Jun 18, 2016

RhoDeo 1624 Grooves

Hello, Question do we have an unstable mental case and a rightwing nut available? Does he have a remain MP, can we convince that she's the enemy and he has to do something, can we get a gun to him ? Is the local police steerable ? Just some concerns from me, over the fact that the remain campaign seriously started losing ground, this happens, a political attack with deadly consequences, very nasty. Let's not forget that the leave campaign is up against the most powerful coalition the world has ever seen, the establishment is showing it's conniving hands.

At the Euro's the Croatians once again showed what brilliant losers they are, Italy, Spain through and now the UK coach has noticed Kane is out of form with Vardy they will march on to the semi's. Germany's attack is below par and with Muller out of shape little chance of the title this year.

Today's artist will be with us for sometime here, after all he has an enormous ouvre with lot's unreleased stuff as well. He commands the biggest space in my collection. Normally i'd post chronically but this time i will post cross his discography starting with one from 4 different decades. You can wait to see what i'll post or your welcome to request a title  ... N'joy

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He doesn’t have normal relationships…He’s not a person who finds it easy to share, whether its his thoughts or his time or his energy. If it isn’t within the context of a specific purpose he doesn’t enjoy or solicit sharing life… He’s a very distant personality. Prince isn’t close to anybody. He’s a very, very emotionally aloof person. I don’t know anybody who’s ever gotten past that wall.

And Alan Leeds' brother Eric, who as saxophonist in Prince’s band had one of the longest working relationships with him (sax was one of the few instruments Prince did not play), reinforced that view in commenting that “Prince always looked at his band as being his family, but he did not know how to express those feelings or have those relationships in a normal sense.”

end of part one from last week

part 2 "A Vessel for Music"

What is also worth noting about Prince is that he wasn’t simply a person skilled at playing instruments. His reason for playing music was due to the fact that he was, almost continually, flooded by creative inspiration - his head was filled constantly with a torrent of music that seemed to flow through him from some other source, demanding it be released into this world. So much so, that even Prince himself felt moved to attribute it to a higher power. Alan Leeds, who during his career represented some of the greats of music – including James Brown – gave this ‘insider’s view':

I’ve been around a lot of artists, including several icons, and I’ve never seen anybody like Prince. He’s a freak of nature in terms of how the music flowed through. The gift that allowed him to pick up any instrument and figure it out quickly to the point where he’s not really playing the instrument, it’s just music coming through him through the instrument, it’s just part of that funnel from whatever this source is and you can’t separate his work from his spirituality.

And I think Prince really does think he’s special. I’ve always believed that he thinks he has an in with God. Where that comes from is that this is a guy who sits there and says how in the world did someone like me get the gift I have? Where does that come from? Because the level of his gift is spooky. I’ve been around a lot of brilliantly creative people, from Miles Davis to James Brown to D’Angelo, and I’ve never seen anyone who’s a vessel for music the way Prince was.

He’d be trying to sleep because he hasn’t slept in two days and he can’t because he’s gotta write down lyrics, and then it’s can you find me a studio, I gotta get this out. Gotta get it out. Gotta get it on tape. Once it’s on tape, it’s out, and then I can sleep. It was crazy. I’ve never seen anything like it… His every waking moment there was music or lyrics flowing to a piece of paper… That’s why he plays after shows to the point of exhaustion. Because he has to play. To the point of obsession that’s borderline sick. (quoted in TourĂ©'s I Would Die 4 U: Why Prince Became an Icon)

Prince was famous for working non-stop until whatever musical idea was flowing through him had been recorded, sometimes foregoing sleep for days at a time to do so. Chuck Zwicky, one of his audio engineers, remembered that he would just keep "going and kept working until he had it. I’ve had more than one forty hour day with him… He was so prolific, by the time he released an album, he may have had literally ten albums sitting around.”

TourĂ© notes that an old girlfriend of Prince said that the musical icon didn't always welcome this never-ending flow of music, considering it both a blessing and a curse. "He has no control over his life… When the music tells him to play, he does. When the music tells him to sleep, he does… He has no say over the flow of music, so he feels that it must be coming from a higher power."

Writer and fashion expert Michaela Angela Davis, who spent time with Prince both on tour and at his Paisley Park studio in Minneapolis, described how, for Prince, the flow of music was his focus and ‘happy place', far more so than social interaction with friends. Davis notes that Prince at times would seem very normal, sitting around with others watching basketball on the TV. But then...

...he would just leave, just get up and leave. And later I got the courage to ask him. He’s like 'You know how you think in words? I think in music. I hear melodies, I hear combinations, I hear chords...it’s in my head.' And if ‘this’ [i.e. what’s happening socially] is not engaging, and ‘this' [the music in his head] is, he just leaves. The explanation to me was, 'most of the time, what I’m hearing in my head, is waaay more interesting than what’s going on out here'.

Returning to Alan Leeds, in a recent eulogy posted at Medium he described how Prince’s creativity, and musical skill, was so prodigious that the normal business cycle of record labels and publicity channels just weren’t up to coping with the amount of content produced: "the music, the ideas — both creative and promotional — flowed out of him like a raging river,” Leeds notes. "There was no industry that was equipped to process and digest his ceaseless flow. Radio couldn’t keep up, record companies couldn’t market and promote fast enough, fans couldn’t re-focus fast enough… His brain never shut off. We wrestled with words to describe him — tireless, driven, obsessed, manic. But just maybe it wasn’t any of that. Maybe he was simply put here to be that funnel…”

Legends have circulated since the 1980s about Prince’s vault, where music that was 'left behind' in this ceaseless flow was stored - in some cases, entire albums that, once recorded, were felt to be behind the musical locale Prince’s mind had moved on to, and so he simply shelved them. Some bands struggle to come up with an album’s worth of material over a few years – and yet Prince, writing and recording everything as an individual, couldn’t find time to release everything he came up with. So much so that the vault is now said to contain over 2000 songs - perhaps enough to release an album every year for the next century after his passing.

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Expanding the urban R&B and funk approach of his debut, Prince is a considerably more accomplished record than his first effort, featuring the first signs of his adventurous, sexy signature sound. Although the album is still rather uneven, a handful of songs rank as classics. "I Wanna Be Your Lover" is excellent lite funk and "Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?" is a wonderful soulful plea, but "I Feel for You," a sexy slice of urban R&B with a strong pop melody, is the true masterpiece of Prince, indicating the major breakthroughs of his next album, Dirty Mind.

Prince - Prince   (flac 235mb)

01 I Wanna Be Your Lover 5:47
02 Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad? 3:49
03 Sexy Dancer 4:18
04 When We're Dancing Close And Slow 5:18
05 With You 3:59
06 Bambi 4:22
07 Still Waiting 4:24
08 I Feel For You 3:24
09 It's Gonna Be Lonely 5:30

Prince - Prince  (ogg  92mb)

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Fearless, eclectic, and defiantly messy, Prince's Sign 'O' the Times falls into the tradition of tremendous, chaotic double albums like The Beatles, Exile on Main St., and London Calling -- albums that are fantastic because of their overreach, their great sprawl. Prince shows nearly all of his cards here, from bare-bones electro-funk and smooth soul to pseudo-psychedelic pop and crunching hard rock, touching on gospel, blues, and folk along the way. This was the first album Prince recorded without the Revolution since 1982's 1999 (the band does appear on the in-concert rave-up, "It's Gonna Be a Beautiful Night"), and he sounds liberated, diving into territory merely suggested on Around the World in a Day and Parade. While the music overflows with generous spirit, these are among the most cryptic, insular songs he's ever written. Many songs are left over from the aborted triple album Crystal Ball and the abandoned Camille project, a Prince alter ego personified by scarily sped-up tapes on "If I Was Your Girlfriend," the most disarming and bleak psycho-sexual song Prince ever wrote, as well as the equally chilling "Strange Relationship." These fraying relationships echo in the social chaos Prince writes about throughout the album. Apocalyptic imagery of drugs, bombs, empty sex, abandoned babies and mothers, and AIDS pop up again and again, yet he balances the despair with hope, whether it's God, love, or just having a good time. In its own roundabout way, Sign 'O' the Times is the sound of the late '80s -- it's the sound of the good times collapsing and how all that doubt and fear can be ignored if you just dance those problems away.

Prince - Sign O' The Times   (flac  449mb)

01 Sign "O" The Times 5:02
02 Play In The Sunshine 5:05
03 Housequake 4:38
04 The Ballad Of Dorothy Parker 4:04
05 It 5:10
06 Starfish And Coffee 2:51
07 Slow Love 4:18
08 Hot Thing 5:39
09 Forever In My Life 3:38

10 U Got The Look 3:58
11 If I Was Your Girlfriend 4:54
12 Strange Relationship 4:04
13 I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man 6:31
14 The Cross 4:46
15 It's Gonna Be A Beautiful Night 8:59
16 Adore 6:29

Prince - Sign O' The Times (ogg  186mb)

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If you're into slick funky Prince music, then this is for you! Prince & The NPG give it up on this album. It has a strong Sly & the Family Stone and Parliament influence on some of the songs, yet they still maintain an original sound and style. Some enjoyable skits that Prince did specially of the Italian east coast wise guy. He and Eddie Murphy are the funniest black dudes,when it comes to these impersonations! This album is one the best to ever come out on any of the Prince labels period. This is also a great conceptual album as well coming from an artist, band and crew that wants to represent the essence of funky music! The songs are well written, produced and of course, the band really give up the funk on these recordings. The style and sound of the music is: psychedelic, soulful, jazzy, inspired, infectious, nasty, groovin' and bumpin'! In fact,the funk on this joint is so stanky,you can smell it from Minneapolis! This is timeless stuff, it's sure to become a classic. Live 4 Love

New Power Generation - Exodus   (flac  441mb)

01 N.P.G. Operator Intro 0:34
02 Get Wild 4:33
03 Segue 0:38
04 DJ Gets Jumped 0:22
05 New Power Soul 4:10
06 DJ Seduces Sonny 0:38
07 Segue 0:43
08 Count The Days 3:24
09 The Good Life 5:48
10 Cherry, Cherry 4:44
11 Segue 0:18
12 Return Of The Bump Squad 7:20
13 Mashed Potato Girl Intro 0:21
14 Segue 3:00
15 Big Fun 7:26
16 New Power Day 3:49
17 Segue 0:15
18 Hallucination Rain 5:49
19 NPG Bum Rush The Ship 1:40
20 The Exodus Has Begun 10:06
21 Outro 0:35

New Power Generation - Exodus (ogg  156mb)

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Prince suddenly decided in 2004 that he wanted to be back in the game, returning to the spotlight with acclaimed performances at the Grammys and the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, announcing an all-hits tour, and releasing Musicology, his first major-label distributed album in five years. This flurry of activity suggests that Prince is treating this as an opportunity for a full-fledged comeback and, thankfully, he's seized this moment and delivered a vastly entertaining record. Unlike everything he's done since leaving Warner, Musicology doesn't alienate listeners; it's tight and lean, weighing in at 12 tracks and 47 minutes, yet that's still enough room for Prince to showcase his virtuoso versatility. He tries a little everything -- down and dirty funk jams, slow sensual grooves, and, happily, he revives the psychedelic pop of the mid-'80s with the deliriously catchy "Cinnamon Girl" -- but unlike on such overworked albums as Emancipation and Rave Un2 the Joy Fantastic, it never feels like an attempt to dazzle or a series of stylistic exercises. That's because there's a clarity to his production -- dense, but never busy, proving once again that he's about the only musician who can make a one-man band sound as vibrant as a live nine-piece group -- and a focus to his writing that hasn't been heard in a long, long time. At its core, Musicology is essentially classicist Prince, as he makes a deliberate decision to play to all of his greatest strengths, but because it's been so long that he's made a record this confident and concise, it doesn't sound like a retreat. It sounds as if he's rediscovered his muse, which is quite a bit different than simply following his whims. Make no mistake, this isn't the second coming of Purple Rain or Sign 'o' the Times or even Parade -- in other words, it's not a masterpiece, more like a more confident and consistent Diamonds and Pearls without the hip-hop fixation -- but it's a strong album, one that impresses on the first listen and gets better with repeated plays. In short, it's the comeback that it was meant to be.

Prince - Musicology   (flac 310mb)

01 Musicology 4:24
02 Illusion, Coma, Pimp & Circumstance 4:46
03 A Million Days 3:50
04 Life 'O' The Party 4:29
05 Call My Name 5:15
06 Cinnamon Girl 3:56
07 What Do U Want Me 2 Do? 4:15
08 The Marrying Kind 2:49
09 If Eye Was The Man In Ur Life 3:09
10 On The Couch 3:33
11 Dear Mr. Man 4:14
12 Reflection 3:06
Prince - Musicology  (ogg  110mb)

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1 comment:

  1. big thanx, I hope I will find Emancipation album here
