Jan 21, 2020

RhoDeo 2003 Vendetta 7

Hello, you're allowed to comment/share  your thoughts on the Electric Universe connected Alien Skies analysis by Dave Talbott, i've posted several short films on his theory, let's face it-shocking analysis of what happened in Earth's skies, giving rise to the myths of our ancestors and even when i'm relatively well-versed in (pre)history it's hard to fathom how our species could so almost completely dissociate with what happened, that these days people simply refuse to believe anything like that could have happened. Sadly our scientists are just as confused as the priesthood are, that said the Hebrews recon our (new) world started 5.780 years ago (or 3.729 BC), which fits nicely for the restart of planet Earth after the skies had settled under our current sun. Btw the Maya and Hindu believe our current age started 3103-12 BC(remarkably close considering they lived more than an ocean apart) Amnesia is a serious condition that might well explain our destructive nature towards the planet we live on, after the mythical golden age turned into death and destruction and ages of war up-to today (and beyond)

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We all seek a state of higher consciousness that awakens and enlivens our whole being. Masters of meditation and yoga, great artists, inventors, and highly accomplished people in many walks of life have learned to develop and live from such a state.

British researcher and Zen master C. Maxwell Cade spent decades analyzing the brainwave patterns of these extraordinary people. He discovered that they each shared a common pattern of brainwaves, which Cade called the awakened-mind pattern, and which he believed held the key to tapping into one’s highest potential for clarity of mind, deep insight, creative inspiration, and peak performance.

Created by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Awakened Mind System uses breakthrough audio recording processes to help you access this brainwave pattern so that you can directly experience the enormous benefits of this heightened state of consciousness. Dr. Jeffrey Thompson’s pioneering work with thousands of patients led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns built into musical soundtracks induce brainwave entrainment. Dr. Thompson’s audio programs are used by psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, MDs, chiropractors, and bodywork professionals in 26 countries.

Dr. Thompson embeds inaudible pulses of sound that mirror the awakened-mind pattern into an ambient musical soundtrack. As you listen, your own brainwaves begin to reflect the awakened-mind pattern, drawing you easily into states of deep insight, clarity of mind, creative inspiration, and peak performance.

    Based on over 15 years of pioneering clinical research
    Use with headphones or ordinary speakers
    Contains no spoken words or subliminal messages

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson - Awakened Mind System 2.0 ( 74min flac   264mb).

01 Awakened Mind System 2.0 29:51
02 Awakened Mind System 2.0 continued 30:03

“Use this program to help you enter the state of 'flow,' where you can draw on your unconscious as a source of guidance and wisdom, and guide you toward expanded consciousness and your own enlightenment.”
—Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

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Here we offer a brief preview of our directions in 2020 and beyond, supporting a revolutionary interpretation of the mythic and symbolic archetypes. Our purpose is to demonstrate that the documented archetypes are explicitly and inseparably connected to the themes we’ve repeatedly affirmed in these Discourses. Our claim is that the archetypes as a whole can be fully and persuasively explained in terms of the extraordinary natural world from which the ancient civilizations themselves arose. No archetype can then be excluded, and CONSISTENCY between wide-ranging archetypes becomes an acid test.

The subject of this video series by Dave Talbott is the ancient experience of towering celestial forms that are no longer present. From a single snapshot of the configuration, we can work backwards to the first appearance of these bodies out of an undifferentiated cloud or sea of dusty plasma. We can then follow the configuration’s evolution through phases that range from quasi-stability to earth shaking catastrophe.


The subject of this video series is the ancient experience of towering celestial forms that are no longer present. From a single snapshot of the configuration, we can work backwards to the first appearance of these bodies out of an undifferentiated cloud or sea of dusty plasma. We can then follow the configuration’s evolution through phases that range from quasi-stability to earth shaking catastrophe.

not leaving you hanging

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V for Vendetta is a dystopian political thriller based on the 1988 DC/Vertigo Comics limited series of the same name by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. Set in an alternative future where a Nordic supremacist and neo-fascist totalitarian regime has subjugated the United Kingdom, the book centers on V, an anarchist and masked freedom fighter who attempts to ignite a revolution through elaborate terrorist acts, Evey, a young, working-class woman caught up in V's mission and then there's a detective leading a desperate quest to stop V.

V for Vendetta has been seen by many political groups as an allegory of oppression by government; libertarians and anarchists have used it to promote their beliefs. David Lloyd stated: "The Guy Fawkes mask has now become a common brand and a convenient placard to use in protest against tyranny – and I'm happy with people using it, it seems quite unique, an icon of popular culture being used this way.

V for Vendetta sets the Gunpowder Plot as V's historical inspiration, contributing to his choice of timing, language, and appearance. For example, the names Rookwood, Percy and Keyes are used in the film, which are also the names of three of the Gunpowder conspirators. The film creates parallels to Alexandre Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo, by drawing direct comparisons between V and Edmond Dantès. (In both stories, the hero escapes an unjust and traumatic imprisonment and spends decades preparing to take vengeance on his oppressors under a new persona.) The film is also explicit in portraying V as the embodiment of an idea rather than an individual through V's dialogue and by depicting him without a past, identity or face. According to the official website, "V's use of the Guy Fawkes mask and persona functions as both practical and symbolic elements of the story. He wears the mask to hide his physical scars, and in obscuring his identity – he becomes the idea itself.

As a tale about the struggle between freedom and the state, V for Vendetta takes imagery from many classic totalitarian icons both real and fictional, including the Third Reich, the Soviet Union under Stalin and George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four. For example, Adam Sutler primarily appears on large video screens and on portraits in people's homes, both common features among modern totalitarian regimes and reminiscent of the image of Big Brother. The slogan "Strength through Unity. Unity through Faith" is displayed prominently across London, similar in cadence to "War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength" in Orwell's book. There is also the state's use of mass surveillance, such as closed-circuit television, on its citizens. The name Adam Sutler is intentionally similar to Adolf Hitler. Like the so-called Führer, Sutler is given to hysterical speech. Also like Hitler, Sutler is a racial purist, although Jews have been replaced by Arabs and Muslims as the focus of Norsefire ethnoreligious propaganda and persecution.

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In 2032, the world is in turmoil. The United Kingdom is ruled as a fascist police state by the Norsefire Party, under the all-powerful High Chancellor Adam Sutler.

On November 4, a vigilante in a Guy Fawkes mask identifying himself as "V" rescues Evey Hammond, an employee of the state-run British Television Network, from members of the "Fingermen" secret police while she is out past curfew. They watch his demolition of London's main criminal court, the Old Bailey, accompanied by fireworks and the "1812 Overture". Inspector Finch of Scotland Yard investigates V's activities. The BTN declares the Bailey's destruction an "emergency demolition", but V interrupts the broadcast to claim responsibility, encouraging the people of Britain to rise up against their government and meet him on next year's Guy Fawkes Night outside the Houses of Parliament. The police attempt to capture V. Evey helps him escape, but is knocked unconscious.

V takes Evey to his home, where she is told she must remain for one year. V kills Lewis Prothero, Norsefire's chief propagandist, and Anthony Lilliman, the Bishop of London. Evey offers to help, using the opportunity to escape to the home of her boss, talk show host Gordon Deitrich. In return for Evey trusting him, Gordon reveals prohibited materials, including subversive paintings, an antique Quran, and homoerotic photographs. V confronts Dr. Delia Surridge, who had experimented on him and other "undesirables" at Larkhill concentration camp; seeing her remorse, he kills her painlessly.

After Gordon performs a satire of the government on his show, his home is raided and Evey is captured. She is imprisoned and tortured for information about V, with her only solace being a note written by Valerie Page, a former prisoner tortured and killed for being lesbian. Evey is to be executed unless she reveals V's location. When she says she would rather die, she is released, only to find herself in V's home. V was the one who captured her at Gordon's home, and staged her imprisonment to free her from her fears. The note was real, passed from Valerie to V when he was imprisoned. He informs her that Gordon was executed when the Quran was found in his home. While Evey initially hates V for what he did to her, she realizes she has become a stronger person. She leaves him, promising to return before November 5.

V For Vendetta 7 ( 65min mp3  31mb)

A novelisation of the film, written by Steve Moore and based on the Wachowskis' script, was published by Pocket Star on January 31, 2006 , and read here by Simon Vance.

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V For Vendetta 1 ( 75min mp3  34mb).
V For Vendetta 2 ( 75min mp3  34mb).
V For Vendetta 3 ( 75min mp3  34mb).
V For Vendetta 4 ( 75min mp3  34mb).
V For Vendetta 5 ( 75min mp3  34mb)
V For Vendetta 6 ( 65min mp3  28mb)

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  1. We're "allowed" to?

    Well, you wouldn't have comments section if we weren't "allowed" to now would you?

    I would comment - except that you've proved your ignorance and arrogance again and again by ignoring people who have made comments on your posts regarding other topics - so...thanks for "allowing" us to - but, no thanks!

  2. Another brave anonymous moron.

  3. And who are you, Mr Mick? Just as anonymous as anonymous! Come on...unless you're leaving your full name, address, phone number etc & so forth - you're just as fucking anonymous as anonymous! How many Micks do you think there are on the planet, huh? LOL

  4. I disagree. "Mick" is a tag that can be used to identify me (unlike Anonymous). Okay anyone can use that tag but what will they achieve ... nothing. In that case I will just abandon it to use something else. I would be happy to register if Rho insisted so. At least it would stop a lot of the inane comments he's getting all under the cloak of anonymity.

  5. What a twat. You can disagree all you want but in the end you’re just another anonymous nob-head, mate.
