Mar 23, 2016

RhoDeo 1612 Aetix

Hello, ah yes more news from the agents of terror formerly 'controlled' by the CIA, they lost control of Al Quada, just like the Mossad lost control of Hamas, but being american thickheads, the CIA convinced Obama that supporting Daesh would lead to Russia loosing its last beachhead in the Middle East and the Mediterranean Sea. The virtual bombing of Daesh was a joke the first year the US supposedly did, think one sortie a day. Putin would have none of it and started his own dropping of bombs which relatively quickly had success against the enemies of Assad. Believe or not i watched some politician calling the russian action illegal this when Russia was invited to by the Damascus regime-in contrast to others that bomb Syria. But hey demonizing Putin is all the rage these days..

None of the 'experts' will tell you these dirty 'secrets' , instead they talk of brainwashed religious nutters that have been convinced that Allah rejoices if they kill non believers. True that ! You know what, maybe it's time to put Allah on trial ! Not so crazy as it sounds, but it would mean that analysis of Allah would quickly find him out as being the same psychopath known as Yahweh, yes the Christian god (although some think him to be Anu~Enlil's father). Taking it further back to Abraham's days, we come to Enlil, known to have disliked humans and the one who forbade warning humans for the coming flood (caused by a comet impact on a 3km thick thick layer of ice circa 10,600 BC). However there was a warning by Enlil's brother, Enki/Ea, and creator of homo sapiens (as usable workers), he was vilified ever since, propaganda that still continues to this day, his symbol ~ the snake. Yes humans have been worshiping the wrong 'god' for the last 4,000 years. It must have given this psychopath much pleasure to witness the millions slaughtering eachother in his name, assuming he's still alive. Oh and please don't tell me that you can't live for 500,000 years, because once we learn how to keep our telomeres from shrinking we too become 'immortal' as in our bodies will keep on regenerating. Ok, so where are these aliens now, we know there was much infighting and i suspect a lot are dead or fled back to where they came from. That said I do believe some are still around.... and likely belong to Ea's clan.

Today's artists are a German industrial band, originally from West Berlin, formed in 1980. The group currently comprises Blixa Bargeld (lead vocals, guitar, keyboard), Alexander Hacke (bass, guitar, vocals), N.U. Unruh (custom-made instruments, percussion, vocals), Jochen Arbeit (guitar and vocals), and Rudolf Moser (custom-built instruments, percussion, and vocals).
One of their trademarks is the use of custom-built instruments, predominantly made out of scrap metal and building tools, and noises, in addition to standard musical instruments.. ..N'Joy

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On April 1, 1980, Einstürzende Neubauten made their first appearance in the Moon Club in Berlin. This first line-up featured Beate Bartel and Gudrun Gut, Blixa Bargeld, and N.U. Unruh. The two female members, Bartel and Gut, left the band after a short period of performing and founded Mania D. Alexander Hacke (alias Alexander von Borsig), a sound technician and multi-instrumentalist who was fifteen years old at that time, joined the band and became a long-time member.

In 1981, the percussionist F.M. Einheit (from the Hamburg band Abwärts) joined Einstürzende Neubauten and they released their first LP Kollaps, a mixture of rough punk tunes and industrial noises. The industrial noises were obtained from self-made music machines, electronics, and found objects such as metal plates. The live performances with Einheit in the 1980s included lots of metal banging and destruction on stage. During their first German tour, Mark Chung (previously the bass player with Abwärts) joined the group of musicians. This line-up lasted for nearly 15 years.

In 1983, Einstürzende Neubauten recorded their second album Zeichnungen des Patienten O. T. (English: "Drawings of Patient O.T."). The title came from a 1974 book by Leo Navratil, describing the drawings of Oswald Tschirtner. Also in 1983, Bargeld joined the band The Birthday Party (featuring Nick Cave and Mick Harvey) as a guitarist. This group was disbanded shortly after, but Bargeld became a long-time member of one of the bands that sprang from The Birthday Party – Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds (again featuring Nick Cave and Mick Harvey). Bargeld remained a full-time member of both bands, Einstürzende Neubauten and Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, until 2003, when he quit the Bad Seeds in order to focus on Einstürzende Neubauten.

The band's next album, Halber Mensch ("Half Man") in 1985, may be seen as a developmental breakthrough. Musical structure became more evident, and Bargeld's lyrics and, especially, his singing changed. He moved from shouted words and phrases toward organized, poetic melodies. The band played a show in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to kick off their third North American tour. The performance was sponsored by the German Goethe Institute as part of the German contribution to Expo 86. Also scheduled to appear were Test Dept and Skinny Puppy, though not everyone was able to play.

On the tour, the group's experimental and improvised live performance style occasionally caused difficulties with venue management and law enforcement. A performance at The Palladium in Manhattan ended 30 minutes into the set after an improvised pyrotechnics display. The band ignited lighter fluid in a couple of metal pans, and management stopped the performance and cleared the venue. The one-hour film Halber Mensch (1986) by Sōgo Ishii documents Einstürzende Neubauten's visit to Japan in 1985. The next two albums, Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala ("Five on the open-ended Richterscale") in 1987 and Haus der Lüge ("House of the Lie") in 1989, were great successes in the United States and Japan.

In 1990, the band tried something completely new, recording the soundtrack for East German playwright Heiner Müller's play Die Hamletmaschine ("The Hamlet Machine") for East German radio Rundfunk der DDR.[4] The band image of Einstürzende Neubauten changed: Blixa Bargeld, formerly wearing punk/industrial style clothes, appeared at the live concerts in a suit. 1991 also saw the release of the double album, a best-of and rarities album, Strategies Against Architecture II. This collection included a musical setting of Heiner Müller's piece "Bildbeschreibung" ("Explosion of a Memory" or "Description of a Picture" in English).

In Vienna, May 1992, Einstürzende Neubauten performed at The Academy of Fine Arts' 300th anniversary in a show by Erich Wonder, Das Auge des Taifun ("The eye of the typhoon").The next album Tabula Rasa (1993) was an important turning point in the band's history, their music becoming softer and containing more electronic sounds. In 1993, they were booked to support U2 during their European leg of the Zoo TV Tour, but were thrown off the stage and off the tour when a band member threw an iron bar into the booing crowd.

Mark Chung left the band in 1994 after the recording of Faustmusik for Werner Schwab's play, and made a
career in the music industry. F.M. Einheit, who contributed much to the music and sound of the band, left the band a short time later in 1995, during the recording of the Ende Neu album, at least partially because of a conflict with Bargeld. The last Einstürzende Neubauten track Einheit worked on was "Was ist ist". Roland Wolf replaced them on bass guitar and keyboards only a short time before dying in a car accident in 1995.

A short time later, the band released the album Ende Neu ("Ending New") in 1996. The album title is an example of word-play on the band's own name (i.e. "Einstürzende Neubauten"). The song "Stella Maris" – a duet between Bargeld and Hacke's then-wife, singer Meret Becker – became quite famous; a world tour followed the release. During this time, Jochen Arbeit and Rudi Moser (both members of Die Haut) joined the band: Arbeit on guitar, and Moser on drums, with Hacke switching to bass guitar. This line-up, accompanied by Ash Wednesday on keyboards for live concerts, has held ever since.

In 1997, the album Ende Neu Remixes was released, which featured remixes of the songs from Ende Neu by artists such as Barry Adamson, Pan Sonic and Darkus (alias Mark Rutherford); Darkus' remix tracks, with others not included on Ende Neu Remixes, were made available separately in the same year on The NNNAAAMMM Remixes By Darkus release.

A short time later, the band released the album Ende Neu ("Ending New") in 1996.The album title is an example of word-play on the band's own name (i.e. "Einstürzende Neubauten"). The song "Stella Maris" – a duet between Bargeld and Hacke's then-wife, singer Meret Becker – became quite famous; a world tour followed the release. During this time, Jochen Arbeit and Rudi Moser (both members of Die Haut) joined the band: Arbeit on guitar, and Moser on drums, with Hacke switching to bass guitar. This line-up, accompanied by Ash Wednesday on keyboards for live concerts, has held ever since.

In 1997, the album Ende Neu Remixes was released, which featured remixes of the songs from Ende Neu by artists such as Barry Adamson, Pan Sonic and Darkus (alias Mark Rutherford); Darkus' remix tracks, with others not included on Ende Neu Remixes, were made available separately in the same year on The NNNAAAMMM Remixes By Darkus release. From March 27 to May 23, 2000, Einstürzende Neubauten celebrated their 20th birthday with a "20th anniversary tour", playing in the Columbiahalle, Berlin on their exact birthday, April 1, and released the album Silence Is Sexy, followed by a world tour. 2001 also saw the release of another double best-of and rarities album, Strategies Against Architecture III.

Since 2001, Einstürzende Neubauten albums and web projects have been partially produced and supported by Bargeld's wife Erin Zhu, who also serves as webmaster of the official Einstürzende Neubauten website.In 2002, Einstürzende Neubauten began work on a new album without the backing of a record label, relying instead upon fan ("supporter") participation in an experiment of a type of Street Performer Protocol combined with an internet community and touches of the patronage system. An exclusive Supporter Album No. 1, and the Airplane Miniatures EP following, were made available in 2003.

Bargeld left Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds in 2003. In order to go on tour, the band reneged on the idea of creating a supporter-only album, and cooperated with Mute Records to go on tour and release Perpetuum Mobile in 2004. Air sounds, such as blowing the plastic pipes with an air compressor, were greatly explored and used for this album: the working title of the album was, for a long while, Luftveränderung ("Change of air"). A half an hour long documentary about the supporters project entitled 'Traumfestival' was made by Ste van Holm and Dihcar. The film is now available on YouTube.

The live shows of the Perpetuum Mobile Tour were recorded by the band's sound engineers, then burned on CDRs with individual pictures of each show taken by Danielle de Picciotto and sold directly after the concerts to the visitors; numerous "official" live albums were created during this tour as a result. In November 2004, the band went on a mini-tour, which included a supporters-only performance at Berlin's Palast der Republik. The performance was filmed and coordinated by Danielle de Picciotto and Ian Williamson and was released on the exclusive supporter's DVD at the end of Phase II.

The band also started a new project called Musterhaus in early 2005. The first CD Anarchitektur was sent out in May 2005, and was also available for download to Musterhaus subscribers. The Musterhaus project was a "line of releases intended to give the band an outlet for more experimental impulses and exploration." Musterhaus albums were released roughly every 3 months.
The second Musterhaus CD Unglaublicher Laerm ("Incredible noise") was finished on August 15, and shipped out (as well as posted for download) shortly after. Phase II of the Neubauten Supporter's project finished in August 2005, and the official site was taken down on September 20. The supporter album Grundstück ("Plot") and DVD (containing footage from the November 2004 Grundstück performance in Berlin) was shipped in early October 2005. Musterhaus No. 3 Solo Bassfeder ("Solo bass-spring"), released December 8, is a collection of bass spring compositions by the individual members of Einstürzende Neubauten.

Phase III of the Supporter's project started on February 10. On February 25, the fourth part of the Musterhaus series, called Redux Orchestra versus Einstürzende Neubauten was completed. One of the new additions to Phase III started in March 2006 was a piece-by-piece album called Jewels, finally finished in August 2007. Musterhaus No. 5 Kassetten ("Cassettes"), finished May 15 with release scheduled for May 31. At the same time, Alles was irgendwie nützt ("Everything of any use"), an album that had been in the work since Phase 2, were completed. The album consists of rare live tracks, handpicked by 6 supporters of Phase 2 and mixed by Boris Wilsdorf. This was quickly followed by Musterhaus No. 6 Klaviermusik ("Piano music"), released on August 31. In October, Neubauten released a public DVD, the recording made at Palast der Republik. Musterhaus No. 7 Stimmen Reste ("Voice Remainders") was released on December 2, consisting of vocal experiments, vocal recordings, and manipulations of voice recordings, enriched with leftover instrumental tracks made with polystyrene, electronic pulses, hammond organ, bass guitar, and metal percussion

It was announced on the band's website that they would be undertaking a "small (mostly) UK tour" in April 2007, but playing in Hannover on April 22 beforehand. Musterhaus No. 8 Weingeister ("Wine spirits") was released on April 6, forming the final instalment of the Musterhaus series.A new commercial album was made available later in the year,[7] the first release since 2004's Perpetuum Mobile. The new album, Alles wieder offen ("All open again"), was released in 2007[1] without the backing of a label, a move the band had intended to make with Perpetuum Mobile. Fans who were part of the paid EN community at received access to an album with the same tracks plus a number of extra songs, and an optional DVD about the making of the album.

Einstürzende Neubauten celebrated their 30th anniversary in 2010 with a tour through Europe. An American leg was also planned, however on November 29, 2010 the band announced the cancellation of all their U.S. dates due to visa scheduling problems. Silence Is Sexy was reissued on July 1, 2011. In May 2014, the band announced on their official website that they were back in the studio working on new material. They also announced dates for live shows to be held in November 2014. Their album Lament was released on 7 November.

The Einstürzende Neubauten's logo can be described as a human symbol with two arms, two legs (one much shorter than another), thin body and big round head with a circle in its middle. It was not created by or for the band, but is a cave drawing of probably Toltec origin.

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Einsturzende's first compilation album summed up all that was brilliant and thrilling about the young band, who perhaps more than anyone else encapsulated exactly what "industrial" consisted of -- honest-to-goodness mechanistic pummeling and musique concrete remade for a newer generation. Selections from Schwarz and Kollaps feature, along with single-only cuts and various live performances as well, giving a striking picture of the group's varying approaches. Bargeld's rasped, whispered vocals and sudden screams crawl with threat and dread in a consciously dramatic but never overtly hammy fashion, while the rough rhythms and harsh clattering which serves as a bed for his delivery touches on everything from free jazz to minimal Krautrock rhythms. That the volume often gets amped to its absolute highest is only to be expected, but silence and space between sound matters just as much, especially on a slew of songs toward the end. Guitars and bass appear more often than might be expected, but the way they're played is something else entirely, muddied deep in the mix or roaring as undifferentiated noise stabbing in here and there. It's also interesting to hear the earlier version of the band in contrast with the later, when a slightly more formal rock presentation took the fore. Given that on the recordings here the group consisted mostly of percussionists beating on metal and whatever else was to hand, it's little wonder things sound even more aggressive. Maybe for some this will only sound like the backing music on a Sprockets sketch, but the impact on any number of sound terrorists then and since from this album can't be measured.

Einstürzende Neubauten - 80-83 Strategies Against Architecture (flac  238mb)

01 Tanz Debil 3:20
02 Schmerzen Hören 2:31
03 Mikroben 1:31
04 Krieg In Den Städten 3:44
05 Zum Tier Machen 3:05
06 Draußen Ist Feindlich 0:48
07 Stahlversion 5:35
08 Schwarz 4:16
09 Negativ Nein 2:23
10 Kalte Sterne 4:11
11 Spaltung 2:25
12 U-Haft Muzak 3:41
13 Gestohlenes Band (ORF) 0:17
14 Schwarz (Mutiert) 3:26

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Though it's a bit less intentionally noisy than previous Neubaten material, ½ Mensch is, in a way, the group's masterpiece. The inspired use of such "traditional" instruments as a grand piano alongside the band's characteristic blazing percussion make for a record similar more to their compositional influences like Stockhausen than their nearest contemporaries, Throbbing Gristle or Cabaret Voltaire. The record that showed Einstürzende Neubaten could rise above the concept of noise for its own sake to reach another level of noise-oriented post-punk music, ½ Mensch is an excellent feat of industrial music.

Einstürzende Neubauten - Halber Mensch (flac  388mb)

01 Halber Mensch 4:13
02 Yü-Gung (Fütter Mein Ego) 7:14
03 Trinklied 1:15
04 Z.N.S. 5:40
05 Seele Brennt 4:05
06 Sehnsucht (Zitternd) 2:55
07 Der Tod Ist Ein Dandy 6:41
08 Letztes Biest (Am Himmel) 3:28
09 Sand 3:31
10 Yü-Gung (Adrian Sherwood Remix).7:29
11 Das Schaben 9:22

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Like watching a stalker cleverly follow its prey for miles, only to watch it shy away just short of lodging a knife into the back of the followed, Fünf Auf der Nach Oben Offenen Richterskala (Five on the Open-Ended Richter-Scale) is Einstürzende Neubauten at their unsettling, gripping, and tension-ridden best. It was also the group's most subdued and measured work to that point, organic dark ambient that rarely utilized the chaos and cacaphony for which they had become known. You expect the big release during the closer, "Kein Bestandteil Sein," but you don't get it.

Einstürzende Neubauten - Fünf auf der nach oben offenen Richterskala (flac  297mb)

01 Zerstörte Zelle (Destroyed Cell) 8:02
02 Morning Dew 4:55
03 Ich Bin's (It's Me) 3:22
04 MoDiMiDoFrSaSo (MonTuesWedThurFriSatSun) 4:52
05 12 Städte (Twelve Cities) 8:38
06 Keine Schönheit Ohne Gefahr (No Beauty Without Danger) 5:06
07 Kein Bestandteil Sein (To Be No Part Of It) 6:46
08 Adler Kommt Später 5:44

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The final Einsturzende album of the 1980s found the group wrapping up that decade on a high note; while Haus der Luege barely lasts over half an hour, it's designed for maximum impact, and that it creates. The seasoned five-person lineup clatters and bangs away with fire, though the focus is more on straightforward industrial-tinged rock, as opposed to full-on industrial banging and relentless sonic experimentation. Things fully fire after an alternating voice/noise "Prolog" with "Feurio!," one of the band's strongest singles. With an ominous death-disco rhythm stop-starting under it all, swirling wails and cries in the mix, and sudden guitar lines filling out the sound, Bargeld's declamatory vocal approach in full effect. It's perhaps one of the most "industrial dance" songs the group's ever done, but it feels like a logical conclusion of their sound rather than a sudden embrace of Wax Trax! esthetics. Equally impressive is the title track, starting with a soft chime before turning into a dangerously funky aggro-crawl. Much of the album's second half is taken up by the lengthy "Fiat Lux," broken into three separate sections. Low in volume and astonishingly subtle until its final, overtly rhythmic conclusion, it's a testament to Einsturzende's abilities at the opposite end of where they are most often stereotyped as working, ambient instead of full-on noise. Bargeld's singing and a soft, central keyboard loop provides the main hooks for the piece, even when an array of random samples and noises starts surfacing about halfway through the track. Add in some blunt, interesting cover art and an appreciative essay from writer Biba Kopf, and Haus der Luege is another Einsturzende success.

Einstürzende Neubauten - Haus der Lüge (flac 332mb)

01 Prolog 2:08
02 Feurio ! 5:44
03 Ein Stuhl In Der Hœlle 2:09
04 Haus Der Luege 3:59
05 Epilog 0:29
06 Fiat Lux, Maifestspiele, Hirnlego 12:23
07 Schwindel 3:57
08 Der Kuss 3:38
09 Feurio! (Caffery/Einheit Remix) 4:47
11 Partymucke 3:51
10 Feurio ! (Tueren Offen) 4:47

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  1. Hi Rho! I'm looking for the "Feurio! (Caffery/Einheit Remix)" but this issue only have 8 tracks. Could You fix it? Thank You Very Much!

  2. Hello [R][R][R], sorry about that but my album has just the original 8 tracks a UK later version has 3 bonustracks 2 Feuro ! remixes and Partymucke, I accidentally posted this version as index meanwhile i corrected that oversight, sorry.

  3. Missed this. Please re-up? Thank you! :)

  4. Hello! Can you please re-up? Cheers!!

  5. Good evening Rho, could you please re-up these three?

    Thanks a lot in advance.

  6. No re-up link >>> Einstürzende Neubauten - 80-83 Strategies Against Architecture
    thanks in advance
