Feb 18, 2020

RhoDeo 2007 Fingerprintz 2


Anyway Fingerprints of the Gods stirred up a hornets nest where even the BBC was called in to debunk and show of their skill in selective reporting, meanwhile millions have learned about the unexplained Piri Reis map which proved without doubt that serious skilled mapmaking went on when Antartica was icefree, way before the official fairytale starts of the human race. Really i don't understand why the powers that be are so against the idea that this planet had an earlier high civilization, i'm fine with it. The coming weeks Graham reads his book, ok it lacks the odd map and picture but you can listen to it at your leisure in bed, on the road or in the train.

So last week as i wrote this i started thinking as to why the powers that be so forcefully try to prevent current day humans to research what went on before. I'm afraid in this day and age of conspiracy theories and fake news going out on a limb is called for in trying to create an explanation. First of T.P.T.B. know ! what went on before, and how it came to an end. Taking into account Plato's account of his grandfathers (Solon) story about Atlantis destruction in one night, these were men with skills that would still baffle us and probably gods in the eyes of the nomads that roamed the Earth at that time. Superiority can easily become arrogance which can cause enmity to occur with creatures unable to beat them directly, but smart enough to think up a cunning plan to destroy those 'smart-asses', a plan that would go unnoticed by the universe and thusfar unused by our sci-fi writers, direct a comet onto the enemy's safe house, the calculations were correct and 'Atlantis' was no more. Earth reverted into a primitive state as centers of knowlege were swept away by a 120 meters rise of the coastal seaside where this seafaring civilization had resided. Just a handfull of Atlanteans survived, in South America and in Africa, in Egypt they gave us Geometry and Astronomy, in Turkey (Göbekli Tepe) they seeded agriculture, the same thing happened in South America. A gift still giving. But without a network knowledge was lost and reduced to scraps, it will take a great network to reassemble them. Anyway T.P.T.B. have reluctantly admitted there have been two meteor strikes, one striking the Ice caps that restarted the ending ice age 13,000 years ago and one 11,600 years ago, but that one mainly hit water as it caused the Earth covered with thick clouds causing an immediate rise in temperture, and a 1000 years of rain fertilizing the whole world again. So why are T.P.T.B so afraid the truth might come out and possibly implying them and how come they are still the T.P.T.B after all this time ?

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This Brainwave Mind Voyages file contains six powerful 10 minute brainwave entrainment sessions that are specifically engineered to use modern techniques of vibrational sound therapy to harness the mystical powers of transcendental numbers and the intrinsic patterns of life found within Sacred Geometry. The influence of these magical numbers, sequences and ratios can be seen everywhere in nature: spirals, vortex formation, plants, cellular growth. These timeless patterns are literally the primal blueprints of life, the patterns of creation itself. We have taken these primordial frequencies and expressed them acoustically using advanced vibrational sound technologies. The psychoacoustic magic of this process we call Acoustic Alchemy can be used to transform your awareness in profound ways. These psychoacoustic tracks were created by combining several complex multi-layered sound frequencies, the Sacred Creation Patterns, into an advanced harmonic matrix that you can use to access heightened states of awareness. You can use these cosmic constants to shift your awareness and expand your consciousness. This file contains the exclusive BMV Autonomic Audio-Pacing Technology. The soundscape contains embedded heartbeats and controlled breathing patterns floating in the distance. Your heart rate and breathing will naturally slow down to mirror the rhythm of this progressive relaxation. You now have instant brainwave training at the press of a button. You can create the ideal setting to improve meditation, relaxation, self-healing, creativity, problem solving, brainstorming, trance work and more. Like the beat of a shaman's drum, the embedded tones will synchronize your brainwaves. You can create instant results that would normally take years of meditation to achieve. Geniuses like Einstein, Tesla, Edison and others have harnessed the powers of their brainwaves, and now, you can too.

Brainwave Mind Voyages - Sacred Geometry ( 60min flac   323mb).

01 Phi - The Golden Number Track.10:00
02 The Golden Ratio, Section or Mean Track 10:00
03 Fibonacci Series - Pattern of Life Track 10:00
04 All-Knowing Harmonic Progression Track 10:00
05 Absolute 33 - Pyramid Power Frequency Track 10:00
06 # Sri Yantra Mandala - Om Creation Sound 10:00

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One of the strangest hypothetical astrophysical objects is called a neutron star. Scientists tell us that the material leftover from a supernova explosion of a massive star collapses gravitationally, forming an incredibly small yet massively dense star mostly composed of tightly packed neutrons. A rotating neutron star is said to emit narrow beams of radiation, called pulsars. But the theoretical and evidential objections to this hypothesis are numerous. In this episode we explore the promising theoretical alternatives in the disciplines of plasma physics and electrical engineering.


In the first five installments of this series, we outlined some of the most compelling evidence that the role of electromagnetism throughout the cosmos is vastly more significant than modern space science has ever entertained. So far, we have explored this question through an examination of the highest energy electromagnetic phenomena at the vastest scales throughout the cosmos.

We now move our attention to our own celestial neighborhood and the dynamic interactions between the Sun and all of the bodies which move within its electrical domain. In this episode, we explore why planetary electrical discharge — beginning with planets in the inner solar system — are the sixth of ten reasons why the universe is electric.

If you see a CC with this video, it means that subtitles are available. To find out which ones, click on the Gear Icon in the lower right area of the video box and click on “subtitles” in the drop down box. Then click on the subtitle that you would like.

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On 6th July 1960 Lt Colonel Harold Ohlmeyer, a United States Airforce Commander, sent a reply to a letter from one Professor Charles Hapgood who had requested his opinion on a feature found on a map of 1513 AD called the Piri Reis Map. Lt Colonel Ohlmeyer’s reply was a bombshell. The map, showing the coastline of the east coast of the Americas and the west coast of Africa, the Colonel remarked, also seemed to show the coastline of Queen Maud Land in Antarctica free of ice – a condition it had not been in for some 9000 years!

In fact, it is only in recent times that modern man has been able to map this coastline using sub-surface surveying techniques that can penetrate the ice sheet that lies on top of it.

Ohlmeyer had no idea how a map existing in the 16th century could have got hold of such knowledge.

This was one of the many mysteries that lead Graham to begin his epic journey into man’s past that is Fingerprints of the Gods – and it is a mystery whose solution is mindblowing.

Travelling first to South and Meso-America, Graham finds evidence of myths of a white-skinned ‘god’ named Quetzalcoatl or ‘Viracocha’ who came from a drowned land bringing knowledge of farming and culture after a great flood. Tied in with these myths Graham begins to crack an ancient code imprinted in these ancient tales that refer to the ‘great mill’ of the heavens.

It is an astronomical code that deals with the position of the stars over vast periods of time – a code that reveals the ancients knew far, far more than they are generally credited with. Traces of the same code appear in Egyptian myth, and it is to this desert land that Graham and Santha travel, finding there haunting parallels in architecture and ritual to the New World sites they have just left behind.

Moreover, the whole layout of the Giza plateau seems to point to a date many thousands of years earlier than the date of its supposed construction – a date revealed in the astronomical alignments of the Pyramids, the ‘mansions of a million years’, home of the god Osiris, the bringer of agriculture to the Egyptians, like Quetzalcoatl, after a flood.

Could the Piri Reis maps be evidence for a previously unknown complex maritime civilisation, capable of mapping the globe? A global culture, cataclysmically destroyed at the end of the ice age, remnants of which survived the devastation to pass on their knowledge to the shaken world?

Were the figures of Osiris and Quetzalcoatl survivors of this lost race – passing down not only advanced geographical knowledge, but a secret astronomical code veiled in myth that pointed to the devastation in the past, and warned of that which is to come?

From the mysterious sites of Tiahuanaco and Teotihuacan, to the enduring enigmatic Sphinx and pyramids of Egypt, the grandiose Nazca lines of Peru to the stark primal beauty of the Osireion at Abydos, this is a journey both around the globe and into the heart of the true prehistoric origins of man. Part adventure, part detective story, this book will force you to revaluate your beliefs of the past.

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Could the story of mankind be far older than we have previously believed? Using tools as varied as archaeo-astronomy, geology, and computer analysis of ancient myths, Graham Hancock presents a compelling case to suggest that it is.In Fingerprints of the Gods, Hancock embarks on a worldwide quest to put together all the pieces of the vast and fascinating jigsaw of mankind’s hidden past. In ancient monuments as far apart as Egypt’s Great Sphinx, the strange Andean ruins of Tihuanaco, and Mexico’s awe-inspiring Temples of the Sun and Moon, he reveals not only the clear fingerprints of an as-yet-unidentified civilization of remote antiquity, but also startling evidence of its vast sophistication, technological advancement, and evolved scientific knowledge. A record-breaking number one bestseller in Britain, Fingerprints of the Gods contains the makings of an intellectual revolution, a dramatic and irreversible change in the way that we understand our past—and so our future.

Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 7-13 ( 98min  48mb)

narrated by the man himself, Graham Hancock

07 Chapter 7 Were There Giants Then 18:34
08 Chapter 8 The Lake at the Roof of the World 9:12
09 Chapter 9 Once and Future King 10:26
10 Chapter 10 The City at the Gate of the Sun 13:25
11 Chapter 11 Intimations of Antiquity 18:01
12 Chapter 12 The End of the Viracochas 13:39
13 Chapter 13 Blood and Time at the End of the World 16:13

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Graham Hancock - 'Fingerprints of the Gods The Quest Continues 0-6 ( 102min  48mb)

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