Jan 20, 2013

Sundaze 1303 Inside Out 11

Hello, Sundaze time again as the winter hits home in the Northern hemisphere,  Australians keep getting fried at the other end, take your pick.  Here today another Inside Out for you all, I want to point out the 2 PDF's on The Flower Of Life, it contains a lot of information on Sacred Geometry, something which has been waved aside by the powers that be as ancient superstitions, but which produces a much clearer picture of reality then our machine scientists can come up with, if anything they end up at the same sacred geometries.... go figure. As well as more binaural beats for you, copy them to your tablet, plug in your headphone and assume a comfortable position.... N'Joy

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The "Flower of Life" can be found in all major religions of the world. It contains the patterns of creation as they emerged from the "Great Void". Everything is made from the Creator's thought.  After the creation of the Seed of Life the same vortex's motion was continued, creating the next structure known as the  Egg of Life.  This structure forms the basis for music, as the distances between the spheres is identical to the distances between the tones and the half tones in music. It is also identical to the cellular structure of the third embryonic division (The first cell divides into two cells, then to four cells then to eight). Thus this same structure as it is further developed, creates the human body and all of the energy systems. If we continue creating more and more spheres we will end up with the structure called the Flower of Life.

The flower of life shape contains a secret shape known as the fruit of life that consists of 13 spheres that hold many mathematical and geometrical laws. These laws represent the whole universe. Giving the flower of life to someone is like giving them the whole universe in one jewel.

The Flower of Life can be found in all major religions of the world. In Egypt, the source of all the monotheistic religions, the "Flower of Life", can be found in the ancient Temple of Abydos. In Israel, it can be found in ancient synagogues in the Galilee and in Mesada.

The complete flower has the other two layers added, making it three dimensional. If you relax (sit three feet away from the screen) and let the flower slowly draw your eyes out of focus, the flower will open. Try and not focus on any one point, blankly stare, take the flower in as a whole. You may get a headache and itchy eyes, this will quickly disappear. We do not see with our eyes, we see through our eyes. Let your mind focus, don't fight it.

Once, all life in the universe knew the Flower of Life as the creation pattern - the geometrical design leading us into and out of physical existence. Then from a very high state of consciousness we fell in darkness and forgot who we were. For thousands of years the secret was held in ancient artifacts and carvings around the world, and encoded in the cells of all life.

Here Drunvalo Melchizedek presents in text and graphics the first half of the Flower of Life Workshop, illuninating the mysteries of how we came to be, why the world is the way it is and the subtle energies that allow our awareness to blossom into its true beauty.

Sacred Geometry is the form beneath our being and points to a divine order in our reality. We can follow that order form the invisible atom to the infinite stars, finding ourselves at each step. The information here is one path, but between the lines and drawings lie the feminine gems of intuitive understanding.

Melchizedek - The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol 1 + 2 (2xPDF 15mb)

This book is not for those who think "in the box." It is for those desiring to expand their mental horizons. In this book the author talks about the 5 levels of human consciousness, the MerKaBa(the energy field which surrounds all living things), and explains with geometric diagrams, a very interesting interpretation of the Biblical story of Genesis. And there is a lot more in this book to blow your mind. It is information that you can apply in your life to see if it works for you. I have had personal experiences with some of this material that makes it real for me. It is written in a conversational tone, because the book is an edited transcript from a series of lectures the author gave. The subject matter is very deep. Don't pick up this book if you are looking for a light read, but if you are a seeker of truth, you will surely enjoy this one.

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Binaural Beats - A technique used with brainwave entrainment that allows a person to perceive tones that are below the range of human hearing (or pretty damn close to it.) For a more elaborate explanation, read the definition for Brainwave Entrainment in its entirety.

Brainwave Entrainment - This is using stimulii (such as sound, light, or EM fields) to influence the rate of our brainwaves, which in the process affects our mental state.

Our brain plays "monkey see/monkey do" with stimulii in the proximity. If you have lights flashing at 4 cycles a second, our brain will begin to mimic that with its own brainwaves. When our brainwaves are at a certain frequency, our body will do whatever it normally would do -- we normally produce brainwaves of 4 cycles a second when we're sleeping - so pulsating light at this rate would put a person to sleep. Say you want to do this with sound instead of pulsating light - since most brainwave entrainment frequencies are below 30 HZ, and are often below human hearing range, you (usually) can't just generate the tones using a wave generator. There are two methods that are typically used to generate these ultra-low tones in a way that humans can perceive them and feel their effects :

1) Binaural Beats - Using a computer or synthesizer (and a good pair of stereo headphones), generate two tones, one in the left ear, one in the right - your brain imagines it hears a third tone equal to the difference between the two tones. (For instance, if you had a 400 HZ tone in one ear, and a 404 HZ tone in the other, you would perceive a third tone of 4 HZ.) And this would have the same effects that a pulsating light at 4 cycles per second would. In order for this to work, the two tones need to be below 1000 HZ. There are two good programs for creating Binaural Beats : CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software and Brainwave Generator. The latter is probably the most user-friendly, and is good for people new to brainwave entrainment, since it has presets that come with it. (I found it to work very well, since it incorporates a strobe light into the mix as well.)

2) Modulation - While a tone at 4 HZ would be too low to hear by itself, if you generate noise and then fluctuate its pitch or volume at 4 times each second, this can also be used for brainwave entrainment, and would affect us the same way a 4 HZ binaural would. CoolEdit from Syntrillium Software is the best software to use with this method. (Although, he uses a slightly more complicated technique than just fluctuating the pitch or volume.)

As far as which of these two methods are better - binaural beats probably work better for brainwave entrainment, but the second method will work from speakers - headphones aren't required. That can come in handy - especially when you want to experiment with brainwave entrainment while sleeping or meditating - ever tried falling asleep wearing headphones? I have a cordless pair, and even with those, it's not that comfortable.

Brainwave Ranges - In talking about brainwaves, they are typically broken up into ranges, each range being associated with different mental states. The five common brainwave ranges are listed below (although I really simplify what they're associated with here - for more specific mental states these ranges are associated with, consult the brainwave frequency list itself.)

Delta Range - 0.5 to 4 HZ (associated with deep sleep)

Theta Range - 4 HZ to 8 HZ (seen in dreaming sleep, and other mental states where the mind is wandering, like daydreaming and imagining)

"A person .. driving on a freeway & discovers .. they can't recall the last five miles, is often in a theta state--induced by the process of freeway driving .. [It's] .. a state where tasks become so automatic .. you can mentally disengage from them."

Alpha Range - 8 to 13 Hz (relaxed but awake)

" [There is] .. more alpha wave functioning when we listen (but it edges up into beta when we do extremely active listening, as in the cocktail-party effect when we consciously narrow attention to one voice amidst a babble.)" http://www.enformy.com/dma-chin.htm

Beta Range - 13 Hz to 30 Hz (normal awake state/aware)

There is an abundance of betawave functioning when we speak ..

Gamma Range - 30 Hz to 60 Hz (associated with consciousness - the brain stops producing gamma waves when we're put under for anaesthesia, for example)

"Gamma rhythms appear to be involved in higher mental activity, including perception and consciousness. It seems to be associated with consciousness, eg it disappears with general anaesthesia .. Synchronous activity at about 40Hz appears to be involved in binding sensory inputs into the single, unitary object we perceive."

Note that there's a LOT of disagreement over where Beta range ends and Gamma range begins.

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Sound Sleep Ambient Binaural (@320  137mb)

Use this Binaural Beat Session to help induce safe and natural deep sleep.
(Please Wear Headphones)
About This Session:
Duration 1 hour
The base frequency for this session is 197Hz.
Associated with heart (Effects=love,warmth) (higher octave of 6.15); Associated with hara (3cm or 1.5 inch below navel, balance of pelvis)
Binaural Frequencies:
 (15 Min) 4.9 Hz – Introspection; Induce relaxation, meditation, & deeper sleep
 (15 Min) 2.5 Hz – pain relief, relaxation; production of endogenous opiates. Use for sedative effect [ESP];- reported use on bleeding, bruises, insomnia, and sinusitis.
 (30 Min) 3.4 Hz – Sound Sleep
For more great information about frequencies visit:

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Lucid Dream Ambient Binaural (@320  137mb)

About This Session:
Duration 59:58
Left Ear – 207.54 HZ
 Right Ear – 211.44Hz
 Binaural Frequency of 3.9Hz
3.9Hz – (a remedy for) unsociable behavior; Theta/Delta brainwave range – crystal clear meditation, lucid dreams, enhanced inner awareness, “facilitates easy access to inner resources & creates space for inner peace + self-renewal”.
211.44Hz – the unconscious, secrets, imagination, spiritual love; frequency associated with orbit of Neptune (Note=G#) (Color=orange) (Tempo=99.1 BPM) (Effects = supports intuition, the unconsciousness, and enhances the dream experience)

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Astral Projection Isochronic Binaural (@320 134mb)

About this session:
This session uses isochronic tones and binaural beats to induce brainwave entrainment for astral projection OBE.
About the binaural beat -
Left ear: 63Hz (Astral Projection)
Right ear: 70Hz (Mental & astral projection ; Endorphin production/used with electroanalgesia. )
Binaural Beat: 7Hz (Mental & astral projection, bending objects, psychic surgery; Increased Reaction Time; Mass aggregate frequency (can deaggregate matter), alleged to resonate & rupture organs at excessive intensity; Treatment of sleep disturbances
About the isochronic tone:
Base Frequency: 147.85Hz ( Frequency associated with orbit of Saturn – enhances concentration and the process of becoming conscious + shows very clearly karmic connections, brings structure and order – is considered to be a cosmic controller)
Isochronic Pulse: 6.3Hz (Mental & astral projection [SS seconded this]; accelerated learning & increased memory retention; (reduce) Anger + Irritability)

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B-Tribe's combines this dreamy, floating vibe of relaxation with pleasant melodies and worldbeat. Claus Zundel, the mastermind behind this appealing sound, recorded this effort in Ibiza, Spain, and Miami, and so it's no surprise that many of the tracks incorporate the mystical, exotic flamenco guitar weavings of Paco Fernandez. The "Intro" finds Fernandez noodling as if in search of a theme as a wash of synth mood and spacy energy wafts into the background. "Adagio in G-Minor" is a slow, brooding seduction that begins purely atmospheric but then incorporates a dreamy guitar melody. On "La Guitarra," there is a blend of low and high acoustic guitar lines with a soaring wordless female vocal moving in and out in the background. "Sketches of St. Antoni" features the lazy flügelhorn of Mark Smith, and sounds like a sweet little outtake from a Chris Botti project. The tempo pretty much stays at the meditational pace throughout, sometimes drawing upon combinations of Eastern textures and medieval church flavors. Definitely soothing.

B-Tribe - Spiritual Spiritual (flac 250mb)

01 Intro 2:48
02 Adagio In G-Minor 4:11
03 La Guitarra 4:28
04 Sketches Of St. Antoni 4:52
05 Las Salinas 5:44
06 Spiritual Spiritual 6:55
07 Es Vedra 4:55
08 Matador De Sa Pena 5:33
09 Reprise: Spiritual 1:55
10 Sunset In St. Carlos 5:49
11 She Moves Through The Fair 5:00
12 The Sun 3:05

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  1. second graphic down - anyone else see colors flowing through this image? awesome!

  2. These albums are food for my brain and spirit. Please upload if possible.
