Nov 7, 2011

RhoDeo 1145 Illuminatus 9th trip

Hello, hope you've had an enjoyable weekend, not too eventful, some hick ups nature bestowed on us, but then with 7 billion of us around there's always someone at the wrong place. The media are geared to present us with death and destruction, yet in no time during our history have chances been higher you'll die of old age. Sadly, there are still those that would like to do something about that...good thing the aliens have prohibited further use of nukes, but we are not supposed to know that naturally..

We're nearing the end of the Illuminatus saga with Leviathan the third and final part of the Illuminatus Trilogy the 9th trip, Yesod, chapters 3 till 6

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The three parts of the trilogy are subdivided into five "books" named after the five seasons of the Discordian calendar (Chaos, Discord, Confusion, Bureaucracy, The Aftermath). This book is not designed to be easy to digest. You are not meant to internalize its message thoughtlessly. It's funny, contradictory, and self-aware, and it's hard for people who take themselves seriously to get caught up in a book that, for the most part, doesn't. I could say this book deserves to be more than a cult classic, its cultural influence will continue to seep in with or without grander acclaim.

The plot meanders between the thoughts, hallucinations and inner voices (both real and imagined) of its many characters, as well as through time (past, present and future)— sometimes in mid-sentence. Much of the back story is explained via dialogue between characters, who recount unreliable, often mutually contradictory, versions of their supposed histories. There are even parts in the book in which the narrative reviews and jokingly deconstructs the work itself.

The Illuminatus ! Trilogy was performed by the incomparable Ken Campbell and Chris Fairbank, and broadcast live in London on ResonanceFM in June 2006. In 1976, Ken Campbell adapted Illuminatus! for the stage - a 10 hour epic which went on to open the Royal National Theatre in London under the patronage of Her Majesty Elizabeth II. Chris Fairbank played Simon Moon, among other characters. 30 years and 23 Fernando Poos since Ken and Chris first breathed life into Shea and Wilson's masterpiece and Illuminatus! seems even more startlingly relevant and chock full of laughter than ever before. Enjoy the Trips!

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Leviathan, Bureaucracy, Yesod, 9th trip (3-6) (66 min, 24mb)

09-03 Cartwright Energy (16:48)
09-04 Hierophant (17:44)
09-05 Hagbard and Co (17:24)
09-06 Kool Aid (14:47)

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The Eye In The Pyramid Chaos, Discord (183mb)

The Golden Apple, Confusion, Bureaucracy ( 195mb)

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