Apr 21, 2011

RhoDeo 1116 Goldy Rhox 26

Hello, today the 23rd post of GoldyRhox, classic pop rock. 23, 23 Van de Vaart scored twice tonight against the Wenger boys (better known as Arsenal). Mourinho's butchers managed to take a cut out of Barcelona's legs, rarely seen a bunch of millionaires so psyched up for the kill, result very little footbal by two global top teams, once again it became clear that a videoreferee is needed in todays much faster game. For some geriatric reason FIFA won't alowe it.
Ok so todays mystery album has been waiting for the Goldy Rhox treatment for sometime as it directly impacts the Good Friday thats coming up, something to elevate the days ahead..

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Most of the albums i 'll post made many millions for the music industry and a lot of what i intend to post still gets repackaged and remastered decades later, squeezing the last drop of profit out of bands that for the most part have ceased to exist long ago, although sometimes they get lured out of the mothballs to do a big bucks gig or tour. Now i'm not as naive to post this kinda music for all to see and have deleted, these will be a black box posts, i'm sorry for those on limited bandwidth but for most of you a gamble will get you a quality rip don't like it, deleting is just 2 clicks...That said i will try to accomodate somewhat and produce some cryptic info on the artist and or album.

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Todays mystery album is a musical and one that took the world by storm and established the composing duo for life as many more successes followed . Being in their early twenties chosing the format of a rock opera is not that surprising, choosing a religious theme is. They got more then away with it, it was a runaway success from the start, most of you will have seen and or heard the 73 hippy movie version, probably once again at a channel near you this easter.

The original album has a rock flavor that is very different from the composing duo's later work. This is in part due to the emotive singing of Murray Head and Ian Gillan and the playing of well-known rock session musicians such as guitarists Neil Hubbard and Chris Speddiing, bassist Alan Spenner and drummer Bruce Rowland. The musical arrangements are often multi-layered, featuring rock and classical elements, and contain many abruptly shifting dynamics and time signatures. Many feel that this double album, known as the "Brown Album" from its brown cover, is the definitive version of the musical. Here's your chance to enjoy the superior original, sadly Jesus still dies at the end...

Goldy Rhox 23 212mb

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  1. LOL - Way to go, Rho

  2. Have listened - very disappointing - CRINGED in parts.

    Doesn't top the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack which contains voices that possess all the right emotives in all the right places - most excellent oral performances therein...
