Aug 10, 2020

RhoDeo 2032 Expanse 3

Hello, that was a rather unpredictable F1 race at Silverstone today, again some good midfield overtaking, but the front saw Verstappen break the Mercedes mold. It started the day before when he decided  to qualify on the slower white tires with the intention to lead the race as the others would have to change tires earlier. Things turned out even better, after a superstart Max maneged to keep sight of the Mercedes of Bottas and Hamilton and when Hamilton pitted Verstappen was all over him and as Bottas already pitted a lap earlier, Max was leading by lap 14 gaving way to Bottas during his tire change but immediately taking it back and that was that, he more or less cruised to the finish unbothered by Bottas and Hamilton who overtook Bottas but was 11 seconds down on Verstappen at the finish. No one predicted that to happen, but then it looks like Mercedes' are overpowering their tires giving 'wunderkind' Max a chance to beat them with a 'slower' engine. Hamilton needn't worry just yet he' still 30 points ahead but 1 DNF which Max has had in his first race and the worldtitle race is all of a sudden..wideopen...nut so fast, must be that heatwave going to my head, still 4 days to come of temps above 30C  rather uncomfortable when living downtown one can add a couple degrees, specially the night can become a sweaty affair....

Final Gateway Expeirence here today, meanwhile The Expanse's Leviathan Wakes just started.rubbing it's eyes...
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What is Gateway Experience®

Mind Awakening program to help you achieve expanded awareness, and much more.

The Gateway Experience® In-Home Training Series is dedicated to developing, exploring and applying expanded states of awareness. Beginning with Discovery, there are seven "albums” called "Waves of Change.” Each Wave (3 CDs, 6 tracks) contains special Hemi-Sync® exercises designed to gently lead the listener into profound states of expanded awareness. While in such states, one has available a broader range of perceptions with which to solve problems, develop creativity or obtain guidance.

Each album is progressive in nature, building on the tools and techniques from the previous albums. Therefore, the albums must be used sequentially. The Gateway Experience Guidance Manuals, included with each Wave, prepare you for these exercises which help you to know and better understand your total self so you might enjoy a more fulfilling life.

What can you expect from the Gateway Experience?
"As much or as little as you put into it. Some discover themselves and thus live more completely, more constructively. Others reach levels of awareness so profound that one such experience is enough for a lifetime. Still others become seekers-after-truth and add an on-going adventure to their daily activity."
-- Robert A. Monroe

The Gateway Experience - Wave VI - Odyssey

Wave VI features high adventure exercises in Focus 21 (the bridge to other energy systems). Explore realms of awareness that defy description in dimensions beyond physical time-space reality in this much-requested continuation of the Gateway Experience. Voiced by A.J. Honeycutt. Includes Guidance Manual and the following six exercises:

Sensing  – learn to control your energy body
Expansion  – reach out further from your physical body
Point of Departure – project “out of phase” from your physical self
Nonphysical Friends – meet your “helpers in energetic form”
Intro to Focus 21 – travel the bridge to other energy systems
Free Flow Journey in Focus 21 – brand-new territory for your exploration

The Gateway Experience - Wave VI - Odyssey 5,6       ( 74min flac   284mb).:

CD3 - 5 - Movement to Locale 2 - Intro Focus 21 33:38
CD3 - 6 - Free Flow Journey in Focus 21 40:06

HemiSync - Gateway Experience - Wave VI Odyssey (PDF)

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Dark energy is a kludge.

More than twenty years ago, astronomers found that observations of remote galaxies seemed to indicate the Universe is expanding faster today than it did in the past. The Big Bang theory does not contain that anomalous observation, so a force that exerts negative gravity was proposed. However, “negative gravity” is not an easily defensible concept, so “dark energy” was chosen to correspond with the then new idea called, “dark matter”. Both are “dark”, because they cannot be detected with any instrument.

In a previous Picture of the Day about the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) data from the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope in New Mexico, it was noted that the discovery of “cosmic voids” in the structure of the Universe was based on an analysis of “low temperature” regions in space. As redshift measurements indicate, the voids can extend for half a billion light-years or more. It is these “supervoids” that led investigators to believe that they confirmed dark energy activity.

In 1997, two teams of astronomers were studying Type 1a supernovae, when they found that there was “something wrong” with their data. Type 1a supernovae are a sub-class of those stellar explosions, but they are thought to occur through a different process. Their particular way of exploding is still considered a mystery in astrophysical circles, but a possible mechanism is described by astrophysicists from the Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing:

“What is agreed is that as the white dwarf gains mass from its companion… As the mass approaches the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.4 solar masses, the temperature and pressure in the interior of the star is such that a burning front is formed, where carbon is fused into iron and nickel almost instantaneously. It is what happens next that astronomers are still investigating.”

In 1997, Adam Riess and Saul Perlmutter were studying Type 1a supernovae, because their rise in luminosity and their subsequent decline are considered predictable. By calculating a supernova’s redshift, they can place it in space-time coordinates and find out how far away it is.

Riess and Perlmutter were shocked to find that the redshifts of the most distant Type 1a supernovae indicate that they are accelerating. Another anomalous detail is that the farther away they are, the greater their velocity. This effect was called dark energy because no cosmic influence can be seen to this day. The conclusion among consensus theorists is that dark energy makes up 75% of the forces extant in the Universe.

Dark energy is another of the phantoms that arise when redshift is applied to observations. Redshift has been the bane of astrophysics since Hubble first identified what he thought was the Doppler effect in images of faint galaxies. Instead of seeing redshift as an effect of acceleration and distance, it may be that it is an intrinsic property of matter. Astronomer Halton Arp proposed that idea many years ago, and it deserves further investigation, especially when anomalous observations are considered: high redshift objects in front of low redshift objects, for example.

“All of the ‘dark’ things in astronomy are artifacts of a crackpot cosmology. The ‘dark energy’ model of the universe demands that eventually all of the stars will disappear and there will be eternal darkness. In the words of Brian Schmidt, ‘The future for the universe appears very bleak.’ He confirms my portrayal of big bang cosmology as ‘hope less’.”
—Wal Thornhill

Stephen Smith


It’s one of the great enduring mysteries of solar physics — why is the sun’s lower corona hundreds of times hotter than the Sun’s photosphere? For many decades, scientists on Earth have sought an answer to the puzzle, though only doing so within the confines of the standard, thermonuclear model of the Sun.

Recently, the ESA and NASA Solar Orbiter spacecraft returned to scientists on Earth the closest images of the Sun taken to date. Some missions scientists are speculating that features they’re calling “campfires” may reveal clues to the problem of coronal heating.

In this episode, Professor Donald E. Scott explains why the Sun’s super-hot corona has always been a predictable feature of the Electric Sun model.

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The Expanse is a series of science fiction novels (and related novellas and short stories) by James S. A. Corey, the joint pen name of authors Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck. The first novel, Leviathan Wakes, was nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2012. The series as a whole was nominated for the Best Series Hugo Award in 2017.

As of 2019, The Expanse is made up of eight novels and eight shorter works - three short stories and five novellas. At least nine novels were planned, as well as two more novellas. The series was adapted for television by the Syfy Network, also under the title of The Expanse, then they dropped the ball despite the succes of the series, i suspect the whole thing got too serious (expensive) so once again Syfy network proved they can't handle success. Anyway fans were outraged and got Amazon Prime to pick it up for a fourth and fifth series and considering the mountain of money Jeff Bezos sits on i suspect several more as long as the fans keep cheering.

The Expanse is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System, but does not have interstellar travel. In the asteroid belt and beyond, tensions are rising between Earth's United Nations, Mars, and the outer planets.

The series initially takes place in the Solar System, using many real locations such as Ceres and Eros in the asteroid belt, several moons of Jupiter, with Ganymede and Europa the most developed, and small science bases as far out as Phoebe around Saturn and Titania around Uranus, as well as well-established domed settlements on Mars and the Moon.

As the series progresses, humanity gains access to thousands of new worlds by use of the ring, an artificially sustained Einstein-Rosen bridge or wormhole, created by a long dead alien race. The ring in our solar system is two AU from the orbit of Uranus, and passing through it leads to a hub of starless space approximately one million kilometers across, with more than 1,300 other rings, each with a star system on the other side. In the center of the hub, which is also referred to as the "slow zone", an alien space station controls the gates and can also set instantaneous speed limits on objects inside of the hub as a means of defense.

The story is told through multiple main point-of-view characters. There are two POV characters in the first book and four in books 2 through 5. In the sixth and seventh books, the number of POV characters increases, with several characters having only one or two chapters. Tiamat's Wrath returns to a more limited number with five. Every book also begins and ends with a prologue and epilogue told from a unique character's perspective.

# Title Pages Audio
1 Leviathan Wakes 592 20h 56m
2 Caliban's War 595 21h
3 Abaddon's Gate 539 19h 42m
4 Cibola Burn 583 20h 7m
5 Nemesis Games 544 16h 44m
6 Babylon's Ashes 608 19h 58m
7 Persepolis Rising 560 20h 34m
8 Tiamat's Wrath 544 19h 8m
9 Unnamed final novel

at 3 hours everyweek that's beyond 2021 before we're finished here, that's to say as long as there's enough interest...we'll see next week Leviathan Wakes


Leviathan Wakes was nominated for the 2012 Hugo Award for Best Novel and the 2012 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. The novel was adapted for television in 2015 as the first season of The Expanse by Syfy.

Leviathan Wakes is set in a future in which humanity has colonized much of the Solar System. Earth, governed by the United Nations, and the Martian Congressional Republic act as competing superpowers, maintaining an uneasy military alliance in order to exert dual hegemony over the peoples of the Asteroid belt, known as "Belters." Belters, whose bodies tend to be thin and elongated due to their low-gravity environment, carry out the gritty, blue-collar work that provides the system with essential natural resources, but they are largely marginalized by the rest of the Solar System. The Outer Planets Alliance (OPA), a network of loosely-aligned militant groups, seeks to combat the Belt's exploitation at the hands of the "Inners," who, in turn, have branded the OPA a terrorist organization. The story is told from the point of view of Belter detective Joe Miller, and Earther Jim Holden.

James Holden is XO (Executive Officer) of an ice miner making runs from the rings of Saturn to the mining stations of the Belt. When he and his crew stumble upon a derelict ship, the Scopuli, they find themselves in possession of a secret they never wanted. A secret that someone is willing to kill for – and kill on a scale unfathomable to Jim and his crew. War is brewing in the system unless he can find out who left the ship and why.

Detective Miller is looking for a girl. One girl in a system of billions, but her parents have money and money talks. When the trail leads him to the Scopuli and rebel sympathizer Holden, he realizes that this girl may be the key to everything.

Holden and Miller must thread the needle between the Earth government, the Outer Planet revolutionaries, and secretive corporations – and the odds are against them. But out in the Belt, the rules are different, and one small ship can change the fate of the universe.

James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Leviathan Wakes 8-14 ( 143min  66mb)

The Expanse Leviathan Wakes 8-14 143min

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James S.A. Corey - The Expanse The Churn ( 149min  69mb)
James S.A. Corey - The Expanse Leviathan Wakes 1-7 ( 145min  67mb)

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