Apr 7, 2020

RhoDeo 2014 Fingerprints 9

Hello, today the final part of Hancock's epos Fingerprints of the Gods, 20 years later he wrote Magicians of the Gods a sequal to Fingerprints with which i'll continue next week.

On the corona front, Trump keeps pushing a malaria drug which has serious even deadly side effects, the man is a dangerous moron as many of his fans will find out. Closer to home PM Johnson ended up in hosptal as his body couldn't get rid of the virus, as he as many of the victims has a relatively high BMI . As it turns out bellyfat is a place where virusses love to reside and cause for a pre-stressed situation making recovery from the corona virus more difficult hence the high share of the fatalaties of those with a BMI of 30 and beyond (BMI= weight in kilos divided by the square of your height-in meters) mine is 35 and yes i musn't be infected...

Fingerprints of the Gods stirred up a hornets nest where even the BBC was called in to debunk and show of their skill in selective reporting, meanwhile millions have learned about the unexplained Piri Reis map which proved without doubt that serious skilled mapmaking went on when Antartica was icefree, way before the official fairytale starts of the human race. Really i don't understand why the powers that be are so against the idea that this planet had an earlier high civilization, i'm fine with it. The coming weeks Graham reads his book, ok it lacks the odd map and picture but you can listen to it at your leisure in bed, on the road or in the train.

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Dr. Jeffrey Thompson began experimenting with sound and its effects on the body and brain in 1981 at his Holistic Health Center in Virginia. His experiments involved using exact sound frequencies to make chiropractic spinal and cranial adjustments, to stimulate and normalize organ function, and to balance acupuncture meridians. His clinical research with thousands of patients and volunteers led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns, built into musical soundtracks, can entrain brainwaves and trigger numerous health benefits.Dr. Thompson continued his scientific clinical research at a graduate school and research center in Encinitas, California, for many years. A member of the faculty, he taught behavioral psycho-acoustics and clinical neuroacoustic therapy courses, recognized by the state of California as part of the core curriculum for the clinical psychotherapy and human science master's and PhD programs. Dr. Thompson currently teaches at various institutions and through sponsored seminars, workshops, and certification courses.

The booklet that accompanies this set refers to Christiaan Huygens, a 17th-century Dutch scientist who observed that the pendulums of clocks that were mounted side-by-side would, over time, acquire identical rhythms. The human brain, asserts musician and researcher Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, is receptive to similar patterns of "entrainment" and "frequency following responses." His Brainwave Suite, one in a series of such packages, endeavors to elicit specific responses from the brain by taking sounds from nature (rain, birds, crickets, surf) and his own modest electronic music (call him a poor man's Vangelis), and strategically fortifying them with inaudible pulses and frequencies. (Subliminal messaging, we're assured, is not used here.) If successful, the listener's brain will become attuned to the good doctor's subsonic vibe, and generate waveforms that are conducive to creativity (the Theta disc), "emotional openness" (the Alpha-Theta disc), relaxation (the Alpha disc), and sleep (the Delta disc). Is this science or snake oil? No independent corroboration is cited in the booklet, and your response likely will be proportionate to your receptiveness to the concept. As for what you can hear on the four discs (each of which is about 40 minutes in length), the nature sounds are mostly peaceful and pleasant. Alpha-Theta is quite good (check out Bernie Krause, however, for the gold standard in natural sounds), and Delta, with its rumbling thunder, is not much of a sleep inducer. Thompson's music occasionally gleams and, at other times, resembles tunes in a can.

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Brainwave DELTA - Sleep & Rejuvenation + Theta ( 84min flac   329mb).:

DELTA - Sleep & Rejuvenation
01 - Letting Go Of Stress 21:00
02 - Rejuvenating Sleep 21:04

THETA - Insight & Intuition
01 - Insight & Intuition 20:46
02 - Creativity & Inspiration 21:13

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Scientific research into the Sun's effects on life on Earth has yielded results that may surprise you. Over a century ago, the Soviet-era scientist Alexander Chizhevsky conducted exhaustive studies demonstrating an apparent correlation between solar activity and prominent historical events and societal changes. Today, geomagnetic effects on Earth's biology, and life on the planet overall, is the subject of many fields of investigation. In this episode, we present intriguing evidence that the Sun's electromagnetic activity may influence our bodies and minds in surprising and dramatic ways.


Alexander Chizevsky was likely the first to catalog a cyclical relationship between solar activity and cultural "upsets" or advancements. Outbursts of both creative or destructive excitement, depending on the socio-cultural conditions which had been building, appeared to facilitate artistic revolutions and bloody revolutions from tyranny alike.

This episode introduces the community to his work, and some of the many effects found by other scientists, which ought to open one's mind to exploring such a hypothesis. Perhaps channels like Suspicious0bservers will one day help forecast health states of physiology and psychology, helping us to hold better empathy for each other, knowing: "It's almost that time of the solar cycle!"

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On 6th July 1960 Lt Colonel Harold Ohlmeyer, a United States Airforce Commander, sent a reply to a letter from one Professor Charles Hapgood who had requested his opinion on a feature found on a map of 1513 AD called the Piri Reis Map. Lt Colonel Ohlmeyer’s reply was a bombshell. The map, showing the coastline of the east coast of the Americas and the west coast of Africa, the Colonel remarked, also seemed to show the coastline of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica free of ice – a condition it had not been in for some 9000 years!

In fact, it is only in recent times that modern man has been able to map this coastline using sub-surface surveying techniques that can penetrate the ice sheet that lies on top of it.

Ohlmeyer had no idea how a map existing in the 16th century could have got hold of such knowledge.

This was one of the many mysteries that lead Graham to begin his epic journey into man’s past that is Fingerprints of the Gods – and it is a mystery whose solution is mindblowing.

Travelling first to South and Meso-America, Graham finds evidence of myths of a white-skinned ‘god’ named Quetzalcoatl or ‘Viracocha’ who came from a drowned land bringing knowledge of farming and culture after a great flood. Tied in with these myths Graham begins to crack an ancient code imprinted in these ancient tales that refer to the ‘great mill’ of the heavens.

It is an astronomical code that deals with the position of the stars over vast periods of time – a code that reveals the ancients knew far, far more than they are generally credited with. Traces of the same code appear in Egyptian myth, and it is to this desert land that Graham and Santha travel, finding there haunting parallels in architecture and ritual to the New World sites they have just left behind.

Moreover, the whole layout of the Giza plateau seems to point to a date many thousands of years earlier than the date of its supposed construction – a date revealed in the astronomical alignments of the Pyramids, the ‘mansions of a million years’, home of the god Osiris, the bringer of agriculture to the Egyptians, like Quetzalcoatl, after a flood.

Could the Piri Reis maps be evidence for a previously unknown complex maritime civilisation, capable of mapping the globe? A global culture, cataclysmically destroyed at the end of the ice age, remnants of which survived the devastation to pass on their knowledge to the shaken world?

Were the figures of Osiris and Quetzalcoatl survivors of this lost race – passing down not only advanced geographical knowledge, but a secret astronomical code veiled in myth that pointed to the devastation in the past, and warned of that which is to come?

From the mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. Part adventure, part detective story, this book will force you to revaluate your beliefs of the past.

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Could the story of mankind be far older than we have previously believed? Using tools as varied as archaeo-astronomy, geology, and computer analysis of ancient myths, Graham Hancock presents a compelling case to suggest that it is.In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote antiquity, but also startling evidence of its vast sophistication, technological advancement, and evolved scientific knowledge. A record-breaking number one bestseller in Britain, Fingerprints of the Gods contains the makings of an intellectual revolution, a dramatic and irreversible change in the way that we understand our past—and so our future.

Today the final post on the Fingerprnits of the gods, Graham Hancocks opus that shook the archaeological establishment that had been peddling fairytales for a 100 years,  f.i. any laymen with some sense can observe that the pit surrounding the Sfinx shows serious water damage, considering its been filled with sand for thousands of years the damage occurred prior, other sciences tell us this must be at least 8,000 BC and so the socalled rogue writers like Hancock who told us the Sfinx was a monument created 9.600 BC by a previous unrecognized civilization who's work came recently to light when ground radar showed an enormous complex at Gobekli Tepe with hi quality stonework from 9,600 BC. Yet those senile archeologists are desperately clinging on their fairytale vision of the past created by biased dwarfs certainly not giants.

Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 49-52 ( 147min  55mb)

narrated by the man himself, Graham Hancock

49 Chapter 49  The Power of the Thing 39:14
50 Chapter 50  Not a Needle in a Haystack 22:42
51 Chapter 51  The Hammer and the Pendulum 36:33
52 Chapter 52 Like a Thief in the Night 48:27

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Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 0-6 ( 102min  48mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 7-13 ( 98min  37mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 14-20 ( 116min  44mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 21-25 ( 115min  53mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 26-31 ( 139min  53mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 32-37 ( 128min  59mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 38-42 ( 122min  46mb)
Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 43-48 ( 139min  54mb)

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