Feb 6, 2017

RhoDeo 1706 Vibrations 7


Brainwave Mind Voyages arose from a thirst for experiential wisdom and a hunger for sharing mind-expanding tools with other like-minded people such as yourself. Shower the seeds of self-empowerment with some modern audio technology, and voila! ....N'Joy

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Your brain operates much like a resonance chamber or a tuning fork. When you hold two similarly tuned tuning forks together and strike one of the them, the other will also vibrate at the same frequency. The vibrational rate or vibratory frequency determines the tone. Our brain produces waves of currents that flow throughout its neural pathways. The type of brainwave is defined by the frequency at which it is pulsing, and this particular rate of pulsation determines our respective state of mind at any given moment in time.

There are four common types of brainwave patterns, but due to the complexity of our brains there are often several patterns interacting at one time. It is the predominance of one particular brainwave frequency that determines our state of mind. For example, if you are in a beta state, there may be trace levels of alpha and theta but they would minimal compared to the dominating amount of beta present. All of these brainwave states have been scientifically studied and categorized by the subjective states that each range will produce. Below is a simple chart containing the four common types of brainwave frequencies along with their characteristic features and associated mental states. The frequencies are measures in hertz (Hz) which is roughly translated as beats per second or cycles per second.

BETA waves 13 to 30 Hz the fastest waves, most commonly found during our waking state, associated with outward awareness, engaged mind, arousal, actively perceiving and evaluating forms of data through the senses; also present with fear, anger, worry, hunger, and surprise.

ALPHA waves 7 to 13 Hz associated with non-drowsy but relaxed, tranquil state of consciousness, less engagement and arousal, pleasant inward awareness, body/mind integration, present during meditation and states of relaxation

THETA waves 3 to 7 Hz associated with increased recall, creativity, imagery and visualization , free-flowing thought, future planning, inspiration, drowsiness, present during dreaming and REM states

DELTA waves .1 to 3 Hz associated with deep dreamless sleep, deep trance state pituitary release of growth hormone, self-healing, present during deep levels of non-REM sleep.

Your brain is always producing electromagnetic brainwaves that have a measurable frequency and magnitude. The characteristics of your brainwaves at any given moment determines your mood and state of mind. The frequency range and magnitude identify whether you are aroused, alert, asleep or anywhere in between these states.

We are always expanding our knowledge of how our brainwaves can be harnessed to create peak states of consciousness. For example, the best moments of creativity, those Eureka! flashes, occur mostly when theta waves are predominant. The hypnogogic state verging between waking and sleeping is characterized by theta brainwave activity. This explains why we have such great ideas before falling asleep. It is noted in history books that this "border-zone" time period has been utilized by many scientists and other great thinkers who have had flashes of insight while experiencing this holistic state of mind.

Einstein came up with the theory of relativity in this state, and likewise, one of the Watson and Crick pair conceptualized the double helix of DNA in this highly visualistic mind state successfully cracking the illusive architecture of DNA. Time spent in this "border-zone" can be time very well spent. All this information about brainwaves is a preamble to the matter of entraining your brainwaves to specific frequencies.

You can now use the process of brainwave entrainment to tune your brainwaves to any brainwave range. You can experience theta, alpha, delta or even combinations of ranges using multi-layered frequencies that blend several brainwave ranges into one synergistic brainwave pattern like the Awakened Mind Brainwave Pattern. The breakthrough occurs when we use this principle of entrainment to synchronize our brainwaves to specific chosen frequencies. We can do this easily by using binaural beat audio technology and monophonic entrainment tones, as you will soon learn, but first some more background information.


Our brains have a left and a right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is linear, logical, practical, and time orientated. The right hemisphere seems to be much more non-linear, abstract, creative, holistic, and non-logical. We tend to use one hemisphere at a time, or better said, we will favor particular hemispheres depending on what we are doing. An accountant probably uses less of his right hemisphere than an artist would during the course of his workday. If you are doing math you would be using more of your left side. If you are painting a picture, you would have more right hemispheric activity.

Obviously, it is not that simplistic because both hemispheres are constantly interacting and both can be in use at the same time. These hemispheres are connected by the corpus callosum. It serves as a conduit or a bridge between both sides. This bridge can literally be exercised and strengthened until it is physically larger and more capable of transmitting data, thoughts and feedback between hemispheres. The famous clairvoyant healer Edgar Cayce was found to have an unusually large corpus callosum, but could it be that everyone else simply has not developed this hemispheric bridge?

By merging both hemispheres and allowing them to work together we can increase our mental fitness and enhance our cognitive functioning in general. It is basically like having a faster computer processor capable of working at faster speeds. Increased integration creates better performance. By using brainwave entrainment technologies, you can increase your hemispheric synchronization. By simply listening to any BMV CD, your brain naturally synchronizes to balance hemispheric activity and adjusts brainwave activity to match the embedded brainwave carrier frequencies. This audio-induced hemispheric coherence produces an optimal state of holistic whole-brain synergy.

For a more in-depth explanation of the powerful audio neuro-technologies, you can click HERE to read the BMV Technology Page.

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SERIES 7 Astral Vibrations CD Entering The Vibrational State- This Brainwave Mind Voyage CD uses brainwave entrainment technology to tune or synchronize your brainwaves to specific frequencies so you can have an out of body experience (OBE)! You can use this CD to maximize your odds of traveling out of your body like having a set of psychic training wheels! Simply listen to the CD, relax and experience non-ordinary reality. It is designed to tune your brain waves to the Body Asleep / Mind Awake brain wave state to summon the Vibrational State from which you can easily project your awareness into the non-physical realm. Boost your odds of successful out of body travel and master the art of astral projection. The trance induction relaxes you into a highly visual Theta brainwave state and includes maximum strength Beta spikes to heighten your awareness and maintain full consciousness while your physical body falls asleep. It creates the ideal environment for out of body experiences and many other forms of inner work: lucid dreaming, remote viewing, channeling, meditation, ESP psychic development or any pursuit requiring detached but alert awareness. Using a powerful induction process, you can easily slip out of your body and have fun traveling the astral world. The entire process takes 70 minutes, but if you successfully transfer your awareness you can explore the astral plane for as long as you desire. The program contains some guided vocals using professional hypnosis, but it also contains tracks with no vocals so you can explore without any verbal interruption. You can use this psychoacoustic tool as one progressive induction, or play any track in Repeat mode to see which works best for you. Several tracks are designed to trigger out of body experiences while you are sleeping. It is far easier to induce OBEs while in a dream state. Countless people have had documented out of body experiences with this CD and you can too!

Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series VII) - Astral Vibrations (flac  343mb)

01 Guided Intro
02 Relax, Release, Reengage
03 The 3 R's Revisited

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Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series I) (flac  248mb)
Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series II) (flac  342mb)
Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series III) (flac  258mb)
Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series IV) (flac  263mb)
Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series V) (flac  265mb)
Brainwave Mind Voyages (Series VI) (flac  383mb)

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