Feb 13, 2011

Sundaze 1107 Inside Out

Hello, my odyssey to get a new phone is still not over..duh. bought one today unpacked it - it was pink, ouch and worse it didn't have the promised jack input--those customised connection earphones are useless for me- one of my ears refuses to accept those buggers, and believe it or not, shops here dont sell bluetooth stereosets (idiots). Anyway i hope to buy a phone with a cinchjack soon, otherwise ill have to forgo on it all and buy a simple phone to make calls, maybe should do that anyway, because what i've read this week in reviews makes me wonder what kind of shambles phone production is these days. How come on tv and movies those things always work---except the occasional dramatic reception loss...duh again.

So, today another inside out this time on DMT, apparently easier to homecook then Meth but alas not that available at the moment. It's an amazing molecule not just because of the effect on our brains but because its present in ...everything that lives ! ..go figure. You might think that sciences are alll over it then, but you'd be wrong there..research is largely prohibited. Bizar or maybe it's just too frightning to the powers that be. Us humans can't handle the truth about the nature of reality ..and thus the insignificance of money and the powers that be..tsss

There's 2 documentairys you could watch thru Youtube or download directly here, there's 5 PDF's to be had on Ayahuasca and more, finally there's some trippy Sundaze music aswell with the Didgeridoo at it's center. The amazing Didgeri Dudes drone away in a cave whilst the Aboriginees prefer the land on top.. Should have posted that album in the Sunshine Australia cycle it's awesome, alas it was easy to pass likely because of its unassuming cover (mea culpa). In all i would think you'll have plenty to enjoy and ponder about..

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Better known as DMT, dimethyltryptamine is the subject of Austin filmmaker Mitch Schultz's über-trippy examination of a drug found in nearly every living organism and considered the world's most powerful psychedelic. Combining stunningly psychedelic animation with thoughtful interviews, However, the concepts explored go well beyond psychedelics, and really addresses a new model of consciousness.

The film focuses on the research of Dr. Rick Strassman, a University of New Mexico psychiatry professor who dubbed DMT the "god molecule" or "spirit molecule." Over a five-year period in the 1990s, Strassman administered multiple doses of DMT to 60 human volunteers and interviewed them about their experiences while under the drug's influence. In some ways, the results were unsurprising. Many of the test subjects experienced the intense, bizarre visions and strange phenomena that are common during psychedelic drug use. But other results were startling. The DMT users spoke of entering windows into their own souls, questioning the nature of their own humanity and reaching deep levels of alternative consciousness they barely could describe. "To say the least," said one of them, "it was profound."

The Spirit Molecule also explores society's attitude toward psychedelic drug use, contrasting the strict anti-drug policy in the U.S. – which bans not only psychedelic drugs, but also most scientific research into their effects – with the far more tolerant attitudes in other parts of the world.

The documentary has a simple, straightforward structure. Comedian Joe Rogan introduces the film's basic concepts, which are fleshed out with dozens of talking-head interviews with Strassman, his study volunteers and others who have taken DMT, experts in medicine, neuroscience and social science, and even a theologian or two. (The Spirit Molecule may set a new record for the number of Ph.D.s interviewed in a single film.) The interviewees ask a lot of questions that even the best scientific and spiritual minds cannot answer: Are psychedelic drug trips merely hallucinations resulting from brain chemistry gone haywire, or do the drugs actually allow our brains to access parallel realities? What is the true nature of our souls?

recently made availble at YouTube in one part

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A more mystical approach bringing in ancient egypt and their obsession with the afterlife combined with our recent acknowledgement of what has been in our brains at least since we learned to enjoy mushrooms and that my friends was a very very long time ago..posted this 2 years ago over at Transgloballs

watch on YouTube in 5 parts, DMT - The Spirit Molecule Documentary

or get it here.

DMT The Spirit Molecule Doc. (Avi Xvid 48min, 144mb)

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Rick Strassman - DMT, The Spirit Molecule (PDF 367 pages, 2mb)

The Spirit Molecule examines what we know about psychedelic drugs in general, and DMT in particular. It then traces the DMT research project from its earliest intimations through the maze of committees and review boards to its actual performance. The research subjects were healthy volunteers. The studies were not intended to be therapeutic, although all of us believed in the potentially beneficial properties of psychedelic drugs. The project generated a wealth of biological and psychological data, much of which I have already published in the scientific literature. (posted this 2 years ago over at Transgloballs)

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Under the Earth Tones is the second album of experimental didgeridoo music by Jamie Cunningham and Brian Pertl, a.k.a. the Didgeri Dudes. The didgeridoo is an ancient Australian Aboriginal wind instrument that is capable of producing a wide variety of sounds utilizing combinations of pursed tones, harmonic manipulation, vocalizations, and circular breathing techniques. Using a sonic palette of traditional and modern didgeridoos made from wood, bamboo, plastic pipe, and cactus, the Didgeri Dudes and special guest Stuart Dempster paint ambient textures on the canvas of an abandoned two-million gallon underground water cistern at Fort Worden, near Port Townsend, Washington. This huge circular subterranean chamber boasts an extremely long reverberation of well over a minute requiring the musicians therein to play the acoustic space as an instrument. The recording was made during a marathon fourteen-hour session in the dank darkness of the cistern, illuminated only by the light that filtered through the small roof-top entrance. The effect of being totally immersed in pure sound for an extended period left the performers emotionally charged and euphoric at day's end. To recreate the dynamic and meditative ambiance of this incredible space, we recommend a quiet listening environment and high-quality speakers or headphones. No overdubbing, electronic effects, nor artificial reverberation was used in this stereo mix from the live four-channel digital recording. (from the liner notes)

Didgeri Dudes - Under the Earth Tones (97 196mb)

1. Magma {9:32}
2. Land of Snows {14:52}
3. Cosmic Frogs {7:56}
4. Orion Nebula {19:56}
5. Shudder {9:31}
6. Final Peace {8:19}

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Just as the mythology of the Australian people and their continent was personified through the complex Aboriginal creation stories called The Dreamtime, the land also gave rise to a rich musical culture unlike any other. Australia: Sounds of the Earth captures the primordial hums and rhythms that have emerged from and moved across this continent in the four directions, like the winds themselves since The Dreamtime began. This recording features the didgeridoo, an Aboriginal wind instrument of remarkable flexibility and power, in traditional and innovative formats. Virtuoso solos by Aboriginal artist, David Hudson, are complemented by performances of up to four didgeridoo players accompanied by drums and electronics.
Tracing the development of an indigenous music firmly rooted in patterns of existence dictated by the rhythms of the land, Australia: Sounds of the Earth embraces Australia's musical past and present. The riveting performance of cellist Sarah Hopkins, acknowledges the debt 20th century composers owe to the influence of Aboriginal music. By utilizing a combination of bowing techniques and overtone singing, the Australian cellist emulates sounds of the didgeridoo. Producer, Steve Roach, blends the recordings from the outback with their haunting modern echoes by creating evocative soundscapes, and the illusion of a journey through time and space to the origins of these primal sounds. Excellent album, very trippy.

Steve Roach, David Hudson and Sarah Hopkins - Australia. Sound of the Earth (223mb)

01. Steve Roach - Red Dust and Sweat 10:45
02. David Hudson - Call to Kuranda 3:15
03. David Hudson - The Ancient Voice 3:10
04. Steve Roach & Sarah Hopkins - Atmosphere for Dreaming 7:52
05. Steve Roach & Sarah Hopkins - Darktime / The Initation 7:12
06. Sarah Hopkins - Origin 4:48
07. David Hudson - Spirits 3:19
08. David Hudson - The Hunter 3:02
09. Sarah Hopkins - Awakening Earth 14:10
10. David Hudson & Steve Roach - Land Sound / The Dreaming Place 5:14

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Some info on the psychedelic nature of nature

Ayuhuasca (PDF collection) (29mb)

Ayahuasca - Vine Of The Soul
Ayahuasca - Scientific Investigation
Ayahuasca Visions, by Shaman Pablo Amaringo
Plants of the Gods - Their Sacred Healing and Hallucinogenic Powers

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  1. first: thanks for your blog
    second: I'm quite happy with my nokia 5630 express music - it was sold here for 102 Euro and it has a normal headphone plug socket. It has bluetooth and wlan, too, and does more than I need.
    best wishes

  2. Hello again. I was reading the comment about Nokia. It is a shame that such a great company as Nokia was sold to another big fish in the pond. Was it Windows? I have been a Nokia person for a long time and until recently.

    Anyways... Can you please reup the albums to FLAC?

  3. Thanks Rho for the reups. By the way, last weekend WARP Records celebrated its 30th anniversary with a three-day special event on NTS radio. More info here https://www.nts.live/projects/wxaxrxp. If you are interested in any of the sets, let me know and I can try to find it for you.
