Oct 8, 2007

Thank You So Much !

Someone has taken it upon himself to have my account at Mediafire deleted, thank you so much ! I shouldnt place all my eggs in one basket. I assume you are an agent of big media, that cesspool of lies and driving force towards the lowest common denominator. We cant have promotion of the global diversity of music or deny the pimps their control.

I put a lot of time and energy in this blog, most of which isn't lost. Reuploading will take me the rest of the year, if i do 1 post a day, so bare with me. I allready did my last post and will work my way back from there.

As it happens i was working on upgrading last years posts and i completed two with the first going live again one year after the original posting and with a bonus here !

Now then, i had planned to start the new format today but considering my current mood i'm not in for it. Later this week perhaps.

Check on progress re uploading in the latest comments page, no need to do so at old pages ..i will get there (11/10)


  1. Right on man, they want our senses dull to control our thought pattern. I love that picture, it is exactly what 85% of the public's lifestyle can be viewed as.
    You might want to look in to link protection.

  2. Hi,
    Keep your "chin up". Many "bloggers" have "shit" happen to them like this with hours of work going missing. I"m sure many fans of your "blog" understand your situation. I hope you keep on going as many of us enjoy what you share with us.
    Keep on doing your "blog" and use the chance to take a look at your previous work and decide what needs to be updated and shared again. Have a "Spring Clean" and look at this as a new Start. We know that a "blog" can be time consuming and this is a big "blow" for you. I'm sure the majority of people who follow your "blog' appreciate what you share with us.

  3. i think this is one of the best music blogs. it's a shame they hunt the real art-lovers today. courage

  4. Mate, you have opened my ears to some amazing sounds and I feel for you now that your herculean effort has been set back but you should know that while the machine spits out bubblegum pop and disposable shite music you did more for the the obscure artists featured than thier labels who had "thier best interests in mind" ever could do - you made them relevant in 2007 to a select group of lucky people who will introduce others to these sounds and encourage them to seek out CD reissues and keep eyes peeled when thrift store shopping or ebaying. Just wanted you to know it wasn't all for nothing. Cheers,

  5. just keep on! anyway :)

  6. Once again - a big thankyou
    to find a blog with brilliant music, and a decent world view;

    keep doing a brilliant job-

    you are helping us cut through the bullshit - they will not be able to stop it!

  7. Hello, thanks for all the support, i needed that, meantime ive been re-upping again, it will be ongoing, previous to 1st of feb 07 there are 40 or so sharebee links that should work aswell as those before i started with mediafire 11 nov 06.
    For now im looking at zhare and sharebee latter does cause some trouble, and i found a new one Uploaded.to let me know if it works for you.
    the Inside Out posts are re-done, later today i will re-do the last 2 australian posts..30 done, still 450 to do, as i said will take time....

    Best of luck,

  8. Hi,

    I am just another regular follower of your blog, although I never have given you any feedback. After reading this, I thought I ought to thank you for the all the great job you are doing. I have been interested in music since I was a child, and have rediscovered many jewels thanks to this blog.

  9. all of my support
    sometimes things like this happen: it is a chance for re-program and to meke a better job (more sure): we have to take attention to the swampy side of the life and just avoid them

    i see you don't seem down for the happenings, and meybe you have more determination: this is the correct answer!

    thanks a lot for your job, sincerely

  10. I'm really sorry about that. It sucks and is so pointless. But remember: You have a fantastic blog that is enjoyed and appreciated by many -- myself included. Thanks for everything. All best.

  11. Sorry to read this, some jerks apparently have nothing better to do with their lives. I've had something similar at Multiply, though on a much smaller scale. As a result I upping most of my stuff for contacts only. Perhaps not that friendly, but much less chance that some dickhead deletes all your posts... :(

  12. Man, that's the pits. You think it really was big media, or just some cyber-prankster?

    Maybe you should poll your people here - do you really need to re-upload a whole bunch? I'd say just start again in the same great way you were.

  13. That is such terrible news. As others have said some people must have nothing better to do..
    This blog is fantastic in the way that you group music together via a theme and write so well on the subject at hand where so many blogs just post download links. This place is an education !

    Dont be disheartened - you have many fans !


  14. Someone has taken it upon himself to have my account at Mediafire deleted,...

    i invite you to multiply,NEVER DELETED but you must hide a part of music...(like me)


  15. Please continue with the blog, we all appreciate the time and effort you put into this place. Don't let fools get you down. The music off of your blog has dominated my free time the last 5,6 months since I found this place.

    Thank you

  16. Many thanks for your blog. I'm exploring it today, and really appreciate the way you introduce and describe music. I hope you wouldn't be bother for sharing in 2009. thanks again.
