Nov 24, 2008

Canadia 2056 (15)

Hello, have been re-upping some requests, im aware that zShare dropped all their links last month so if you want one of mine feel free to ask for it..

In the year 2056 the US has declared war on the Ipampilashians and has sent the American armada to destroy their planet. Canada has sent its only ship, The Canadia, in support of the American mission but the Canadia is not a warship. It's a maintenance ship (they change light bulbs and plunge toilets). Six months after their fateful return to Earth, the Canadian maintenance ship Canadia and her crew lay in ruins. They have all but given up hope that the human race can survive.
Until a sign from above reaffirms their belief in the human spirit... kind of.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Episode 15

It's a romantic time on the Canadia when they find themselves moments away from the Syzygian Horizon. Anderson and Lewis both have a problem with the idea of Skip in her new body, but for different reasons. Skip uses her new body to try to rekindle a romance. Faverau and Pickens spend some time debriefing.

Canadia: 2056 - Episode 15

***** ***** ***** ***** *****


  1. I greatly appreciate the work that you put into this blog rho--some requests:
    1)porcupine tree- absentia
    2)King kong compilation
    3)Jackie Mittoo-anthology

  2. Hello Robert, well the links mentioned are revived, as was Don Drummond-dont miss him as for the King Kong Compilation-it's still live -at least at megaupload-thru massmirror
    best of luck,

