Mar 3, 2015

RhoDeo 1509 Re-Up

Hello, from today the Roots page is on hold for the time being, i've been around Africa twice now and spend a considerable time on Jamaica, even UK dub has been posted here. It would have made sense to move on to Brazil after last weeks Cabe Verde post, after all it was well on the way in the right direction and has the same language, but most South American music is local pop music, not rootsy at all. Obviously there's some tribal music left and the carnival music is non stop drums and up there in the Andes mountains indians still make their own parties..  We'll get to all that later ...

Meanwhile for the coming months i will re-up your requests and will list them here so there's what 5000+ titles posted here and most are no longer live, but now you can do something about it !

This was a request that came in yesterday, links updated i even added another Shonen album-go figure

Shonen Knife Updated Aetix page

Bizarrely, posted this not even 6 weeks ago and already dropped by host Uploadable, thats how it is...

Davd Byrne - Rei Momo

Storage maybe dirt cheap these days -compared to 5 years ago, but the hosts are much more money orientated and look at turnover and notice that keeping data longer than 1 month isn't making them money. Now this site generates a steady amount of hits each day (about a 1000) somewhat less then in it's early days when everyone was out filling up their collection.

Thus the coming months i'm making an effort to re-up, it will satisfy a small number of people which means its likely the update will  expire relativly quickly as its interest that keeps it live. Nevertheless here's your chance ... asks for re-up in the comments section here but prefarbly at the page where the expired link resides....updates will be posted here

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx


  1. hi would you please re-up the unknown cases cd cuba in flac quality.thanx

  2. That is so nice of you RHo...thanks very much for your efforts.

  3. RHO, Thank you for your tireless work!!!

    If possible, please re-up all Public Image LTD as flac.


  4. Thanks for your great work, greatly appreciated.

  5. Inertia from Oz3/4/15, 7:47 AM

    Thanks for all you do Rho!
    I would love some re-ups of the On-U Sound related stuff, particularly Bim Sherman and Singers & Players.

    Thanks in advance!

    Intertia Reel

  6. Love your work. Xsively! Ecstatic to have the Y version of Jam Science in FLAC. Thank you so much.

    Would love yet another re-up of your excellent RhoDeo 1205 Aetix Magazine FLACs. Also, FLACs of Plastikman's Consumed? Aphex Twin's Classics? Almost any non-album EP release in any
    style, like Four Tet's Ringer, or Husker Du's Metal Circus, or Bark Psychosis' 400 Winters (if you have it)? Or anything by In the Nursery? Or the mid-2007 Wavetrain Wire and Wire-related LPs? For starters ...

    Sounds like a big ask, but with a collection like yours, surely that almost doesn't touch the sides ... :-)

    Also, can I just send very belated props your way for your short-lived 2007 singles series. Great grab bags of glam, 70s and new wave etc 7"s.

    Cheers, G from Australia

  7. And in line with your comments Let's Knife link is dead already! :(

  8. Ah Yes Deposit files has been behaving kranky for months dropping links directly after upload, this however is a new one it did appear on my list and disappeared again-without comment mind you, sometimes the upload sticks but mostly it doesn't not sure what kind of business model that is. Anyway it has been re-upped at a new french host that says they keep links live for 60 days after last upload..well if they exist that long, the french socalled socialist government is controlled by big business, anyway give it a try

  9. I repeat here that requests should be made at the page, saves me from needing to search all the time, so specific wishes should be placed there.
    As for random requests cant respond there there's plenty of re-upping to do as it is...
    Note Unknown Cases has been revived as are all 6 Public Image posts all in flac now
