Mar 24, 2014

RhoDeo 1412 'Precious' 11

Hello, Furious protesters clashed with police in Madrid yesterday in a huge anti-austerity demonstration. Tens of thousands of people were seen on the streets of the Spanish capital, in a protest against government cuts, and high unemployment. Six columns of protesters - each from a different region of Spain - arrived at the outskirts of the city early Saturday before heading for Colon square, carrying banners bearing the slogan 'Marching for Dignity.' The protest includes trade unions, civil servants and organizations representing people evicted from their homes for not being able to make mortgage payments after losing their jobs. 'Overall, the poorest 10 percent faced income losses at a rate of 14 percent per year, resulting in a fall of more than one third during 2007-2010. This is by far the largest drop in the OECD,' it added. Oh and with all the unemployment around the time is ideal to erode labor rights. Yes banks still reposses homes whilst sitting on thousands of empty places, after all it's important to make the little people pay for trusting the banks... Oh and hardly a peep in the news about these protests on the other hand the result of El Classico ( Real-Barcelona) is global news, it was a good game deservedly won by Barca.

In 1981, the BBC again tackled "The Lord of the Rings", this time in a serial of twenty six 30-minute episodes.  This production was not a condensed version, although it does leave out a number of events. Still, it is about as faithful to the book as one could reasonably expect. The characterizations are excellent and music is very nicely done. The 26-part series was subsequently edited into 13 hour-long episodes broadcast from 17 July to 9 October 1982, restoring some dialogue originally cut for timing (since each hour-long episode is actually around 57 minutes, as opposed to 54 minutes for two half-hour episodes with overlaps and extra credits removed), rearranging some scenes for dramatic impact and adding linking narration and music cues. .  NJoy

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In 1981 the UK radio station BBC Radio 4 broadcast a dramatisation of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in 26 half-hour stereo installments. The radio series follows the plot of the original novel (revised 1951 version) very closely, except for the addition of The Tale Bearer, a narrator whose account of the story is often interrupted and embellished by the protagonist Bilbo Baggins in the role of secondary narrator. The 1981 trilogy was adapted for radio by Brian Sibley and Michael Bakewell.  It ws directed by Jane Morgan and Penny Leicester.  It is voiced by some very fine British actors including Ian Holm as Frodo, Michael Hordon as Gandalf and Peter Woodthorpe as Gollum among others.

 The 26-part series was subsequently edited into 13 hour-long episodes broadcast from 17 July to 9 October 1982, restoring some dialogue originally cut for timing (since each hour-long episode is actually around 57 minutes, as opposed to 54 minutes for two half-hour episodes with overlaps and extra credits removed), rearranging some scenes for dramatic impact and adding linking narration and music cues.

 The re-edited version was released on both cassette tape and CD sets which also included the soundtrack album (noticeably taken from a vinyl copy). Incidentally, episode 8 of the series, The Voice of Saruman was labelled as The Voice of Sauron on the cassette & CD box sets.

 Cast and credits

 Narrator: Gerard Murphy
 Frodo Baggins: Ian Holm
 Gandalf the Grey/Gandalf the White: Michael Hordern
 Aragorn (Strider): Robert Stephens
 Sam Gamgee: Bill Nighy
 Meriadoc Brandybuck (Merry): Richard O'Callaghan
 Peregrin Took (Pippin): John McAndrew
 Legolas: David Collings
 Gimli: Douglas Livingstone
 Boromir: Michael Graham Cox
 Galadriel: Marian Diamond
 Celeborn: Simon Cadell
 Arwen Evenstar: Sonia Fraser
 Saruman the White: Peter Howell
 Elrond: Hugh Dickson
 Bilbo Baggins: John Le Mesurier
 Gollum/Sméagol: Peter Woodthorpe

 Dramatisation: Brian Sibley and Michael Bakewell
 Music: Stephen Oliver
 Radiophonic sound: Elizabeth Parker
 Produced and directed by Jane Morgan and Penny Leicester

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Lord Of The Rings 11 - The Battle Of Pelennor Fields (57:13  66mb)

11-01 Opening Titles 10:11
11-02 Grond 4:15
11-03 The Battle of the Pelennor Fie 11:31
11-04 Denethor's Downfall 13:57
11-05 The Hands of the Healer 5:35
11-06 Smoke Then and Think of Him 11:44

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Lord Of The Rings 01 - The Shadow Of The Past (56 min 65mb)
Lord Of The Rings 02 - The Black Riders (56 min 65mb)
Lord Of The Rings 03 - The Knife In The Dark (57 min 65mb)
Lord Of The Rings 04 - The Ring Goes South (55 min 63mb)
Lord Of The Rings 05 - The Mirror Of Galadriel (55 min 64mb)
Lord Of The Rings 06 - The Breaking Of The Fellowship (65mb)
Lord Of The Rings 07 - The Breaking Of The Fellowship (55:25 64mb)
Lord Of The Rings 08 - The Voice Of Saruman (56:42 65mb)
Lord Of The Rings 09 - The Two Towers (58:55 67mb)
Lord Of The Rings 10 - The Choices Of Master Samwise (59:07 68mb)

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