Apr 26, 2008

Sundaze, Inside Out (6)

Hello, today at Sundaze Rho-Xs is going Inside Out again, in this context i try lift some veils or enhance understanding of ourselves. Big media isn't interested in informing you, selling and controlling the uninformed is so much easier.
One of the shocking things i've found out these last years is how corrupted science has become, and not just those chemists and doctors singing the big pharma tune. Corruption is not just a matter of money but status and career are just as effective, certainly when combined when combined with the bigotry and ignorance of previous science masters,( i call them cardinals these days...theres no pope in science but a lot of cardinals and vicious bishops...) . You might think that hard math sciences are exempt from all that , but alas they've moved into the realm of fancy theorising..to keep old ideas afloat, this whilst the truth is staring them in the face, any one raising his/her voice gets shunned, denied access to funds to prove those fallacies they adhere to wrong, indeed they would burn them at the stake. Cosmology these days is a travesty, the only worthwhile thing the world gets from that 'science' are some nice pics which they manage to interpret completely wrong, bound as they are to the ideas of a century ago, and that sixties big bang bummer. Discard everything that doesnt fit, and come up with enormous unknowns to fill in the equasions...Try that at a math test and you get laughed out of the classroom, but these astronomer guys get away with it, they ride their high telescopes and refuse to come down.

Fortunately people have been working on the truth, be it with limited means and yes even under death treats..thats how desperate these goons are to keep their status and illusions. Nevertheless, they can't change reality, and that is that the universe is electric, and not just on the galactic or local solar level but on our human level aswell and beyond that on the DNA level. What you see below here is the work of researcher Jay Alfred, i think the imagery below speaks a thousand words. But wait there's more another program from the Hemi-Sync lab, who's afraid  of numbers ? Enhance your math skills...Constance Demby's Novus Magnificat masterpiece got this multimedia artist even a grammy nomination....Finally, David Wilcock, i came across his work years ago, he's done some excellent research, and  i think together with the human energy field article below will get you a good insight
 in the nature of reality. Lots to read...and learn.......your eyes are getting heavy.....

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There have been many depictions of the human energy field and subtle bodies in the metaphysical and religious literature. The interesting observation in these depictions is the many signature features that can be associated with plasma. This suggests that the human energy field and the subtle body can be modeled as a bioplasma body. A brief excursion of the images in the literature and their similarity with structures often seen in plasma will be carried out below.

1. Magnetosphere
It is well-known in general metaphysics that the (relatively) dense bioplasma body sits inside an ovoid which is enclosed by a sheath. This ovoid is similar to the magnetosphere around the Earth as it protects the dense bioplasma body (inside the ovoid) from unwanted radiation, just as the Earth's magnetosphere protects the physical-dense Earth from harmful solar radiation. The ovoid usually contains a dense body (relative to the rest of the ovoid) along the longer axis of the ovoid with low density (weakly ionized) magnetic plasma filling the rest of the ovoid. The field lines of the primary dipolar magnetic field generated by the central vertical currents (see #10 below) within the bioplasma body is largely embedded within the ovoid.

2. Concentric Shells
Plasma crystals, generated in the laboratory, are in the form of collections of particles which are held in a crystal-like array by a plasma of weakly ionized gas. When the assembly of microscopic particles was contained between two electrodes and illuminated by a laser beam, it could be seen, even with the naked eye, that the particles naturally arranged themselves regularly into as many as 18 planes parallel to the electrodes. In a subsequent experiment, the particles in the plasma crystal arranged themselves into neat concentric shells, to a total ball diameter of several millimeters. These orderly Coulomb balls, consisting of aligned, concentric shells of dust particles, survived for long periods. This onion-like layered structure, comprising of concentric shells, is also often seen in depictions of the human energy field or subtle bodies in the metaphysical literature.

3. Double Helix (Birkeland) Currents
The helical shape of the magnetic field around the gas cloud in the constellation Orion is believed to be caused by matter in the interstellar cloud moving in a straight line along the length of the filament. When this happens, it causes the magnetic field around the cloud to spiral around in a corkscrew pattern. Researchers were able to detect this spiral shape using the Green Bank Telescope, a radio observatory in Virginia. When helical magnetic fields form in plasma, charged particles move along the field lines generating helical currents.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit term is derived from the term kundala, which means a "ring" or "coil". Kundalini currents have often been depicted in the metaphysical literature as a serpent coiled around the back part of the root chakra in three and a half turns (comparable to a solenoid or a compressed helical current) around the sacrum. The energy is supposed to originate from an apparent reservoir of subtle bio-energy at the base of the spine. The central vertical currents in the subtle body (described as Ida, Pingala and Sushumna in the yoga literature) are often depicted in the metaphysical (particularly the yoga) literature as a pair of mutually entangled helical currents with straight currents passing through them.

Mutually entangled (double spirals) currents are frequently seen in space and laboratory plasmas. Helical structures can also be found in dusty (or complex) plasma. This shows that there is a strong connection between plasma dynamics and the formation of the central kundalini and pranic currents in the (supersymmetric) bioplasma body as described by plasma metaphysics.

4. Hot Spots or Plasmoids
Plasmas can take up a variety of shapes and have "hot spots" which are visible. It has been observed that these hot spots in plasma emanate along axes. Secondly, these hotspots have different colors and temperatures than the rest of the mass. These observations agree with the bright blobs of light of different colors often found depicted in subtle body and human energy field literature along the spinal axis of the human body.

The hot spots are believed to be sources of intense X-ray emission as well as pulsed electron and ion beams. Hot spots require intense heating rates more commonly associated with focused laser beams. Pulsed beams have also been depicted in the metaphysical literature (see #6 below). Presumably these are generated by the hot spots, exit out of the vortexes (see #9 below), and undergo "lensing effects" while being ejected from the ovoid and being refracted by the clear material in the ovoid which could produce convergent and collimated beams.

5. Coronas, Spicules and Granulations
Coronal auras and discharges, granulation and spicules are all features associated with the Sun and our subtle energy bodies - the latter, as seen by clairvoyants. Coronal discharges and flares can occur suddenly on the Sun. The various particles that are discharged, together with these flares, are carried by the Sun's plasma wind to cause magnetic storms on Earth. Spicules are short-lived phenomena, corresponding to rising jets of gas that move upward and last only a few minutes on the Sun. Spicules can also be seen in the coronas of bioplasma bodies. In addition, striations (which can also be associated with plasma and are seen on gas giants like Jupiter) are also seen. Coronas and spicules can also be seen in Kirlian representations of the aura. (In laboratory tests, it has been found that Kirlian representations of the aura correlate with the colors and shapes that human "seers" see.)

6. Beams and Jets
Using sophisticated scientific equipment, scientists at Jiao Tong University in Shanghai have shown that "subtle energy" has the properties of an electromagnetic current when flowing through acupuncture meridians but takes on the properties of coherent particle streams, similar to laser light, when projected out from the body through the hands of master Qigong healers who cure diseases by beaming their energy into the patient's body.

There are important vortexes on the palms of the hands (of the subtle body within the ovoid). Jets or directed beams of light have been seen in photographs taken during events where subtle energetic practices take place (for example: Reiki, Qigong and Christian "Praise and Worship"). There are also Hindu, Taoist, Buddhist and Christian images showing jets of light issuing-out from the palms of saints or deities. One of the seers of the Fatima apparitions of "Mary" in 1919, "Lucia", revealed that during one of the apparitions, "Mary" opened her hands and "rays of light" issued from them.

7. Filamentary Currents
Plasma naturally forms filaments in response to electric fields within the subtle body (which according to plasma metaphysics is composed of a complex plasma of negatively-charged, positively-charged and neutral particles). Charged particles are guided within these filaments by magnetic fields and accelerated by electric fields - generating currents. It is a well accepted fact in metaphysics that there are filaments within our subtle body, which have been referred to as "meridians", "nadis" and "channels" - in the Chinese, Indian and Tibetan literature, respectively. In Taoist and Qigong literature, they are also referred to as "circuits" and "orbits". For example, Qigong practitioners may speak of microcosmic and macrocosmic orbits. The microcosmic orbit is really the main meridian through which particles are accelerated in the relevant practices to bring energy to the rest of the subtle body. According to plasma metaphysics, these meridians are "Birkeland currents", i.e. currents in which charged particles flow through and are guided by magnetic field lines.

8. Plasma Focus Device
The plasma focus device produces, by electromagnetic acceleration and compression, a short-lived magnetically-confined, hot spot or plasmoid that is so hot and dense that it becomes a multi-radiation source. These plasmoids emit intense beams of accelerated ions and electrons (see #4 above). The plasma focus device is similar to the plasma gun which is a magnetically driven shock tube that ejects plasma in the form of a plasmoid, without pinching it.
The similarities in the image when we look down at the barrel of a dense plasma focus device and the image of the throat chakra as depicted by Leadbeater are obvious. Plasma focus devices are therefore already embedded in bioplasma bodies, with the vortexes in the bioplasma body acting as delivery systems of intense collimated beams of energetic particles that are seen in many religious depictions of deities (see 6 above).

9. Plasma Vortex
Charged particles in an ionized environment have a tendency to follow magnetic field lines. If the path of the particle is at an angle, i.e. neither parallel nor perpendicular to the magnetic field lines, the particle will spiral around the magnetic field lines using a helical path. When the particles plunge they collide with other particles in the ovoid, generating a light phenomenon similar to the auroras in the atmosphere at Earth's magnetic poles. This process will generate a helical path that will have a cone shape when viewed from the side, with the apex of the cone meeting the surface of the bioplasma body. Dynamically, this can be described as a vortex. Since there are many particles streaming down into the bioplasma body, taking slightly different trajectories, smaller vortexes can also appear within a larger vortex.

Experimental metaphysicist Barbara Brennan has observed, as many other metaphysicists, vortexes within the human energy field or bioplasma body. Within each vortex, residing on the surface of the relatively dense body within the ovoid, there are also small rotating vortexes spinning at very high rates.

10. Super Fields
It has been observed and recorded in the metaphysical and religious literature that within the bioplasma body are both helical and straight currents (see #3 above) aligned with the longer axis of the bioplasma body. These are the "central currents". In addition, there also numerous filamentary currents interpenetrating the bioplasma body (see #7 above).

A complex network of currents enveloping the bioplasma body has been observed by Barbara Brennan who notes, "The main vertical power current induces other currents at right angles to it to form golden streamers that extend directly from the body. These in turn induce other currents that circle around the field, so that the entire auric field and all the levels below it are surrounded and held within a basket-like network." Moving charges generate magnetic fields which have been depicted often in the metaphysical literature. There are localized fields embedded within global fields.

© Copyright Jay Alfred 2007 Plasma Life

Jay Alfred has been researching on plasma life forms since 2001. He is the author of three books on a new field called "plasma metaphysics". The books include Our Invisible Bodies, Brains and Realities and Between the Moon and Earth which are available on Amazon online bookstores. Plasma metaphysics is the application of plasma and dark matter physics to the study of plasma life forms and their corresponding habitats. This includes the study of bioplasma bodies which co-evolved with carbon-based bodies on this planet.

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Hemi Sync - Buy The Numbers ( ^ 99mb )

H-PLUS uses Hemi-Sync® to establish an Access Channel into which encoded Functions are inserted into such total-awareness, in the knowledge that the methodology to perform said Functions is already inherent and existent within the system. Thereafter, the ability to activate Functions so inserted and encoded lies within the conscious option of the individual. The H-PLUS Access Channel is open only during the insertion of a new H-PLUS Function. At all other times, it remains closed and unavailable.

H-PLUS Functions are derived from a wide variety of sources both present-day and historical, from individuals and organizations who have demonstrated success in a specialized area and which can be learned by the H-PLUS process.

H-PLUS recognizes the existence of an inertial mass within the structure of each human consciousness as generated by the long-encrusted belief system therein. The Program also acknowledges the incipient anxiety and fear related to the prospect of change within said structure. Therefore, H-PLUS encourages and abets change in small increments rather than the quantum leap. The result is evolution as against revolution, with the whole far greater than the sum of the parts, without resistance or fear.

The primary goal of H-PLUS is total, conscious control as may be desired by the individual over the entire self - mental, emotional and physical. Because all are inseparable, each learned and applied H-PLUS Function contains elements of all three. Thus the effect of any single Function is not limited solely to the area of focus or application. It adds to and shapes the formation of the new whole - the KNOW SYSTEM.

In that H-PLUS employs chiefly methods and techniques in sound, all Function Exercises are provided initially on audio cassette tape, one to each cassette. Each cassette consists of Access Channel Preparatory training on one side, with actual Function Encoding on the second. Use of the preparation exercise until proficiency is achieved is essential prior to working with the encoding on the second side. However, casual listening to the encoding portion first may be desirable so that the participant is well acquainted at a conscious level with the Function to be inserted and absorbed.

The Function Encoding exercise on the second side is used and repeated until conscious testing demonstrates such Function is securely in place and operational. From that point forward, the exercise tape is no longer needed and can be given to a new H-PLUS Apprentice of choice.

Buy The Numbers: Use the simple method anytime, anywhere, for improved homework and exam results, greater accuracy, speed, and ability to remember numbers. Use for paying bills, balancing checkbooks, figuring taxes, and overcoming discouragement about math and statistics. Increase ease proficiency with numbers, and end math phobia.
Sharpen your skills for working with numbers in everyday applications and improve your aptitude for defining and understanding numerical concepts. Use anytime to enhance your speed, accuracy, and ability to remember numbers and gain confidence in your mathematical abilities.

01 - Buy The Numbers 1 (30:21)
02 - Buy The Numbers 2 (29:59)

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Constance Demby - Novus Magnificat ( 86 ^ 276mb)

Born in Oakland CA, Constance Demby gave her first recital for classical pianoforte at the age of twelve. She studied sculpture and painting at the University of Michigan. After her marriage, she lived in New York for seven years. It was mainly as a sculptor that she built her sonic steel instruments, the space bass and later the whale sail. As a co-founder of The Central Maine Power, Sound and Light Company, an experimental visual and sound group, she created multimedia shows with sculptures and lights, and her sonic steel instruments.

As a pioneer in her field, she creates sounds you'd swear you never heard before; yet, somewhere in some dim memory, there is a faint memory echo - rich and compelling - calling up archetypal experiences which access the deeper, more profound levels of the mind-body-spirit, allowing listeners to travel into states of expanded consciousness.

Recommendation from Constance:

For NOVUS MAGNIFICAT, AETERNA, SANCTUM SANCTUORUM, SPIRIT TRANCE, SACRED SPACE MUSIC, SONIC IMMERSION, ATTUNEMENT I recommend that you listen “frontally” - at least for the first time. That is, prepare for the experience so that you will be able to give the music your full attention with no interruptions as you receive the tones. Without your full absorption, you could miss the potent emotional impact the music can deliver, for the music has frequencies and tones encoded within it that can potentially impact one down to the cellular level.

To prepare for a full immersion, turn off phone and phone machines, seclude yourself, close the door, turn down the lights, turn UP the volume, boost the bass frequencies, (good earphones are OK too), and relax deeply as the music takes you on a journey. If you wish, you may ask to be taken to “the same realms from which the music came.” Since sound is a carrier wave for intention, you can also experiment with the tones by sending them to specific parts of your embodiement that may need healing. By listening in this way, many listeners have experienced life changing events, powerful healings, altered consciousness, gotten in touch with guidance, viewed past lives, had spontaneous healings, with some even being rescued from suicide attempts.Blessings and have a good journey!

1 - Part One - 26:15
-----Choral Climax
-----My Heart Doth Soar

2 - Part Two - 27:14
-----The Flying Bach

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David Wilcock - Divine Cosmos PDF (196 pages, 3mb)

THE ENERGETIC TRANSFORMATION OF OUR ENTIRE SOLAR SYSTEM is now underway, and we are already feeling the effects – which the US government now admits, but is attempting to blame on global warming. This is by far the most facile and under-informed opinion about what is going on. In this book, we go miles beyond either of our previous two books in the Convergence series ... The Shift of the Ages and Convergence III. If you liked these books ... just wait. The problem was that we didn’t even know about the entirely new world of Russian physics when we wrote those books ... and once we found it, ALL the pieces fit together.

We now present a completely Unified model, showing how the same energetic fields are at work on all levels of size, from the quantum to intergalactic. This proves that the Universe is holographic and/or fractal in its very nature. This model has never existed in such a complete form in any of our recent history, at least overtly. Many annoying paradoxes of science have now been resolved into one single, stable multi-dimensional cosmology – which has dazzling implications for our immediate future.

The information contained within this book has waited long enough. It keeps banging on the door, because it wants a hot meal and a warm place to sleep in your mind. Start learning what a part of you already knows… come and discover The Divine Cosmos.

~ Table of Contents ~Prologue: The Mystery is Revealed
Chapter One: The Breakthroughs of Dr. N.A. Kozyrev
Chapter Two: Light on Quantum Physics
Chapter Three: Sacred Geometry in the Quantum Realm
Chapter Four: The Sequential Perspective
Chapter Five: Large-Scale Geometric Energy Forms
Chapter Six: The Universal Heartbeat
Chapter Seven: Spherical Energy Structures in the Cosmos
Chapter Eight: The Energetic Transformation of the Solar System
Supplemental: The Ultimate Secret of the Mayan Calendar

~ Peace be With You ~

~ On Behalf of the One Infinite, David and all Collaborators Thank You ~

A great lecture by the man
Wilcock Talk @ Videogoogle , 90min

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All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !


  1. What are the latest developments.

    Have you investigated phonemes that can be the psychodelics of the 21st century?

    Gratuities accepted at www.paypal.com account Pr_Arjuna@yahoo.com

  2. Hello, Not sure what you are on about...
    In human language, a phoneme is the smallest structural unit that distinguishes meaning. Phonemes are not the physical segments themselves, but, in theoretical terms, cognitive abstractions or categorizations of them.

    An example of a phoneme is the /t/ sound in the words tip, stand, water, and cat. (In transcription, phonemes are placed between slashes, as here.) These instances of /t/ are considered to be the same sound despite the fact that in each word they are pronounced somewhat differently. The difference may not even be audible to native speakers. That is, a phoneme may encompass several recognizably different speech sounds, called phones.

    says Wiki

    best of luck,


  3. Oooo-Kay.. (~S~)
    The sounds of the words (aka, my "phonemes") have a a behavioral effect that go back to the ontological factors of our development. The effect of these "phonemes" develop subconscious affects. These affects I speculate have their parallel stimuli whose own effects could predate our acculturation in verbalisms.

    As has been shown how code words can appeal to the fear, fight, and flight syndromes, I think there are code words that can have their positive effects. These code words we can discover for ourselves and others.

    The Hindis and Buddists have been on this path for centuries. I believe that we can go beyond the tonals to other meaningful sounds that can move us in the same manner that psychedelics have moved people to different dimensions of cogniton and perception.

    Gratuities accepted at www.paypal.com account, Pr_arjuna@yahoo.com

  4. Hmm, looks like the Hemi Sync link has been taken down. Pity, I've gotten a lot out of other Hemi Sync material.

  5. Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.

  6. Hi,

    Would you consider re-uploading "Buy The Numbers" Hemi-Sync? I would really like to get a copy of it.

    Regardless, thank you for sharing.


  7. Can do JJ it's been re-upped

  8. Greetings, Rho :) A re-up of Constance Demby would be most appreciated when time allows...

  9. The re-up is very much appreciated, as always - thank you!

    I think I may have once mentioned a book titled: 'The Body Electric'...

    Here is a link to it in .pdf format:

