Dec 13, 2008

The Prisoner (04)

Hello, those looped zSharelinks that get you nothing, but make their counters tick, are history now, unfortunately so are another 5 pages taken down by Google- Sigh, just asking me to remove the offending items seems to informal to those initiating this.
So on we go with the can view the trailer here just click on the seems not too many have picked it up at Transgloballs, well one direct megauload zip will be there and i'll post a split archive rar here.

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Prisoner episode 04, Free For All

It's electiontime in The Village. A new number Two needs to be elected and Number Six is persuaded to stand.While attending a meeting of the outgoing council meeting, Number Six angers Number two who decides Number Six must undergo "The Test". Number Six sets out on his election campaign with many promises to his voters but his aim is to discover who Number one is.

Trailer Free For All  


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Free For All 1 (180mb)

Free For All 2 (156mb)

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