Feb 8, 2021

RhoDeo 2106 Expanse 29

 Hello,     Mars, ever wondered why this little planet has such a big reputation that people want to live there, really a reputation build on events 5,000 years and longer , ago. But these days no one is alowed to believe what every human that lived back then witnessed. Luckily here at Rho Xs we know the universe is electric..


Here today, naturally my mission of trying to breakthough the wall of nonsense build by the supposed smartest men on the planet is continuing as chinks start to appear, their arrogant stupidity set us back decades if not more, electro-magnetics is clean energy and would have delivered us not only flying cars, but flying saucers aswell and who knows a pathway into other dimensions..Meanwhile i got a request to continue the Expanse, and as this is one of the greatest SF series of our days and within it Abaddon's Gate one of it's highlights no reason to stop there then, so i won't...N Joy..

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Before Einstein created his unique theorems on relativity, deflating Newton’s theories on gravity, Nikola Tesla posited the idea that electricity and energy were responsible for almost all cosmic phenomena. Tesla saw energy and electricity as an “incompressible fluid” of constant quantity that could neither be destroyed nor created.

    If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

— Nikola Tesla


Original Post February 3, 2012

Fourteen years ago, Halton Arp published Seeing Red. Chapter 6, “Clusters of Galaxies,” presented his finding that the clusters were low-luminosity high-redshift—and nearby—“star piles.”

There was not then and there has not been since any discussion of the difficulties for consensus theories that Arp’s observations revealed.

    Distribution: If clusters of galaxies are like the nearby Virgo Cluster only farther away, they should be located more or less randomly around the sky. (Perhaps the most violated assumption of modern astronomy is that the universe is homogeneous.) But the clusters are grouped around bright nearby galaxies. Figure 6-16 in Seeing Red [SR, p. 158] shows the distribution of clusters in one quarter of the southern sky: three lines of clusters coincide with three of the brightest galaxies.
    Alignments: The coincidence of lines of clusters with bright galaxies also coincides with lines of quasars, BL Lac objects, radio galaxies, and x-ray sources. As an example, Arp plots all the clusters within a 28×24-degree area of the sky centered on the bright radio galaxy Fornax A. A slightly curved line of them extends to the northeast; another line to the southwest. In figure 6-18 [p. 162], he plots the BL Lac objects (high-redshift objects similar to quasars) in the region: the lines coincide. (Perhaps consensus astronomers can develop a theory of Dark Alignment to explain how objects billions of light-years away and billions of light-years ago can cause present-day bright galaxies to form in front of them.)
    Properties: Galaxy clusters are often much bluer than nearby galaxies. Few if any individual galaxies in them look like the giant spiral galaxies we see nearby. Most of the cluster galaxies have peculiar and distorted shapes. Furthermore, the galaxies in the clusters are embedded in a kind of x-ray fog, whereas nearby galaxies are individual sources. Arp writes, “They were essentially just star piles….” [p. 161]

In the image above, “[t]he LABOCA camera on the ESO-operated 12-metre Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) telescope reveals distant galaxies undergoing the most intense type of star formation activity known, called a starburst. This image reveals these distant galaxies, found in a region of sky known as the Extended Chandra Deep Field South, in the constellation of Fornax (The Furnace). The galaxies seen by LABOCA are shown in red, overlaid on an infrared view of the region as seen by the IRAC camera on the Spitzer Space Telescope.”

A recent press release perpetuates the willful ignorance of modern ossified astronomy: “[A] team of astronomers has found the strongest link so far between the most powerful bursts of star formation in the early Universe, [sic] and the most massive galaxies found today.”

The finding is “the way that bright, distant galaxies are gathered together in groups or clusters.” Where they looked to find this is the Chandra Deep Field South. Where is that? It’s ten degrees northeast of Fornax A, at the end of the line of clusters, quasars, BL Lacs, radio galaxies, and x-ray sources that Arp plotted in the figures 6-16 and 6-18. The “bright” and the “distant” in the finding are not in the sky but in astronomers’ presumptions.

Later in the press release, the cluster galaxies are called “starburst” (because they are blue and immersed in x-ray radiation) and noted to be “clustered in a very similar way to quasars.” No surprise there: They are part of the same clustering as the quasars. And the BL Lacs. And the radio galaxies. And the x-ray sources. Obviously (everything is obvious once you understand it and imperceptible until you do), the various objects have been ejected from Fornax A.

The “strongest link”—later called a “clear link”—between the alleged early galaxies and today’s massive galaxies turns out to be a computer simulation based on…presumptions about dark matter. Of course, astronomers can’t call them presumptions—that would be uncomfortably close to recognizing their willful ignorance. So they call it “measuring the masses of the dark matter halos around the galaxies,” thereby making a calculation based on a presumption spawned by denial of discrepant observations seem empirical. The “link” is no connection at all beyond that of wishful belief.

The consensus purblindness is obvious, embarrassing, and shameful. Since most of modern astronomy is funded by public monies and sold to the public as science, the enterprise is fraudulent. Fourteen years after Arp saw red, the outrage continues.

Mel Acheson


Well Einstein was wrong, despite being a Jew which is why his nonsense is still accepted as the gospel, anyone dare to challenge can expect full on attack, specially by the likes of Jewish controlled/owned Wiki. Anyway EU's percieved weakspot is their deferance for Velikofsky, ironically the same man who won a bet with Einstein (about the electric noise Jupiter makes) which undoubtetedly hastened his demise (as he recognized how wrong he had been), but then Einstein was wrong again, his fanboys didn't want to know of electricity and kept singing the gospel of gravity to the detriment of the human race...

From now on the coming 7 high quality mini docs on the EU.. don't miss them

<a href="https://multiup.org/8b3c2029879467ad0bddcf149cf2551d">Electric Universe S01E01 The Spark of an Electric Universe</a> ( 30min  503mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/e4695243783841c895894bd57b5aaf09">Electric Universe S01E02 Modern Understanding of Ancient Cosmology</a> ( 30min  433mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/56ebdd38eb280c89d808002f97a16732">Electric Universe S01E03  Electric Stars</a> ( 30min  420mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/ad571d760a940a67dd205a3d742f8a61">Electric Universe S01E04  The Birth of Venus</a> ( 26:30min  372mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/9c069a1b16a8b6c5b67cc1ae04591348">Electric Universe S01E05  Deep Memories of Mars</a> ( 28:02min  372mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a9df94797a5c15e515856a98800bc6e3">Electric Universe S01E06  Our Electrical Bonds to the Universe</a> ( 26:28min  442mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/39262ebdccf15b8988103e7bb9bceec2">Electric Universe S01E07  Saturn and the Cosmic Tale of Humanity</a> ( 31:03min  442mb)


The subject of this video series by Dave Talbott is the ancient experience of towering celestial forms that are no longer present. From a single snapshot of the configuration, we can work backwards to the first appearance of these bodies out of an undifferentiated cloud or sea of dusty plasma. We can then follow the configuration’s evolution through phases that range from quasi-stability to earth shaking catastrophe. We can then follow the configuration’s evolution through phases that range from quasi-stability to earth shaking catastrophe.

See the three full documentaries in the Symbols of an Alien Sky series:
Episode 1, Symbols of an Alien Sky
Episode 2, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning-Scarred Planet, Mars
Episode 3, Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Electric Comet

Year by year the evidence for global electric scarring of Mars continues to grow. Bringing the facts to public attention will be among our highest priorities in coming months. Note: all of the Mars imagery involves actual maps from Google Mars.

In Symbols of an Alien Sky, Episode 2: The Lightning Scarred Planet Mars, David Talbott takes the viewer on an odyssey across the surface of Mars. Exploring feature after feature of the planet, he finds that only electric arcs could produce the observed patterns. The high resolution images reveal massive channels and gouges, great mounds, and crater chains, none finding an explanation in traditional geology but all matching the scars from electric discharge experiments in the laboratory.

As a scientific follow-up to Symbols of an Alien Sky, this documentary provides a definitive answer to the question: was Mars carved from pole to pole by intense interplanetary discharge?

Errata: The volume of Valles Marineris is estimated by the USGS (2002) to be .92 million cubic miles (3.86 million cubic kilometers).

If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop-down box.  Then click on the subtitle that you would like.  


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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

#     Title             Pages     Audio     
1     Leviathan Wakes     592     20h 56m
2     Caliban's War         595     21h     
3     Abaddon's Gate     539     19h 42m
4     Cibola Burn         583     20h 7m
5     Nemesis Games     544     16h 44m
6     Babylon's Ashes     608     19h 58m
7     Persepolis Rising     560     20h 34m
8     Tiamat's Wrath         544     19h 8m
9     Unnamed final novel


Cibola Burn is a 2014 science fiction novel by James S. A. Corey (pen name of Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck) and the fourth book in The Expanse series. It follows the crew of the Rocinante as they join the flood of humanity out into the galaxy, using the gates built by the ancient civilization that also produced the protomolecule. At the release of Cibola Burn, Orbit Books announced that James S. A. Corey would write three additional books in the series (adding to two that were already planned) to bring the series to nine novels and various short stories.

After the events of Abaddon's Gate, humanity has gained entry to thousands of new worlds and solar systems through the gate networks. At the start of Cibola Burn the United Nations, Martian and Outer Planets Alliance governments have thus far restricted exploration and colonization efforts to one corporate scientific survey mission to one of these planets. Complicating matters is the existence of a colonial settlement already on the planet from before the military blockade of the rings came into effect. Both sides claim ownership in a confrontation reflecting many colonial interactions throughout history. Jim Holden is sent to mediate the interactions between the colonists and scientists when political and racial tensions culminate in violence.

Still dogged by the disembodied presence of Miller, who wishes to investigate the disappearance of the planet's former inhabitants, Holden arrives on a world on the verge of war. Yet the biggest danger to the colonists, scientists and Holden is not the human disagreements that they have brought with them but the frontier. As with the settling of the American West and many colonial projects of Earth's past, the frontier into which humanity has ventured is vast, uncontrolled and full of dangers. When a mysterious disease and horrific disaster strike at the same time and threaten the lives of the colonists and those in orbit, Holden and Miller must brave the ruins of an alien civilization in search of the one thing that might save them all.
Major character arcs

Basia Merton is one of the refugees from Ganymede refused safe harbor in the Solar System. His ship pushed through the gate to be the first to settle a new planet. Called Ilus by the inhabitants, they found a rich vein of lithium that could provide a valuable trading commodity with other systems. The United Nations sends a scientific party to the planet with a legal charter to the land. This drives Basia to actions he never thought he would do, and it seems like he has a never-ending set of decisions between bad choices, while he's only trying to do what he thinks is best for his family.

Elvi Okoye is a scientist on the team sent by the United Nations. Her original task was to try to survey the planet in a pristine state but events make that impossible. Later, she tries to gain insight into the incredible things happening on the planet that make it seem like the most hospitable biosphere found away from Earth may kill them all.

Dmitri Havelock was Miller's partner on Ceres and is now deputy security chief for the UN mission to New Terra. Remaining aboard the ship that brought him while the security chief relocates to the surface, he becomes increasingly concerned about the actions of his supervisor. Later, the fortunate capture of a prisoner from the Rocinante sets a chain of events into motion with long-term repercussions for humanity.

James Holden Sensing trouble brewing on Ilus/New Terra, Chrisjen Avasarala sees the need for someone perceived as unbiased to negotiate and report on events there and chooses Jim Holden. After making the journey, the crew tries their best to balance colonial claims, government priority and the awakening creatures on the planet within a crisis greater than all their earlier concerns.

Miller is still trying to figure out his role within the alien construct, while maintaining his connection with Holden. Eventual clues come together allowing him to shut down the alien machinery and potentially save everyone. However, both the remnants of Miller and the Investigator are killed in the process.

Abaddon's Gate was adapted into episodes 7 to 13 of the third season of the television series The Expanse in 2018, with its title taken for the final episode of that season. It was the last book in the series to be adapted before the show's move from Syfy to Amazon Prime. Meanwhile Amazon has signed a contract to film the complete series season 5,6 and possibly 7, btw season 5 starts this week....

<a href="https://multiup.org/a7a9a2f96fb59f3986666a9b036c24b9">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (15-20) </a> ( 134min  59mb)

James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn 15-20    134min

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<a href="https://multiup.org/ec2507a66facbe13b61c3d6aafd8b255">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 01-07 </a> ( 139min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/7c2db1bc4c8f93ff45f2df6e5a901aca">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 </a> ( 173min  78mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d627294ce680b55a5552ee26da80628d">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 16-22 </a> ( 169min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/71ffc68a701740415df5806f6db5c405">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 23-29 </a> ( 165min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/2ddc5eb96cece09aafae0029a72381fd">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 30-36 </a> ( 167min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/b9bbcfa99bc55b573b00e3c0287fedb7">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 37-43 </a> ( 149min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/37ee50c645c467428254dcfb0092550e">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 44-50 </a> ( 150min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/1d286bb56f1c77caf49144115f918da1">James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 51-57 </a> ( 104min  48mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/04e5eba5ae7d0b8714c747f135e97208">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 01-07 </a> ( 143min  66mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/9d31e40248b2d9b26a7d0dbd9237ecb3">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 08-14 </a> ( 157min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/98823e0797656130ce7e51d3569dacfb">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 15-21 </a> ( 139min  64mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/bc63015bb4e75014732fbd2558d1db22">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 22-28 </a> ( 158min  72mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/66e48cef9a80992a672ae47c44cf7979">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 29-35 </a> ( 138min  63mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/d643ce67098f78606be3c6209f56337b">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 36-42 </a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a8ae55abe052929db05681aa453d8c65">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 43-49</a> ( 131min  60mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/62fc21d2f4526401839898a34dba8c96">James Corey - The Expanse Abaddon's Gate 50-55</a> ( 99min  45mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/f7f2f9b4f8c292baa4a10cc975434388">James Corey - The Expanse The Vital Abyss </a> ( 146min  67mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/a342a96876aac55f56cc4d6d19a82489">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (01-07) </a> ( 132min  61mb)
<a href="https://multiup.org/231c93090b14ff8bbc0652e462a7498d">James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Cibola Burn (08-14) </a> ( 128min  59mb)

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  1. Sounding a bit arrogant there yourself, I suspect your understanding of these concepts is close to zero. Topped with a bit of anti-semitism for good measure. Stick to the music, chump.

  2. I've been visiting this blog for years but only recently starting spotting mentions of jew this and Jewish that...but I usually look at the non-music posts so could have been going on for some time. In line with previous comment...keep your bigotry to yourself and concentrate on the music.

  3. Yeah like the other people who commented a couple days ago, I'm also now just noticing the bizarre anti-semitic stuff. Had no idea. But the owner of this blog seems to be into conspiracy theory/alternate history pseudo-science stuff. So I guess anti-semitism just comes with the package. Sad. And embarrassing.

  4. GPS owes its existence to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity, among other things. Or is that also simply a Jewish conspiracy? If you study physics, even for beginners, you would realize what is true and what is nonsense.
