Jan 23, 2018

RhoDeo 1803 Roots


Today’s artist are a Chilean rock band formed in 1987 on the initiative of the keyboardist and guitarist Andrés Bobe of Paraíso Perdido and his friend, the keyboardist Rodrigo Aboitiz of Rare Apparatus, thus initiating a new project, where later would be joined by Beto Cuevas, Mauricio Claveria, Luciano Rojas and when Andrés Bobe died after a motorcycle accident, Pedro Frugone would enter.  The group would become very popular in Latin America with the release of his album Invisible (one million copies sold) although their best-selling record was his MTV Unplugged with a million and a half copies sold, as well as being the only Chilean musical group to achieve an American Grammy Award ....N'Joy

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The band begins with Rodrigo Aboitiz, who was part of the band Rare Apparatus and Andrés Bobe, who until then had been a member of the bands Lost Paradise, The Band of Little Vice and the last stage of Rare Apparatus, where he meets Rodrigo  Aboitiz and vocalist Shia Arbulu (former member of the group Nadie).  Shia baptized the new group as La Ley, in reference to the homonymous song that appears in the album The law of the desert / The law of the sea of the Spanish band Radio Futura, one of the favorites of Bobe. At first, La Ley had the aspiration to be a techno music group, having clear influences to British new wave bands such as Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, The Cure and The Smiths.

In 1988 they manage to record an EP cassette for EMI, entitled The Law, containing 6 tracks, three remixes and one instrumental, including 5 promotional vinyl of 45 '. After their first work as a team (which is not included as official work of the group) undergo the first transformation: Shia Arbulú leaves the group and returns to his native Spain. Bobe then summons a series of musicians for what would be the definitive formation.  The first to approach was Luciano Rojas, bassist of "Paradise Lost", and friend of Andres;  then Mauricio Clavería, drummer of Pancho Puelma and the Partners, and Iván Delgado, keyboardist, saxophonist and voice of "Paradise Lost".

At this moment Luis Alberto "Beto" Cuevas arrives in Chile, a young Chilean graduate in graphic design who until then had lived most of his life in Venezuela and Canada.  Upon his arrival, he met Mauricio Clavería, who invited him to go to a rehearsal of the band to do a test, presenting him to Bobe as "a cousin", and he had to learn the lyrics of the song "Desierto"  "  Seeing that Cuevas' voice and style fit very well, and that he also mastered English very well, it was when Bobe, Aboitiz, Rojas and Clavería opted to definitively enter La Ley as their frontman

In 1990, they published their plaque titled Desiertos, which counted Rodrigo Aboitiz and Andrés Bobe as producers. As a new group, La Ley needed the support of a manager, but Fonseca was in charge of representing EMI's strongest group, Los Prisioneros.  His collaborator, Alejandro Sanfuentes, recommended then that they become independent from the hand of Fonseca.  The result was the removal of the stores from the Desierto album, of which only 500 copies were sold, turning it into an article of worship among the fans of the band.  EMI did not want to do without the recordings made, but arguing copyright The Law manages to get the master tape of the recording.  The group ventures to play in small places in the neighboring towns of the city of Santiago (Chile), in a van.

They decided to send the master tape of the song Desierto to Argentina to produce 2000 copies on vinyl, with the intention of distributing them in each presentation and thus have a secure source of income.  With these they realize the videoclip of the song that gives title to the disc, with locations in the Mapocho river and the Coffee of the Hill, place where they touched every week.  The videoclip is the idea, produced and directed by the filmmaker Gustavo Fiorenza. In 1991 the mother of Aboitiz dies, who decides to leave the group arguing that her death prevented him from having a clear mind and open to new ideas.  Bobe then decided to buy a Roland Workstation sequencer, to support and sequence the sections that corresponded to Aboitiz in the songs.

Transformed into a quartet, La Ley is presented in the program About TVN channel conducted by Juan Guillermo Vivado.  The list of songs included songs by the band The Rolling Stones and the vocalist would be the Chilean singer Andrea Tessa.  Beto sang the songs "Angie" and "Under My Thumb".  The Chilean radio announcer Rolando Ramos took the demo of these songs and made it public, calling the attention of the PolyGram label, who offer the group a contract for three albums.  At the end of 1991, the Law publishes its first official material, Doble Opuesto, produced by Mario Breuer.

 In the fall of 1992 The Law begins to record in Argentina and Chile, also under the direction of Mario Breuer the following album, titled with the same name of the band: The Law. The disc leaves in February of 1993, selling 15,000 copies  the first day.  The video of the song "Tejedores de Ilusión" written, produced and directed by Gustavo Fiorenza is nominated for the MTV awards as the best Latin video.

 Given the success of La Ley, the organizers of the Viña del Mar International Song Festival invite the group for the first time.  During their presentation, in February of 1993, they were given a Gold Disc for the registered sales of their second work, The Law and Platinum Disc for Doble Opuesto Sales.

It is at this moment when the group has its first contact with Mexico;  his first presentation was at the Ángela Peralta theater in Mexico City;  then they left for Monterrey, making radio appearances in the city of Cuernavaca Morelos and performing at the Roxy Theater in Los Angeles.

 After its presentation at the Viña Festival, La Ley is contracted by Channel 13 to compose and interpret the music of the Champagne television series.  This song, titled "In the city", turns out to be a hit, which quickly reaches frequent rotation on the radios.  To take advantage of this impulse, at the beginning of 1994 the group recorded with Humberto Gatica a maxi single called Cara de Dios composed of four songs, including "En la ciudad".  This album turns out to be a bestseller [citation needed] and they receive an invitation to the International Festival of Viña del Mar in February 1994. They are also invited to the Acapulco Festival for the month of May, as well as presentations in the United States.

At this time, Andrés Bobe had conversations with Rodrigo Aboitiz, to return to the keyboards.  However, at dawn on April 10, 1994, Bobe suffers an accident while returning to his girlfriend Constanza Piwonka's house.  After the band played at a concert for the benefit of the daughter of Hector Robles, player of the Palestino football team, at the intersection of Monseñor Edwards and Ortega y Gasset streets, in the La Reina district of Santiago, Andrés lost the control of his motorcycle, receiving a blow to the head that causes his death in a few minutes, despite wearing a helmet. He was only 32 years old. This tragic event occurs at the moment in which the group La Ley had a great projection in the national and international scene.

After the loss of Bobe, several problems arise for the musicians, both with the record company and with the relatives of the guitarist, for the ownership of the group's name.  Part of the Chilean press covered the dark moment that La Ley lived with something of morbid (the group would respond later to that with the song "Cielo market").  The media began to speculate about the future of the group, stating that La Ley would cease to exist as the "brain" of the group was no longer there.

Andrés Bobe was an outstanding musician of the underground scene of the late eighties in Chile.  He was given different tributes and the most remembered was at the National Stadium, where the teams of the University of Chile and Colo-Colo played, Andrés Bobe was a follower of the University of Chile, a team that won 4-0.  In addition, during the concert that Depeche Mode offered in April of that year, they learned of Bobe's death and made a minute of silence in memory of him.  The death of Andrés Bobe truncated the session "Unplugged" for MTV: La Ley was going to be the first Hispanic-American group to record an unplugged session for the MTV of Hispano-America.  Andrés Bobe had also been hired by the Lucybell group to produce his first album, work that was finally in charge of Mario Breuer.

Pedro Frugone, former guitarist of Vienna and Anachena, who had been a support musician of La Ley on some occasions, is officially invited to join the group.  With him The Law is presented at the Acapulco Festival in May 1994. However, Frugone had problems officially joining as the band's lead guitarist;  He had signed an exclusivity contract as a member of the Anachena group, owned by BMG Ariola Chile.  When BMG learned that Frugone was recording an album for another band and record label, he complained about breach of contract.  Warner had to pay an amount to free him from his obligations to Anachena, that same year Aboitiz returns to occupy the keyboards.

 Under the production of Humberto Gatica and under the record label Warner Music México, once the contract with PolyGram is finished, La Ley begins to record the album Invisible.  Frugone left the recording for differences with Gatica, so that his official presentation as a member of the group is not made until December.  In January La Ley begins a tour through different cities of Chile, presenting the new songs.  In February 1995, they performed again at the Viña Festival, in addition to offering a free concert on Avenida Perú in the city of Viña del Mar, along with the Chilean singer Nicole under the auspices of Pepsi.

Invisible went on sale in July 1995, with advertising and releases in several countries of Latin America and the US Hispanic market.  This plaque managed to give them international fame, defining the future style of La Ley and placing five singles on the radio: "El duelo", "Día Cero", "Cielo Market", "Hombre" and "1-800 dual".  The success of this album surpassed in sales During 1995, the Law announced its move to Mexico: this situation caused controversy in the Chilean media and art.  Some artists who considered themselves nationalists criticized the fact that La Ley left the country to seek international success.

 In 1996 they are invited to participate along with other Spanish-American rock bands in the compilation Silencio = Muerte: RED HOT + LATIN, for the benefit of the victims and the fight against AIDS.  Participate with the song "You Come and Go", authored by Bobe, Aboitiz and Cuevas. The tour of Invisible lasted nearly two years without stopping, managing to fill the 11 and 12 of October of 1996 the National Auditorium of Mexico, one of the most important venues in the country.

After the success of Invisible, Warner offered the group a high budget to record their next material.  The Law went to Cuernavaca Mexico to record the models of it.  The next album would mark a break with the previous ones, in terms of sound and proposal, so that initially it had been planned to record it in British studios, but at the last moment New York studios were chosen;  the Chung King studios, House of Metal.

 After the elaboration of this new project, Rodrigo Aboitiz returns to abandon The Law. The versions on this new estrangement vary.  It was thought that perhaps it was due to the birth of his son, but the reason most often adduced is his then strong vice for drugs, caused by the extensive tour that involved the promotion of Invisible.  Cuevas decides to expel him from the group, arguing that Aboitiz was a very obsessive person.  Although Aboitiz went to rehabilitation in Mexico, Cuevas prevented him from returning.

In February of 1998, with a great promotion campaign, the album Vertigo was released, an album with electronic and dance touches.  This work did not have good reception in the specialized criticism and many of its followers have come to consider this as the weakest work of The Law, to which must be added the rejection of the Chilean public for its decision to settle in Mexico  .  Fotofobia came to be considered as the worst song of the year in Chile. However, Vertigo "is a work in which La Ley puts its experimental side to the test, entering the field of acid house, as can be seen in its theme" Opacity ".

At this stage, Luciano felt uncomfortable inside the group, due in large part to the absence of his friend Rodrigo.  The disagreements are accentuated and reach a peak when Rojas leaves his classmates hours before the presentation at the Latin American Music Festival "Vive Latino" in 1998. After his departure from La Ley, Rojas and Aboitiz had a meeting to  a new project: the "Saiko" group, where Iván Delgado, co-founder of La Ley and a new member, Denisse Malebrán, was also present.

In 1999 La Ley recorded the album Uno, which was released in March 2000. Five singles and three videos came out of this album: "Aquí", "Fuera de Mí", "Eternidad", "Espacio Espacial" and "Paraíso".  This album took to the group to a great international level of popularity, having numerous recognitions as the Grammy.

The following year, bassist Archie Frugone, brother of Pedro Frugone, joined the group and were invited by the MTV network to perform an acoustic session called La Ley MTV Unplugged.  This album receives Gold and Platinum Records throughout the Americas, as well as three Latin Grammy nominations (Spanish-American Grammys), taking the award for "Best Vocal Album for a Rock Group", two MTV Awards Latin America (MTV awards)  for Latin America): "Best Rock Artist" and "Best Group of the Year", several nominations for the Billboard Latin Awards and an ASCAP award for Beto Cuevas, as composer for "Lie".

The feelings of the group before the attack to the Twin Towers of September 11 and the American invasion of Afghanistan gave rise to the recording of the album Libertad, produced by Humberto Gatica and KC Porter. For this work the themes "Amate y Sálvate", "Más Allá" (inspired by a fanatic who committed suicide by not fulfilling her dream of knowing Beto Cuevas in person and "My Law"

The following year they released their compilation Historias y hysteria with all their successes, celebrating 15 years of career and their first recordings.  At that time the dissolution of the Law is announced. Although several reasons have been mentioned for the separation, the true reasons are unknown.

 In 2005 La Ley was invited to play at the Viña del Mar Festival;  during the presentation Luciano Rojas and Rodrigo Aboitiz appear surprisingly on stage, making an anthology of the first songs of the group, with the song "Desiertos".  The group won the public awards to artists, the Gold and Silver Seagulls.  That night the last song was "Weavers of illusion", making a remembrance to his deceased founder Andrés Bobe.  After having finished their farewell tour, they announced that the group would retire, but left open the possibility of meeting again as a quintet;  in that place the rough edges of past years were filed.

 After the dissolution, each member undertook independent projects: Beto Cuevas worked as an actor in some films  and began his solo career.  Pedro Frugone also released his solo album where he ventures as a singer.  Mauricio Claveria formed in Mexico the indie group Los Concorde, together with Jonas de Plastilina Mosh, Poncho (bassist from La Lupita) and Leonardo de Lozanne (vocalist of the Mexican rock band Phobia).  Rodrigo Aboitiz and Ignacio Redard (composer, lyricist and vocalist), form the synthpop band The Plugin.

On October 18, 2013, Beto Cuevas announces on his Twitter account the return of the band, to perform at the 2014 Viña del Mar Festival. The other great novelty was the arrival to the band of Zeta Bosio, ex-Soda player  Stereo. On January 29, 2014, nearly 80,000 people appeared in the city of Mar del Plata, Argentina, in a free 5-song show, and on February 26 they had a successful visit to the Viña del Mar Festival. The show included tributes  the founder of the band Andrés Bobe and Gustavo Cerati, in addition to the release of his new single, "Forget".

At the end of November 2015, Beto Cuevas declared on Radio Cooperativa that La Ley would release the first single of his new album on January 15, 2016, and that this one itself, entitled Adaptación, would be published in March .2 Three days later of the announced thing, the Law publishes You are no longer, song far from the compositions rock of the first stage of the group, approaching more to pop.  On the other hand, in another interview with Radio Cooperativa, the band confirms that Adaptación would see the light on April 8, 2016.

At the end of 2015 the band announced the world tour Adaptation for 2016. The tour began with a successful concert at the Teatro La Cúpula on January 28;  during February and March the band performed in different Chilean locations (for the first time in almost 20 years according to the group);  After this, the dates of the tour for the United States, Mexico, Argentina and the return to Chile for some shows in cities that were left out of the first leg of the tour were announced.

On May 28, 2016, La Ley was presented at the Vivo X el Rock festival in Peru.  Almost a month later, on June 24, the second adaptation single, Reino de la Verdad, was released. On Friday, July 29, 2016, it is announced, through the official Facebook page of Beto Cuevas, that the band has been permanently separated.  The news creates natural disconcert in its public and in some media, considering that they were in full promotion of a newly released album with more than sixty presentations to be made.  The official statement says the following:

     Dear friends, after several conversations and months of touring, today the last chapter of a book called The Law is closed. Some of you may wonder why.  I can only tell you that life goes around a lot and just as one day it reunited us, today it separates us.  On my part there is only the love, respect and gratitude for all who accompanied us during this adventure.  For now and as always, I will continue composing, singing and creating for you.  See you soon!  Beto Cuevas

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Doble Opuesto was the first successful album of the Chilean rock/pop group La Ley (a failed first album, Desiertos, was released in 1990). The album was released in October 1991 under the production of Jorge Melibosky. Band members for this record were Andrés Bobe (guitars), Mauricio Clavería (drums), Alberto Cuevas (vocals) and Luciano Rojas (bass). Bobe provides the voice for the song "En Lugares".

This album is a classic, years since it has been released and the only thing it lacked for it to be a giant was its publicity and airtime. La Ley delivers a great introductory attempt that will set the mark for an incredible evolvement in spanish rock. "Prisioneros De La Piel" is a great song that describes the aging of a Father from a son's perspective, and how he is ready to meet his death. The best song "Solo Ideales" is La Ley's greatest song ever, as it shares the thoughts of many of us to change the world, and make it a better place, but describes just that, thoughtless actions. "Angie" is a remake cover of the Rolling Stones that with time I grew to admire more than then original. Songs like "A Veces", "Doble Opuesto" and "Desiertos", let you glide through the album enjoying different aspects of Bobe's great guitar playing, while also enjoying the bands dedicated and above averaged singer Beto Cuevas. A must have album for any latin rock lover. Too bad for its small success at the time of release, because this album would of given prodigal Soda Stereo some airplay and market competition.

In April 2008, the Chilean edition of Rolling Stone magazine ranked this album as the 21st best Chilean album of all time.

La Ley - Doble Opuesto   (flac  260mb)

01 Doble Opuesto 4:27
02 Placer 4:25
03 En Lugares 4:04
04 Desiertos 5:19
05 Que Va A Suceder 4:22
06 Prisioneros De La Piel 3:21
07 A Veces 4:41
08 Angie 4:33
09 Sasha 3:48
10 Solo Ideales 4:56

La Ley - Doble Opuesto (ogg   106mb)

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Vértigo is the fifth album by the Chilean band La Ley. It was released on Tuesday, February 17, 1998. Recorded at the Chung King studios (House of Metal-NY), it is an album that would mark a trend within rock in Spanish.  Your futuristic concept.  The record was recorded as a quintet by La Ley;  However, before the album was released Rodrigo Aboitiz was expelled from the group.  The album is characterized by many as one that anticipated what was going to happen in the new millennium.  However, at the time disappointed the public by the abrupt turn of the group.

These twelve songs show the Chilean group led by Beto Cuevas, initially very attached to pop, experimenting with other darker, sophisticated and somewhat sinister styles, as in the brief theme Shygun.  The Law demonstrates that the use of machines becomes a constant and that it can be a vital instrument when merging rock with acid house, as in Opacity.  But in general it is decided to use sequences and loops in the manner of ornamental details.  The same happens with the reading given to industrial music on topics such as Certain civilians, where only a pop theme can be varnished with hardness.

However, the album surprised the critics and the public by the sudden turn of the band.  Thus, Vertigo is considered the least quoted disc of La Ley, and its first single Fotofobia was rated as the worst song of the year 1998 in Chile.  However, the mix of electronics may unattract you at first, but after listening to it 3 or 4 times, the songs become better and better. Another great album provided by latin rock's best band. Unsurprisingly then, over the years the album has been revalued by different sectors, coming to be reissued in 2013.

 La Ley - Vértigo   (flac  365mb)

01 Fotofobia 2:58
02 Guerrillero 4:02
03 VI 4:15
04 X Ti 3:47
05 Tanta Ciudad 5:16
06 Sed 4:25
07 Ciertos Civiles 3:54
08 Krazyworld 4:03
09 Opacidad 5:21
10 Shygun 2:02
11 Ciclos 3:56
12 Solitaryman 6:21

La Ley - Vértigo (ogg  122mb)

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Grammy-winning alternative Latin rock threesome La Ley made its first live album in Miami after more than a decade touring Latin America. MTV Unplugged mostly gathers the band's 1990s hits, leaving behind its late-'80s pop/rock style. Recorded at Miami Broadcast Center, Chilean La Ley was joined by bassist Archie Frugone, keyboardist Pete Wallace, and guitarist Toshi Yanagi, among other talented musicians, allowing singer Beto Cuevas, drummer Mauricio Clavería, and guitarist Pedro Frugone to deliver a high-quality acoustic performance, playing for the first time a bolero/pop called "Mentira," crossover hits "Krazyworld" and "The Corridor"; classic "Prisioneros de la Piel" and "El Duelo," performed along with Mexican singer Ely Guerra.

La Ley - MTV Unplugged   (flac  512mb)

01 Animal 6:05
02 Dia Cero 4:30
03 Mentira 4:52
04 Prisioneros De La Piel 3:41
05 Hombre 4:07
06 Krazyworld 4:11
07 Intenta Amar 4:51
08 El Duelo 5:28
09 The Corridor 5:22
10 Aquí 3:38
11 Delirando 3:55
12 Cielo Market 3:49
13 La Luna 2:25
14 Fuera De Mí 5:00
15 Paraíso 2:44
16 Al Final 5:20

La Ley - MTV Unplugged (ogg  183mb)

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This album is a comprehensive "best-of" La Ley. It focuses primarily on the 1995-2004 period: the Warner years. "El Duelo," "Aquí," "Cielo Market," and "Mentira" are good examples of that era. This album also features three tracks from the band's earlier period (from the late '80s until 1994), when the group was recording in Chile for Polygram. All the hits that helped the band's breakthrough are here: "Doble Opuesto," "Tejedores de Ilusión," and "Prisioneros de la Piel." There are also three new songs included: "Mírate," "Bienvenidos al Anochecer," and "Histeria." So far, this is the best place to start if you are a newcomer to La Ley.

La Ley - Historias e Histeria   (flac  493mb)

01 Mirate 4:01
02 Dia Cero 4:25
03 Doble Opuesto 4:01
04 Mentira 4:48
05 Bienvenido Al Anochecer 5:20
06 Aquí 4:45
07 Prisioneros de la Piel 3:18
08 Ámate y Sálvate 4:23
09 Histeria 4:09
10 Fuera de Mi 4:42
11 Cielo Market 3:38
12 Intenta Amar 4:58
13 VI 4:06
14 El Duelo 2:57
15 Más Allá 4:54
16 Tejedores de Ilusión 4:15

La Ley - Historias e Histeria (ogg   168mb )

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