability. Probability statements are incomplete statements from which no causal conclusions can be drawn, which is why Einstein rejected them. However, atoms are very concrete objects whose quantitative and qualitative properties are clearly delineated. I consider quantum mechanics to be completely unsuitable as an explanatory model for a single atom. On the contrary, it is a rape of physics. It is different when you look at the mass of the electrons. There is no longer a clear delimitation of individual electrons. Only probability statements do help here.

next week conclusion

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Wal Thornhill: Big Bang – Time to Wipe the Chalkboard Clean

Scientists generally use the term "crisis in cosmology" to describe the numerous and growing evidences that contradict or undermine the Big Bang theory. For decades, numerous scientific papers have been published on the discordancy between the so-called expansion rate in the “early universe,” and the expansion rate in the “later Universe.” In fact, recently the Keck Observatory issued a press release on the reported most reliable verification to date that the discordancy is real. And as we've reported ad nauseam on this series, the cosmological crisis runs much deeper and includes "surprising" discoveries at all scales throughout the cosmos.

In part one of this two-part presentation, physicist Wal Thornhill discusses some of the foundational problems with the standard cosmological model, and the real alternatives that the Electric Universe offers.

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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

#     Title             Pages     Audio     
1     Leviathan Wakes     592     20h 56m
2     Caliban's War         595     21h     
3     Abaddon's Gate     539     19h 42m
4     Cibola Burn         583     20h 7m
5     Nemesis Games     544     16h 44m
6     Babylon's Ashes     608     19h 58m
7     Persepolis Rising     560     20h 34m
8     Tiamat's Wrath         544     19h 8m
9     Unnamed final novel


Cibola Burn is a 2014 science fiction novel by James S. A. Corey (pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) and the fourth book in The Expanse series. It follows the crew of the Rocinante as they join the flood of humanity out into the galaxy, using the gates built by the ancient civilization that also produced the protomolecule. At the release of Cibola Burn, Orbit Books announced that James S. A. Corey would write three additional books in the series (adding to two that were already planned) to bring the series to nine novels and various short stories.

After the events of Abaddon's Gate, humanity has gained entry to thousands of new worlds and solar systems through the gate networks. At the start of Cibola Burn the United Nations, Martian and Outer Planets Alliance governments have thus far restricted exploration and colonization efforts to one corporate scientific survey mission to one of these planets. Complicating matters is the existence of a colonial settlement already on the planet from before the military blockade of the rings came into effect. Both sides claim ownership in a confrontation reflecting many colonial interactions throughout history. Jim Holden is sent to mediate the interactions between the colonists and scientists when political and racial tensions culminate in violence.

Still dogged by the disembodied presence of Miller, who wishes to investigate the disappearance of the planet's former inhabitants, Holden arrives on a world on the verge of war. Yet the biggest danger to the colonists, scientists and Holden is not the human disagreements that they have brought with them but the frontier. As with the settling of the American West and many colonial projects of Earth's past, the frontier into which humanity has ventured is vast, uncontrolled and full of dangers. When a mysterious disease and horrific disaster strike at the same time and threaten the lives of the colonists and those in orbit, Holden and Miller must brave the ruins of an alien civilization in search of the one thing that might save them all.
Major character arcs

Basia Merton is one of the refugees from Ganymede refused safe harbor in the Solar System. His ship pushed through the gate to be the first to settle a new planet. Called Ilus by the inhabitants, they found a rich vein of lithium that could provide a valuable trading commodity with other systems. The United Nations sends a scientific party to the planet with a legal charter to the land. This drives Basia to actions he never thought he would do, and it seems like he has a never-ending set of decisions between bad choices, while he's only trying to do what he thinks is best for his family.

Elvi Okoye is a scientist on the team sent by the United Nations. Her original task was to try to survey the planet in a pristine state but events make that impossible. Later, she tries to gain insight into the incredible things happening on the planet that make it seem like the most hospitable biosphere found away from Earth may kill them all.

Dmitri Havelock was Miller's partner on Ceres and is now deputy security chief for the UN mission to New Terra. Remaining aboard the ship that brought him while the security chief relocates to the surface, he becomes increasingly concerned about the actions of his supervisor. Later, the fortunate capture of a prisoner from the Rocinante sets a chain of events into motion with long-term repercussions for humanity.

James Holden Sensing trouble brewing on Ilus/New Terra, Chrisjen Avasarala sees the need for someone perceived as unbiased to negotiate and report on events there and chooses Jim Holden. After making the journey, the crew tries their best to balance colonial claims, government priority and the awakening creatures on the planet within a crisis greater than all their earlier concerns.

Miller is still trying to figure out his role within the alien construct, while maintaining his connection with Holden. Eventual clues come together allowing him to shut down the alien machinery and potentially save everyone. However, both the remnants of Miller and the Investigator are killed in the process.

Abaddon's Gate was adapted into episodes 7 to 13 of the third season of the television series The Expanse in 2018, with its title taken for the final episode of that season. It was the last book in the series to be adapted before the show's move from Syfy to Amazon Prime. Meanwhile Amazon has signed a contract to film the complete series season 5,6 and possibly 7, btw season 5 starts this week....

Cibola Burn Epilogue

<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (57-64)  </a> ( 154min  64mb)

James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn Epilogue (57-64)     154min

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<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 01-07 </a> ( 139min  63mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 </a> ( 173min  78mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 16-22 </a> ( 169min  64mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 23-29 </a> ( 165min  64mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 30-36 </a> ( 167min  67mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 37-43 </a> ( 149min  67mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 44-50 </a> ( 150min  60mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 51-57 </a> ( 104min  48mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 01-07 </a> ( 143min  66mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 08-14 </a> ( 157min  72mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 15-21 </a> ( 139min  64mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 22-28 </a> ( 158min  72mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 29-35 </a> ( 138min  63mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 36-42 </a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 43-49</a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 50-55</a> ( 99min  45mb)
<a href="">James Corey - The Expanse The Vital Abyss </a> ( 146min  67mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (01-07) </a> ( 132min  61mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (08-14) </a> ( 128min  59mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (15-20) </a> ( 134min  59mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (21-27) </a> ( 135min  62mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (28-34) </a> ( 135min  62mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (35-41) </a> ( 126min  58mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (42-48) </a> ( 154min  70mb)
<a href="">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (49-56)  </a> ( 161min  74mb)

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