Jan 2, 2018

RhoDeo 1753 Roots


Today's artists are find their beginnings in 1971, Illapu -Rayo, in the Quechua voice- has developed a unique, innovative, experimental and beautifully conceived aesthetic work that over the years has become a musical and poetic proposal that synthesizes the dreams and aspirations of several generations. Illapu sings to life, love, justice, the preservation of the cultural sources of America, the contradictions of man nature and the tensions created by the processes of modernity. Most of his compositions are written by its members and also nourished by the poetry of great poets such as Pablo Neruda, Mario Benedetti, Roque Dalton ...

They use a wide variety of musical instruments from different origins. The ancestral aerophones: zampoñas, quenas, quenachos, tarkas, sicuras, moceños, trutrucas, pifilca. In addition to transverse flute and saxophones. Of the strings of Latin America they perform bandurria, four Venezuelan, charango of bolivia, tiple colombiano, together with electroacoustic guitars, electric bass and keyboards. They also play a variety of percussion instruments such as bombo legüero, cajón peruano, congas, bongo, kultrún, djembe, Latin percussion and drums. .....N'Joy

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The musical genealogy of Illapu goes back to the ancestral roots of the Andean world. From this inexhaustible source are born their harmonic and sonorous constructions. Time and contact with the contemporary world have opened Illapu new musical horizons and aesthetic conceptions. Thus, illapu today reveals a varied range of sounds, textures, rhythms, melodies, atonities and harmonic polyphonies that achieve a unique amalgam and feature impossible to separate.

Illapu was formed in 1971 in the northern Chilean town of Antofagasta. Their name comes from the Quechua word meaning "Lightning Bolt". That same year they performed in the Festival del Salitre ("Saltpeter Festival") in María Elena (a mining precinct) and won the festival's prize after performing Quilapayún's "La Muralla". They were sharply criticized by the organiser of the musical event, Patricio Manns, for interpreting someone else's composition. That same year Pato Valdivia joined the ensemble.

In 1972 they moved to Santiago de Chile seeking more performance and recording opportunities. They recorded their first album, Música Andina, for the label DICAP. Shortly afterwards they won a prize at the Norte Andino Festival ("Andean North Festival") in Calama interpreting "Dale Mañungo", composed by the songwriter Nano Acevedo. In 1973 they performed for the first time at the prestigious Festival Internacional de la Canción de Viña del Mar music festival. Their novel musical approach and aesthetics on stage gained them the recognition from music critics and praise from the general public. At this stage they began to be considered a new element in the Nueva Canción Chilena ("New Chilean Song") movement. The resources allocated to the arts and culture under the Popular Unity government of Salvador Allende also allowed Illapu to fully develop their artistic potential.

In 1981, when they returned from their second tour of Europe they are prevented from entering the country, and exiled in France. From there, Illapu toured the international arena, recorded four albums, new musical ideas emerged that enhanced its international character. They appear in the biggest stages of Europe, the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, North Africa, and Australia, where in 1987 they receive the "Media Peace Award" from SBS TV. After settling in Mexico, in 1986, they travel a large part of Latin America and the Caribbean. In the early spring of 1988, Illapu finally returns home. They are received by more than one hundred thousand people in their first concert at Parque La Bandera de Santiago. Even in the absence of the national scene, his popularity had increased. In 1991, the album "Vuelvo amor ... Vuelvo vida" obtains the first gold record. Since then, Illapu has received countless awards, gold records, platinum prizes from specialized critics. They start acting in 1992 at the Viña del Mar Festival, a stage they return to after 19 years. They are awarded like the year 91, by the grouping of entertainment journalists, APES, as "the most popular group of the year".

In 1993 the theme "Far from love" remains forty-six weeks at the top of the radio preferences. That same year, the association of entertainment journalists, APES, rewards them as "the most popular group of the year", "best composers" and "disco of the year". Illapu is invited in 1994 to almost all the festivals organized in Chile and once again participate in the Festival of Viña del Mar where the popularity acquired by the group is well known.
In March of 1995, in the delivery of the "Top Thirty National Music Awards", four prizes are awarded: "group of the year", "best song of the year", "producer of the year" and the "most selling group" "Of 1995. In July of the same year they receive the prize as" best group ", granted by the Syndicate of Radio Broadcasters of Chile.

In the second half of 1995 the Billboard Magazine refers to the group in an article that highlights: "Illapu confirms its status as the most popular artist in Chile." The magazine publishes an extensive report on the South American record market and the important place that the sextet occupies in it. In 1996 the album "En estos días" becomes the best-selling record in the history of Chilean music, receiving multiple platinum records. With this award, the popularity of Illapu is recognized not only by critics, but also by the public of both old and new generations, being acclaimed once again at the Viña del Mar Festival, to which they are invited for the fourth time. .

During 1998, Illapu launches its sixteenth disc, "Morena esperanza"; He also visited nine countries, highlighting in this tour the concerts held in the metropolitan area of Mexico City and in two international events: "The world next door festival" in Canada and the last fair of the century, "Expo Lisboa 98", in Portugal . During the year 1999 Illapu continues his tours both in Chile and abroad, appearing for the first time in the Canary Islands, Spain, in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia. They are once again visiting Mexico where they perform at the book fair in Guadalajara and the Metropolitan Theater in Mexico City and in Argentina, where they participate in the Cosquín Festival, also performing a series of concerts in several cities, including Buenos Aires.

The year 2000 begins for Illapu with a long summer tour of great public call in their concerts, which takes them to travel a good part of the geography of Chile, after releasing their album "Momentos vividos", a compilation album of the most important of the last decade, to which the singer-songwriters Pablo Milanés from Cuba and the Argentinian Víctor Heredia invite to participate. They are invited again to the Canary Islands and the VIC festival in Barcelona, ​​Spain; they appear in Peru, in the San Marcos stadium in Lima and then in Cusco.

Illapu closes the century in 2000 with a visit to ancient China, performing concerts in Shanghai and Beijing causing great excitement and admiration, thus becoming the first Latin American group to visit this country.
With a new tour throughout Chile, Illapu starts the year 2001, also commemorating three decades of singing with the edition of its entire discography; discontinued some and other unpublished as "The cry of the race" and "Theater of the Ville, Paris live." Then come concerts in Madrid, Berlin and Stockholm.

The year 2002 Illapu begins with the participation in the Festival of Viña del Mar, where he is invited for the fifth time in the middle of a new summer tour. It is also the moment of the release of a new album: "Illapu", homonymous album that shows them with their musical proposal in full force and development. Among the highlights of the group during 2003, it is important to note that they were nominated for the Premios Luna in Mexico along with Mercedes Sosa and other prominent stars of the Latin American show, however four are the most important events: the presentation with Quilapayún and Intillimani in the auditorium of Mexico; the presentations in different events in Mexico and in the Zócalo of the DF; the successful participation in the festival "Todos los voces todas" in Quito - Ecuador and the obtaining of the "Prize President of the Republic 2003" in Chile, awarded for "the musical enrichment that the group has made around traditional expressions; for its creative capacity based on folkloric traditions, and -for it has spread Chilean Andean folklore with great repercussion in the national and international media- ".

In 2005, the group turns 33, presenting its DVD entitled "Illapu 33; documentary divided into four parts. It contains 16 songs with scenes from the concerts in 2004, in cities of Peru (Lima and Huancayo), Canada, Chile and Mexico. Includes a black and white program recorded by the band in 1975, in Isluga, Chilean highlands. Also, images of his return, in 1989, when they gathered more than 100 thousand people in his concert at Parque La Bandera de Santiago. 2006, Illapu begins with a tour around Chile, where the International Song Festival of Viña del Mar is included again, and again, the affection of its audience rewards them with silver gull, silver and gold torch. During the year 2007, Illapu performs more than 60 concerts, they resume contact with Europe during the month of September, visiting Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Germany.

In 2008, Illapu performs more than 50 concerts, on tours that include countries such as Australia, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador and of course Chile. Where they release their dvd "Illapu vivo", which a week after its release became the best-selling Chilean DVD in the market, another real show of popularity and popularity of one of the iconic groups of national popular music . 2009 is a year that they started participating in the Cosquín Festival, in Argentina being awarded by the public and the specialized press Argentina. They release their album and dvd "Vivo" for the Argentine market. 2010, a year that was characterized by his tours in Europe and Mexico, a country that they consider his second homeland. 2011 is the year of the consolidation of Illapu in Argentina, making various presentations in the north, south and center of this country. To this must be added the concerts held in Chile and the rest of Latin America.

2012 is a year of preparation and launch of a new album that will be released in November and the performance of several presentations in Argentina, Peru and a new visit to Europe. Follow then with a tour of Scandinavia, visiting; Västerås (Sweden), Luleå (Sweden), Oslo World Music Festival (Norway), Göteborgs (Sweden), Stockholms (Sweden), and Helsinki (Finland). Finishing the year with a great concert celebrating the 40 years at the Caupolicán Theater in Santiago de Chile. Then there will be a tour of Australia: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and two concerts at the Womad Adelaide, one of the most important festivals in the world when it comes to World Music.

They are part of a musical encounter that they call "Revueltos Unidos Por La Música", together with Inti Illimani, achieving a unique, dynamic show of great artistic quality, where the repertoires of both groups are intertwined, which present two days in the Caupolicán Theater to turn table, to continue later in the North of Chile with the same success. Illapu begins the process of creating and recording what will be his new album. On the occasion that marks the 40th anniversary of the death of Víctor Jara, they are once again "Revueltos" with Inti Illimani, this time with the surname "Unidos por Víctor Jara" as a tribute, which will be the end of the year, with two functions in the Caupolicán Theater.

2014 The Group focuses its attention on its new album, "Con Sentido y Razón", in the midst of diverse presentations. The album will be released in July, achieving a very good critique of the press and the public and sales that will take it among the best selling albums of the year. The live premiere takes place in Valparaíso, which begins a long tour of different cities in the north and south of the country, among which stand out; Concepción, Temuco, Rancagua and the official premiere of the album, at the Caupolicán Theater in Santiago. They continue to present their new show "Con Sentido y Razón" until today, with dates scheduled for 2015 in Chile, Latin America, USA and Mexico ...

… keep going.

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In the summer of the year 1971, in the city of Antofagasta, 1,200 kilometers from the capital of Chile, the brothers; Jaime, Roberto, Andrés and José Miguel Márquez, together with Osvaldo Torres, start the Illapu group, influenced by the New Chilean Song and the Andean and Latin American ancestral culture very present in the region. In 1972 they recorded their first a
lbum, "Illapu musica andina", which launched the group to the national scene, television appearances. They are presented for the first time to the International Festival of the Song of Viña del Mar (1973).

Illapu - Musica Andina   (flac  275mb)

01 Canción y Huayno 3:52
02 A Mis Paisanos 4:41
03 Flor del Desierto 2:38
04 Tarkeadas (Del Folklore Boliviano) 2:15
05 Longuita Otovalena 2:59
06 Poutpourri En Quena 8:36
07 Candombe Para Jose 4:40
08 Carnaval 4:40
09 Queridos Amigos 3:48
10 Estudio Para Charango 3:21
11 Pajaro Campana 4:31

Illapu - Musica Andina (ogg  117 mb)

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In 1985 , Illapu moved from France to Mexico , with what remains a temporary disorder in the stability of the members of the band, leaving only Roberto Márquez, Eric Maluenda and Raúl Acevedo. They know Carlos Elgueta, who would play on the electric bass . After a tour of Europe , the group is reunited with many of its former members, returning to integrate Andrés Márquez and integrating Miguel Ángel Aldama to the final formation. In 1987 they recorded this album, which would be based on current events in Chile, in the last years of the military dictatorship.

The songs on this album vary between instrumental and sung songs. They emphasize songs like: What is going to be about you , a landau written by Osvaldo Torres and composed by Roberto Márquez, which deals with what would happen to Augusto Pinochet once he was out of power; Arauco de Pie , instrumental played with Mapuche instruments, taken from the cantata "El grito de la raza" that Illapu would have played almost ten years ago; To continue living , song dedicated to Rodrigo Rojas De Negri , young man killed by the existing repression under the Chilean military regime; Paloma flies again , a candombe written and composed by José Miguel Márquez with a lyric hopeful to face the Chilean news; Fourth Kingdom, Fourth Reich , a Potosi tune that deals with the dictatorship; They are staying alone , written trot and composed by Osvaldo Torres, dedicated to Pinochet and his adherents.

 Illapu - Para Seguir Viviendo (To continue living)   (flac  267mb)

01 Que Va A Ser De Tí 4:34
02 Arauco De Pié 3:02
03 Arrurrú La Faena 3:43
04 Sereno 3:33
05 Ganaremos La Alegría 4:20
06 Diablada Tradicional 1:59
07 Para Seguir Viviendo 3:01
08 Sipassy 3:29
09 Paloma Vuela De Nuevo 4:11
10 Condorcanqui 2:58
11 Cuarto Reino, Cuarto Reich 5:20
12 Se Están Quedando Solos 3:22

Illapu - Para Seguir Viviendo   (ogg  105mb)

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In September 1988 Illapu returned from exile to settle permanently in Chile , after recording his last album abroad before returning to his country. With the fall of the dictatorship the group began to make preparations for a new studio album that would be contextualized in the return to Chile, the collapse of the military regime and the new challenges and problems of the early nineties. The formation of the group had varied since the last disc. Gone are Miguel Angel Aldana and the intermittent José Miguel Márquez, Juan Flores joining the band. The disc began to be recorded in the year 1990 to be released the following year, being a great success.

The album starts with the great theme Vuelvo para vivir , previously detailed, which, apart from its precise and moving lyrics, has a great musical arrangement that includes even violins. Then begins First Dream of Love , a huaylas composed by Roberto Márquez dedicated to the Chilean Northeast Pampa and Antofagasta , places where the Márquez brothers and other members of the group were raised. This song is followed by Baila caporal , a theme of rhythm typical of the northern carnivals such as the Fiesta de La Tirana , played with energetic zampoñas and quenas . They would like to forget it is the subject that follows, with a letter of an impressive certainty, making an analysis of the new times after the fall of the dictatorship, detailing how the new governments do not intend to change the model completely, but through the I forget they want to let go of the previous events and the desire for change and how difficult it will be to do justice for the fallen. Follow this theme Mande Mandela , dedicated to the struggle of South Africans and their leader Nelson Mandela , using for this rhythms with remarkable African influence in the song. It is followed by life , a song with a moving rhythm, with Central American influence, where the bass and the combination of zampoñas and quenas stand out. In the lyrical is a message of hope and joy. Then begins Sol de Maiz , an instrumental theme less strident than the previous ones, played with softness with zampoñas and quenachos mostly and that reflects with its melody a landscape of northern Chile . When finishing this subject it begins Three verses for a history , a song divided in three parts: The history of Manuel , Until always love and I am part of this history ; it reflects the drama of a family with an absent person (in this case a father) disappeared by the dictatorship. This song is also a kind of hymn for all those who suffer from the disappearance of a relative, so it is also one of the most emotional songs of the group. Balajú is still on the record, a native of Central American folklore is masterfully performed with quenas. The album ends with the song Escribo for example , a poem dedicated to the people, with a message of hope and struggle for what is coming, ending with the phrase Vamos hay quedar (Let's go there)

Illapu - Vuelvo Amor... Vuelvo Vida ( I return Love ... I return Life)   (flac  283mb)

01 Vuelvo Para Vivir 4:26
02 Primer Sueño De Amor 3:22
03 Baila Caporal 4:09
04 Ya Quisieran Por Olvido 3:46
05 Mande Mandela 5:01
06 Se Alumbra La Vida 4:22
07 Sol Del Maiz 3:45
08 Tres Versos Para una Historia: La Historia de Manuel/Hasta Siempre Amo 3:46
09 Balaju 3:20
10 Escribo Por Ejemplo 4:34

Illapu - Vuelvo Amor... Vuelvo Vida (ogg  111mb)

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The year 2005 was a year of varied activities among which the release of the DVD "ILLAPU 33" stands out, which summarizes the group's 33-year career, which has become an institution, a fundamental reference of contemporary Chilean music reflecting and projecting popular sentiment above any commercial or convenience interest. One facet that composes this work is the "Concert", filmed during the tour that took the group from end to end of the American continent, through Chile, Peru, Mexico and Canada, with their instruments of Andean origin, but fused with the modernity of other rhythms and instruments to enter into the experience and reflection of a cultural universe that no longer has borders

Thus the "Concert" becomes an itinerant visual narrative, illustrated with landscapes and characters harvested along the tour and complemented with images from other eras, filmed by the members of the group, where the montage is enriched with unpublished sound documents as for example the decree of the dictatorship that expelled Illapu from Chile, as it was heard on the radio.
The second facet is called "Viaje a las Raíces", a documentary shot in 1975 when, after touring the almost impassable roads of that time, the group stayed several days in a remote valley of the Andes mountain range at more than four thousand meters height to know the Aymara community of Isluga. That initiatory journey is a milestone in the life of Illapu and influenced his identity in its beginnings.
Another facet is "El Candombe", a song that became a symbol and flag of hope and struggle when the dictatorship intensified. Finally, "Three verses for a story", an emotional moment that was filmed in Mexico City, in the intimacy and warmth of a glass of wine, at the same time that, in Santiago de Chile, a crowd dismissed Gladys Marín.

Illapu 33 Años   (flac  616mb)

00 Intrducción Divagaciones (Ramblings)
01 Paloma Vuela De Nuevo
02 Condorcanqui
03 Ojos De Niño
04 Volarás
05 Arrurrú La Faena
06 Hermana De Las Gaviotas
07 Lejos Del Amor
08 Amigo
09 Asi Te Canto
10 Plegaria A Un Labrador
11 Atacameños
12 Para Seguir Viviendo .flac
13 De Libertad Y Amor
14 Mande Mandela
15 Vuelvo Para Vivir
Viaje A Las Raices Isluga 1975
16 Tocata Y Fuga
17 Paisaje De La Puna
18 Baguala India
19 Raza Brava
20 Antiplano Indio
21 Linda Imillita
22 Atacameños
23 Chungará
24 Pampa Lirima
25 Tres Versos Para Una Historia
26 Candombe Para José
27 Cierre

  Illapu 33 Años (ogg  243mb )

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