Feb 17, 2008

Sundaze (19) Inside Out

Note, i got several comments today on the dissapearance of bestsharing.com, they seem to have closed up shop. Therefore my links to them have become obsolete, luckily i hadn't used them much. Anyway ive reupped them all, you'll find them in todays comments and meanwhile i've re-edited all the concerned pages.

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Hello, as announced last week Inside Out is back. Under the Sundaze banner i will post brain wave audio modulated music/programs aswell as a PDF book on metaphysical topics. I note that the meta is primairly caused by the closed mindedness of sciences, sceptics on all but their own pet theories, often build on the ignorance of the previous establishment. Science today is a job and possibly a career and thus don't rock the boat. The venomous way anyone is attacked if they threaten the reality consenses of these sciences, borders on the insane..or..is proof of their uncertainty, as these days more and more of their pet dogma's get more and more untennable...Big Bang anyone ? a joke ! But it mouths nice and the catholic church gave it's blessing to it (really !). Astrophysics has been bending over backwards to keep the illusion they are in the loop...well they are, and obviously can't get out. Many of the old established sciences have these problems , paradigms that can't be broken, death to the creative mind. So much for my little rant on 'bought' sciences.

Here's an informative on the brain wave audio technology that is used on the Inside Out cdees i will post...free your mind and your ass will follow...

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Brain wave audio technology balances and amplifies the electrical activity in your brain into organized and coherent patterns. This effect, known as hemispheric synchronization, is the optimal state for peak performance. When the electrical activity in your brain is synchronized you are able to focus attention and concentrate for long periods of time. Your thoughts are organized and flow in orderly sequence. Above all, you actually have more brain power available to you. This translates into having greater clarity of thought, increased powers of concentration, creativity and perception. Hemispheric synchronization increases the overall electro-magnetic energy level in the brain exponentially. Consequently, the thoughts and images you hold within this amplified state have the greatest power to manifest in your life.

As the leader in Brain Wave Audio Technology, Brain Sync is the one most often recommended by physicians and psychologists throughout the world. Their technology is clinically tested with a record breaking 95% success rate and is offered to patients at America's most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals, Memorial Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber. EEG studies conducted at Harvard Body Mind Medical School and UCLA have concluded that their exclusive Brain Wave Audio Technology prompts brain activity into extraordinary body-mind states. After almost 2 decades of clinical research, Brain Wave Audio Technology is revealing itself to be the one of the world's greatest breakthroughs in healing and mind expansion.

First discovered by Biophysicist, Gerald Oster, at Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC, the technology sends pure and precisely tuned sound waves to the brain via stereo headphones (any Walkman-type headphones will do). The precision- engineered frequencies produce a phantom signal, called a binaural beat. Brain activity naturally slides into rhythm with the beat. Miraculously the brain's electrical activity becomes organized and coherent. Within minutes the sound frequencies create a training wheel effect, literally balancing the hemispheres and driving the electrical activity of the brain into extraordinary and powerful states that are normally unattainable.

A special feature of all Brain Sync programs is the use of Window Frequencies. Window Frequencies are extremely precise frequencies that resonate and impact directly on the body at a cellular level. As a result of this frequency selection, listeners report feeling their meditation on a physical level with rushes of positive energy coursing through the body and a flow of deep heartfelt emotions.

About Brain States
Studies have shown that the vibrations from rhythmic sounds have a profound effect on brain activity.
The gentle pulsating rhythms of Brain Sync tapes act in a similar fashion, yet because the frequencies are computer generated, they are precise, consistent and can be targeted to induce highly specific and desired brain states. Just as we can tune a radio to get a particular station, with Brain Sync technology we can tune our consciousness to dial-in a wide variety of brain states. Like sound waves, the brain has its own set of vibrations it uses to communicate with itself and the rest of the body. EEG equipment distinguishes these waves by measuring the speed with which neurons fire in cycles per second.

BETA - Alertness, Concentration, Focus & Cognition
ALPHA - Relaxation, Visualization, & Creativity
THETA - Intuition, Memory, Meditation & Vivid Visual Imagery
DELTA - Deep Sleep, Healing & Detached Awarness

Beta waves range between 13-40 HZ. The beta state is associated with peak concentration, heightened alertness and visual acuity. Nobel Prize Winner, Sir Francis Crick and other scientists believe that the 40HZ beta frequency used on many Brain Sync tapes may be key to the act of cognition.

Alpha waves range between 7-12 HZ. This is a place of deep relaxation, but not quite meditation. In Alpha, we begin to access the wealth of creativity that lies just below our conscious awareness - it is the gateway, the entry point that leads into deeper states of consciousness. Alpha is also the home of the window frequency known as the Schuman Resonance, which is the resonant frequency of the earth's electromagnetic field.

Theta waves range between 4-7 HZ. Theta is one of the more elusive and extraordinary realms we can explore. It is also known as the twilight state which we normally only experience fleetingly as we rise up out of the depths of delta upon waking, or drifting off to sleep. In theta we are in a waking dream, vivid imagery flashes before the mind's eye and we are receptive to information beyond our normal conscious awareness. Theta has also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory. Theta meditation increases creativity, enhances learning, reduces stress and awakens intuition and other extrasensory perception skills.

Delta waves range between 0-4 HZ. Delta is associated with deep sleep. In addition, certain frequencies in the delta range trigger the release of Growth Hormone beneficial for healing and regeneration. This is why sleep, deep restorative sleep is so essential to the healing process. (brain.com)

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Hemi-Sync - Breakthrough for peak-performance ( * 70mb)

'Lubricate' your brain and sail through challenging mental tasks with the upbeat electronic music of Michael Maricle and Hemi-Sync. The fast-paced tempo and driving rythms of Maricles's uplifting composition support faster beta Hemi-sync patterns designed for peak-performance, superlearning and creative flow. Enhance your mental productivity, memory and aptitude for learning while enjoying this artisitic creation. Breakthrough may be helpful for ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning challenges . Musicly it reminded me some of Ulrich Schnauss

Breakthrough part 1-8 (44:01)

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Brain Sync - Power Training Zone Vol2 (* 97mb)

This music prog is designed for activities like jogging or exercises, it's no meditation or sleep progam

You’ll be amazed at how much you’ll enjoy cardio with this workout music. It can be used for walking, jogging, weight training, rollerblading, dancing, or whatever cardio exercise you choose. It also doesn’t matter what fitness level you’re at right now, because you go at your own pace. Gamma waves are harmonically fused with world beat rhythms that gradually accelerate your pace. Before you know it, beta-endorphin levels are increased and you’re in the zone.

The brain wave frequencies balance both hemispheres of your brain, and you move into higher states of athletic ecstasy. Experience profound well-being marked by moments of freedom, euphoria, and power as you enter the magical world of The Zone.

Kelly Howell with Robert Schwimmer - 01 - Power Training-Guided Imagery & Gamma Waves (30:19)
Kelly Howell with Robert Schwimmer - 02 - Power Training-Music & Gamma Waves (32:49)

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Carla L. Rueckert was born in 1943 in Lake Forest, IL. She completed undergraduate studies in English Literature at the University of Louisville in 1966 and Master’s degree studies in Library Service in 1971. She served as librarian and bibliographer to college and school libraries for six years. She was a meditator with the group Don Elkins started in 1962, and she became partners with Don in L/L Research in 1968. In 1970, she turned full-time to assisting Don with his research into UFOs. She began channeling in 1974, and in 1987 she married Jim McCarty, the scribe for the Ra contact. She was the channel for the Ra contact from 1981-84, and Don was the questioner. The Law of One series of books was produced from that contact. She enjoys corresponding with a wide variety of wanderers, readers, and spiritual seekers of all kinds, as well as reading romances, gardening, cooking and writing. She continues her channeling efforts with the non-trance Sunday meditation meetings. Her librarian interests continue, and she has been collecting books, tapes, and other materials in the areas of metaphysical and UFO research since 1970. She lives in Louisville, Kentucky with Jim and their seven cats.

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A Wanderer's Handbook, by Carla Rueckert, is simply one of the best metaphysical books ever written, a manual for spiritual seekers who don't want religious doctrine or New Age guru ramblings. Using carefully sequenced quotations from the non-physical entities she channels, Carla combines the personal, human experience of being on her path with the brilliant, beautifully worded, and exquisitely wise words of her spiritual contacts. Every important facet of the spiritual quest, experienced within the amnesia-cloaked physical lifetime--including the frustrations, failures, and heartaches--is fully developed in this terrific book. This book is simple enough to be studied by beginners, while at the same time being one of the most advanced books even put into print on the spiritual quest.

What's nice about the material is you can skip to chapters or topics that are of the most interest to you. Just about any spiritual challenge you can think of is handled in a thorough, non-judgemental way. There is no preaching that you should be this or that particular way. We all make mistakes and have challenges that may not have clear cut answers. This book acknowledges this aspect in us all, and gives suggested ways and ideas in working through a spiritual path.

Well i'm still reading, and i have to say it effected me. Originally this book was geared to the 'out of sync' , outsiders, the ones that think what the hell is wrong with this planet and it's people, why can't they see ? From there the author uses her sources and input from many an outsider to build a picture of a path that's open to them, rules of engagement, if you will. As i said , havent finished it yet -its 560 pages- but i'm quiet sure that there must be scores if not hundreds of visitors to my blog that will benefit from reading this book.......

Carla Rueckert - Wanderers Handbook PDF (1.5 mb)

or buy it
Wanderers-Handbook @ Amazon

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All downloads are in * ogg-7 (224k) or ^ ogg-9(320k), artwork is included , if in need get the nifty ogg encoder/decoder here !


  1. Thanks for all the great music. Kowalski (that one really made my day), The Chameleons, Kissing The Pink, Marianne Faithful, The Bollock Brothers... the list is great and long. ...Is there any chance of a Seventies Disco Fffunk" re up?
    (I can't belive I missed it first time around.)

  2. Hello Mug, you're very clear here but i suppose you mean the singles collection. Here it is

    7-ties d f.zip

    it pointed me to the fact that whenre -upping in october i used best sharing too and though i upped the rhotation titles there's 33 others awaiting from the first half year of 07, well ive identified those and will re -up those the coming week.

    best of luck,


  3. Thanks very much Rho!

    Yup, this was the one I meant. Again, cheers on this and all the other great stuff going on here. Much appreciated.


  4. Hello Sarah. glad you agree, i just went over to subconscious-mind.org looks interesting, i saw that you started a blog aswell-thusfar empty..part from the header where you made a spelling mistake, better correct that one...wink.
    Well not that i want to nitpick here, but as far as i'm aware there is no such thing as a subconscious-mind just subconscience.

    Best of luck,


  5. Hi Rho,

    Have long been following your blog. Just wanted to let you know that your post of Hemi-Sync, Breakthrough For Peak Performance has been a real boon to me for over 3 years now. I use it regularly when working on creative projects. I don't know if it is auto-suggestion or actual effects, but it has helped me do some great work! I went out and bought a CD of it because of your post. Just wanted to let you know your blogging is greatly appreciated! Thank you again!

  6. Glad to hear it Anon, check out my latest Inside Out(7/10/12), more brain candy.

