Oct 5, 2020

RhoDeo 2040 Expanse 11

Hello, some surprising  results at the Premier League today Liverpool had to put in Adrian again the keeper that cost them in the Champions League last year and today he started by giving the ball away and causing the first of 7 goals, 3 of them deflections, in short absolutely not Liverpools day 7-2 loss, even worse was the chance-less 6-1 home defeat Man. U had courtesy of Kane and Co, Tottenham Hotspur even Leicester lost it's way against West Ham (0-3). Not to be outdone over at Roland Garros big favorite Simona Halep lost chance-less 6-1 6-2  to Swiatek (WTA-54) in 8th finals. Then over in Belgium at Liège-Bastogne-Liège 4 top riders stormed to the finish World Champion ,Alaphilippe thought he'd won it and reached his arms in the air too early and got pipped on the line by Roglic, later he got disqualified for impeding Marc Hirschi who subsequently almost took out Tadej Pogacar, a sensational end to another great race.

Here today, Naturally my mission of trying to breakthough the wall of nonsense build by the supposed smartest men on the planet is continuing as chinks start to appear, their arrogant stupidity set us back decades if not more, electro-magnetics is clean energy and would have delivered us not only flying cars, but flying saucers aswell and who knows a pathway into other dimensions..Meanwhile The Expanse's Calibans War starts today.

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The Solar System was chaotic a few thousand years ago.

The features on all the moons and rocky planets support that idea. How many thousands of years ago that chaos occurred isn’t important, since it is not millions of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years under consideration. The Electric Universe premise is that electricity from highly active celestial objects discharged many times to the surfaces of most Solar System bodies.

130-kilometer-wide Herschel crater on Saturn’s moon Mimas and 34-kilometer-wide Haulani crater on Ceres, along with countless other examples, are hexagonal formations. Such craters are theorized to form when asteroids impact the surface and explode, blasting the material into space.

One standard explanation for why so little debris remains behind is that the moons, like Mimas, (or dwarf planets like Ceres) have little gravitational attraction, so the remnants of the explosive events do not fall back. It sounds like a reasonable explanation until one examines the craters on large planets like Earth and Mars. Many hundred-kilometer-wide “impact sites” on Earth also demonstrate little in the way of fallback breccias – their flat-bottomed floors and steep sidewalls are swept clean, although glassified material is often incorporated into their rims and walls.

How can the detonation of a colliding rock cause a hexagonal crater? No experiment has been able to demonstrate a polygonal shape left behind after an explosive event. Explosions do not aggregate constituent particles into stable configurations; they induce chaotic behavior.

Most planetary scientists think that polygons on small moons are caused by the existence of fractures in their crusts, and the craters followed those weaknesses, making straight rim segments. To propose that it is pre-existing stress patterns is to say that straight-edged, underground faults and cracks are everywhere, not just on moons, and are in just the right arrangements for square, pentagonal or hexagonal formations.

The answer to how craters with similar morphology can develop with straight-sided polygons is found in plasma discharge experiments. In previous Picture of the Day articles, evidence was provided for plasma discharges on planets and moons. As mentioned, electrical activity in the form of lightning bolts, diffuse glow-mode clouds of energetic particles and rotating Birkeland currents could be the formative agents for bizarre conditions on celestial bodies. Those bodies might have been caught in titanic particle beams that excavated craters and the other geological features. Due to plasma instabilities in the discharge, hexagons were deeply cut. When the electrical energy was withdrawn, craters remained, “fossilized” geometric shapes permanently burned-in.

It is not beyond reason to suggest that star systems experience extreme duress. Some speculate that rocky bodies are expelled from stars and gas giants because of an electrical imbalance that appears to be common in the Milky Way. Maybe some celestial bodies are not local to the Solar System but arrived from great distances.

If gas giants and stars give birth through electrical parturition, and the planet hunters claim hundreds of gas giant-like planets, revolving at distances closer than Mercury is to the Sun, then those planets are most likely experiencing rapid modification due to electrical interactions with their parent bodies. The Milky Way could be a wilderness of rocky bodies of every shape and size ejected from stars, especially brown dwarf stars, orbiting more powerful, more violent companions.

Stephen Smith


Previously, in Part One of this presentation, our guest Andrew Hall began his Seventh Episode of "Eye of the Storm" – a series devoted to exploring some of the most dramatic and puzzling geological features on planet Earth.

In Part 2 of his visual essay for "Eye of the Storm" — Episode 7, Andy goes into detailed examination of the lifelike emanations of electrified plasma which tell us much about mysterious dendritic and filamentary geological patterns. Nor is it coincidental that plasma filaments find a stunning analog in a global mythical archetype: the sinuous form and fiery breath of the cosmic dragon.

Andrew Hall: "And Then Came Dragons" | Thunderblog

"Eye of the Storm" — Episode 7, Part 1
Andrew Hall: Scars of Plasma Dragons | Space News

Previously on "Eye of the Storm" — Episode 6
Andrew Hall: Earth's Cyclone-Sheared Surface | Space News

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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

# Title Pages Audio
1 Leviathan Wakes 592 20h 56m
2 Caliban's War 595 21h
3 Abaddon's Gate 539 19h 42m
4 Cibola Burn 583 20h 7m
5 Nemesis Games 544 16h 44m
6 Babylon's Ashes 608 19h 58m
7 Persepolis Rising 560 20h 34m
8 Tiamat's Wrath 544 19h 8m
9 Unnamed final novel


Caliban's War
Eighteen months after the events of Leviathan Wakes, the solar system is in a precarious balance while they watch unknowable events unfold on the planet Venus. Earth and Mars are still poised for battle, and someone didn't recognize the warning that the Eros Incident held for humanity.

Major character arcs

James Holden is the captain of the salvaged Martian warship Rocinante. He and his crew have worked for the Outer Planets Alliance for 18 months since what’s become known as the Eros Incident, and the job just doesn’t feel right. While assisting a botanist in the search for his daughter, Holden comes across signs that people are still trying to tame the protomolecule, and the threat comes very close to home. Breaking his OPA ties, he becomes an ever-more-important piece in the four-way chess game for who will run the solar system.

Chrisjen Avasarala is a high-ranking UN official who knows how to get things done. Plugged in to all sources of information, she’s simultaneously monitoring events on Earth, Mars, Ganymede and Venus, though the last one is the toughest to predict what will happen next. Seeing shifts coming but not able to completely grasp what they mean, she accepts a post that takes her away from the action knowing she is playing her expected part until it is time to do the unexpected. Then, she meets James Holden for the first time aboard his ship, trying to defuse a solar-system-wide war.

Bobbie Draper is a Martian Marine stationed on Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s largest moons and known as the breadbasket of the outer planets. After she witnesses the brutal defeat and destruction of military forces on both sides of a conflict by a third party, she is taken to Earth to participate in peace talks, but doesn’t follow the party line and gets in trouble with her leaders. Now helping Chrisjen Avasarala, she must quickly adapt to interplanetary politics and office intrigue. Later moving her duties to space, her military training comes in handy once again.

Praxidike Meng is a botanist working on Ganymede when tensions erupt. His daughter is lost in the chaos, and he finds information that she was actually taken from her daycare before the action. He tries to find her in the decaying conditions of his home, but latches on to James Holden as a source of hope. Eventually becoming the face of the crisis at Ganymede, his efforts to find his daughter’s abductors have interstellar ramifications.

Plot summary

On Ganymede, Mei Meng is kidnapped from her preschool by her doctor. Several hours later, Earth and Martian space marines are attacked and effortlessly killed by a super soldier, with Bobbie Draper, a Martian marine, the only survivor. Earth and Mars begin a shooting war which throws Ganymede into chaos. In the aftermath, Mei's father Praxidike Meng fruitlessly searches for his daughter in the midst of the societal breakdown in the Ganymede colony.

Several months later, the crew of the Rocinante are tasked with delivering emergency aid to Ganymede. Meng spots James Holden during a food riot and asks the crew to help find his daughter. They agree and are able to trace her kidnappers to unused tunnels on the moon. Holden, Meng, and ship mechanic Amos Burton discover a secret lab. In the midst of a shootout with lab security, they inadvertently release another super soldier who kills some of the lab personnel. In the wake of the battle, the crew find remnants of the protomolecule and the corpse of Mei's friend, who was being treated by Mei's doctor for immunodeficiency. The crew rush to escape the station as more chaos erupts around them, and are able to make it back aboard the Rocinante.

Draper is brought to the peace talks between Earth and Mars occurring on Earth, giving testimony regarding the super soldier attack on Ganymede. She violates diplomatic protocol and is dismissed by the Martian delegation, but is then hired by Chrisjen Avasarala, who is leading the UN negotiations. Draper discovers that Avasarala's assistant is betraying her, leading Avasarala to conclude that her UN superiors are trying to get rid of her, from which she deduces that a group within the UN is responsible for the super soldier attack. Avasarala allows Draper to be brought along as her bodyguard on a slow-moving yacht headed to Ganymede on an ostensible relief mission.

On their way to Tycho station, the Rocinante crew discovers a super soldier stowed away in their cargo hold. They are able to lure out the creature using radioactive bait before vaporizing it with the ship's exhaust. The Rocinante is damaged during the encounter, but the crew learn more about the super soldiers. Holden confronts Fred Johnson, who he believes controls the only other sample of the protomolecule. Johnson denies involvement with the Ganymede incident and fires Holden's crew. They help Meng release a video asking for help searching for Mei, raising enough money to continue the search. Upon receiving information about Mei's doctor, Meng deduces that the super soldiers are being created on a base on Io. With the Rocinante repaired, they set out to recover Mei.

On board the yacht, Avasarala sees Meng's video appeal and learns that a UN detachment is heading to intercept the Rocinante. The crew of the yacht prevent her from warning Holden, claiming that their communication systems are broken. When they refuse her demands to get the yacht repaired, Avasarala has Draper take control of the vessel. Avasarala sends a warning to Holden, and she and Draper board a racing pinnace to rendezvous with the Rocinante. After meeting Holden's crew, Avasarala and Draper share notes of the super soldiers. Realizing that they are several days away from being destroyed by the UN detachment, Avasarala convinces the crew to let her send this information to her contacts within the UN to prevent an all-out war.

Draper and Avasarala convince the Martian fleet to help protect the Rocinante. This culminates in a space battle between the UN detachment, the Martian forces, and a second UN fleet loyal to Avasarala. With the UN Secretary General recalling the admiral hostile to the Rocinante, the battle ends in victory for the Martians and Avasarala's faction. The crew lands on Io, where Amos and Meng rescue Mei along with other immunodeficient children. Draper kills a super soldier using knowledge about its capabilities. The crew heads back to Luna, where the people responsible for the super soldier project are brought to justice. Avasarala is promoted, Meng is hired to oversee efforts to restore Ganymede, Draper returns to Mars, and the Rocinante takes a contract escorting a supply ship. Throughout the story, the solar system had been watching changes on Venus, which culminate with the launch of something unknown as the book ends.

James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 ( 173min  78mb)

James Corey The Expanse Caliban's War 08-15 173min

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James Corey - The Expanse Caliban's War 01-07 ( 139min  63mb)

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