Nov 11, 2006

Demon Donald

This week we saw the exit of one of the worst demons that walked in the limelight. Most of you might think that this arrogant bully just fucked up the war in Iraq, the relations with the rest of the world and even the US-militairy. But wait he wasn't picked by Bush for nothing, this creep had a history with weapons of mass destruction before that selling nuclear reactors to north korea, selling chemical warfare provisions to his then (88) best mate Saddam Hoessein.
There's more, and worse its still going on, as CEO of Sears he was responible for the launch of a neurotoxic in our foodchain, with dubious tests and against the will of the FDA, Rumsfeld called in his markers with the new Reagon administration, got the FDA board sacked, and have yes men installed that let Sears launch its wondersugar. Aspertame, it's addictive, affects the brains production of serotonin, making the body crave more carbohydrates, cancelling out it's effectiveness as a diet aid. It can produce brain tumors, lead to blindness, and dries up the lubricating synovial fluid and turns joints into plastic. It can cause memory loss, chronic fatigue, and even death at extreme levels, flies won't touch it. . Google Aspertame Meanwhile its been quietly fazed out in Europe, but pepsi and coca still keep poisoning the public with their deadly diet coke.

So now this demon is alowed to walk away without so much as slap on the wrist. Im against the death penalty, but this man deserves it 10 times more than Saddam.

One book this gasbag certainly didnt read is my first download The Art Of War a 2,500 year old masterpiece on the art of war, it shouldnt be lost on current day gamers aswell. Sure some details cater to the chinese times /weaponry of the time but the principles havent changed, as such this book is still valid.
I follow with some hardhitting railing against the crushing power of massive conglomerates, the machinations of oil barons and corrupt governments, and the steady erosion of personal freedoms with Killing Joke, followed by Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of the Right (no doubt about that). A limited edition remixes bonus disc by Primal Scream, a dutch treat from the oldest active rock & roll band in the world claiming the devil made them do it, with a favourite of mine in the full version- she flies on strange wings. Finishing of with a haunting "Confessions of Dr. Dream". Donald Pinhead seems to have folded, to me it aint enough, he should be treated to the "Ludovico Technique" (clockwork orange) and purge that rotten soul of his.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time. The Art of War is one of the oldest and most famous studies of strategy and has had a huge influence on both military planning and beyond. The Art of War has also been applied, with much success, to business and managerial strategies.”

Sun Tzu also goes on to show that the epitome of warfighting is NOT "prolonged operations, however brilliantly executed" but the General who can avoid war and ironically by so doing receives no glory or acclaim yet is the true hero of the people and the state. What this means is that today--in the 21st Century with the information warfare means available to us, we can for the first time execute Sun Tzu's vision better than ever before because we can bypass armies and bloody fights and reach the hearts/minds of the people themselves--if we are clever and moral enough to do so.
Sun Tzu looks deep into the human condition, to understand him you have to do the same; the way of a ninja is more closely related to this kind of thinking than a samurai looking for public acclaim/attention. A true ninja today would use Sun Tzu to make the militaries of the free world more effective in 4th Generation War and use all the customary battlefield tricks of indirectness and deception he talks about if these primary efforts fail.

Sun Tzu - Art Of War mp3 34mb

01 - Laying Plans
02 - Waging War
03 - Attack By Stratagem
04 - Tactical Dispositions
05 - Energy
06 - Weakpoints and Strong
07 - Maneuvering
08 - Variations in Tactics
09 -The Army on the March
10 - Terrain
11 - The Nine Situations
12 - The Attack By Fire
13 - The Use of Spies

Total running time: 1:08:57
Read by Moira Fogarty

Art of War freE Book
Art of War @ Amazon
Sun Tsu @ Wiki
Art of War @ Wiki

***** ***** ***** ****** *****
Killing Joke - Killing Joke

Seven years after 1996's Democracy Killing Joke reformed. Their protest music has lost none of its edge. Railing against the crushing power of massive conglomerates, the machinations of oil barons and corrupt governments, and the steady erosion of personal freedoms, Jaz Coleman's concerns have never been more relevant. If the bad guys don't get you, he opines during the driving, menacing "Asteroid," you might yet be vaporised by huge rocks from space. Musically, too, this Killing Joke lineup belies its collective years. Alongside Coleman stand original members Geordie and Youth, backed up by stalwart Raven and fierce stand-in drummer Dave Grohl.

 Killing Joke- id.  (flac 402)mb

1. The Death & Reurrection Show
2. Total Invasion
3. Asteroid
4. Implant
5. Blood On Your Hands
6. Loose Cannon
7. You'll Never Get To Me
8. Seeing Red
9. Dark Forced
10. The House That Pain Built

Killing Joke @ Home
Killing Joke @ Wiki
Killing Joke @ Amazon

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of the Right

Assimilate ! It wasn't the borg, it was Skinny Puppy making itself known to me in the mid eighties, there can be no doubt that Skinny Puppy with their complex soundscapes, which have influenced whole generations of bands, count among the spearheading representatives of the so-called ‘electronic body music’ movement.
They returned with vengeance with The Greater Wrong Of The Right (2004), a consistent and convincing comeback after 8 years, a continuation down the path that Skinny Puppy had embarked with 1996’s The Process. The album lacks anachronism or nostalgic flair: with the support of a new generation of musicians, like Tool’s Danny Carey (acoustic drum on Use Less) or Wayne Static of Static-X (vocals on Use Less) it is, another milestone in the history of an exceptional band.

 Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of the Right  (flac 323mb)

01. I'mmortal
02. Pro-test
03. EmpTe
04. Neuwerld
05. Ghostman
06. D0wnsizer
07. Past Present
08. Use Less
09. Goneja
10. DaddyuWarbash

Skinny Puppy @ Home
Skinny Puppy @ Wiki
Skinny Puppy @ Amazon

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Primal Scream - Dirty Works remixed

Packaged with Dirty Works this limited edition bonus disc is made up entirely of rare-ish remixes. Fun to be had by all, I can assure you, as Primal Scream's music during the Nineties was literally all over the place. Trippy dub soundscapes, Stonesy rockers, gospel style rave-ups, and dance beats galore. Primal Scream might not have been the first group to successfully incorporate dance beats into guitar based rock music ( New Order ) but they did it with an undeniable enthusiasm and a quest for something just a little different.

 Primal Scream - Dirty Remixed Works  (now in Flac 481mb)

01 - Come Together (Hypnotone Brain Machine Mix)
02 - Higher Than The Orb (The Orb Extended Remix)
03 - Loaded (Terry Farley Remix)
04 - Rocks (Jimmy Miller Mix)
05 - Jailbird (Sweeney 2 Sabres Of Paradise Remix)
06 - Kowalski (Automator Mix)
07 - Living Dub (Long Life Adrian Sherwood Remix)
08 - Stuka (Two Lone Swordsmen Remix)
09 - Swastika Eyes (Chemical Brothers Mix UK Edit)
10 - Exterminator (Massive Attack Remix)
11 - Miss Lucifer (Bone To Bone Alec Empire Remix)
12 - Some Velvet Morning (Two Lone Swordsmen Mix)
13 - Autobahn 66 (Alter Ego Remix)

Primal Scream @ Home
Primal Scream @ Wiki
Primal Scream @ Amazon

***** ***** ***** ***** *****

Golden Earring - The Devil Made Me Do It

Golden Earring are one of those great bands largely lost on American audiences. Most of their albums are only available on import and most Americans knowledge of the band does not go beyond "Radar Love". If you have not previously been exposed to these great Dutch rockers this is a perfect overview of their 35 year career. Officially released under this title is a 4 box set and a 2 hour dvd with 27 clips. This is a rip from the DVD omitting 8 mostly recent tracks.

 Golden Earring The Devil Made Me Do It    (flac  478mb)

01 - That Day
02 - Daddy Buy Me A Girl
03 - Sound Of The Screaming Day
04 - I've Lost Somebody
05 - Back Home
06 - Holy Holy Life
07 - She Flies On Strange Wings
08 - Buddy Joe
09 - Stand By Me
10 - Radar Love
11 - Instant Poetry
12 - Kill Me Ce Soir
13 - Weekend Love
14 - Long Blond Animal
15 - Twilight Zone
16 - The Devil Made Me Do It
17 - When The Lady Smiles
18 - Going To The Run
19 - Another 45 Miles (Live acoustic version)

Golden earring @ Home
Golden Earring @ Wiki
Golden Earring @ Amazon

A dedicated radar love site with 275 cover versions and counting Radar Lovers eat your heart out.

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
Ayers, Kevin - The Confessions of dr. Dream

Kevin Ayers had become the Canterbury sound equivalent of what John Mayall was to the blues with lots of musicians going through his band to go onto relatively better things, including, David Bedford ( Big time producer) ,Mike Oldfield ( As if you need to ask) Andy Summers ( The Police) Lol Coxhill ( Saxophone Everybody) ,Archie Leggit ( Everybody else) Steve Hillage ( Gong and an illustrious solo career) Rabbit Bunrick ( The Who ).
But it was perhaps during the making of Kevin Ayers this album ' The Confessions of Dr Dream and other stories ' that Kevin Ayers met his musical soul buddy the great guitarist Ollie Halsall . (It was perhaps after Ollie Halsall was taken away from us to the great gig in the sky that Kevin Ayers gave up his music, apart from the odd dabble here and there). But the first time that Halsall and Ayers got together on 'Dr Dream and Other Stories' they produced the best collection of music to come out under the Ayers banner.

'Day by Day' is a lovely little song to get us under way telling the story of each day insisting upon going it's own separate way , and there really isn't very much you can do about it all, so you may just as well let fate take it's course.Second track in is where Ollie Halsall first makes his presence felt with some attention grabbing guitar , although Kevin Ayers had no regular band at the time of this recording , Ollie Halsall being the only musician to play on every track ,all the rest being session musicians , you would never know from listening ,as it all sounds very tight and inventive. ' See You Later' is a song about saying seeing you later ,but not exactly meaning it, a sin far to many of us are guilty of.' Didn't feel lonely till I thought of you ' is self explanatory, with some wonderful guitar picking from Ollie Halsall, whilst Kevin Ayers gives out his most melancholy vocals.
From here on out Kevin Ayers turns into a storyteller the Vincent Price of Progressive rock, as he keeps you balanced on the edge of your seat waiting for either each spoken word, or knocked over the back of the settee with a sudden rousing chorus, lulled into a totally false sense of security by a lilting piano lyric, or with Ayer's whispering over the top, of some quiet Hammond organ chords,
'' It begins with a blessing, once I awakened, but it ends with a curse, My head is a nightclub, making life easy waiting for something already there, tomorrow they will find it if they don't drown in their dreams, with glasses of wine, but the customers are always dancing, and as you turn to your partners she screams " Get Out Of My Dreams ".
In the middle of all this you get a quick burst of some old blues style acoustic guitar with 'Ballbearing Blues', which just softens you up for the main course, the multi structured guitar riff of the title song which comes to you in four parts, but always with that incessant riff bludgeoning into your self conscious, with Kevin Ayers at his most menacing as he warns you of the perils of falling asleep, and what lies waiting for you there. Without doubt this is the most haunting piece of music ever listened to by these ears, fair makes the blood run cold. The vocals are all fed to you through echo chambers as if from beyond the grave, dragging you further and further into the mind of Mr Ayers. In the middle section Ollie Halsall leads the musicians into the gloom like a burning torch to show you the way home, and some lovely piano work gives you some respite, whilst Kevin Ayers sings words of hope as if by way of apology. Of course for the finale the dirty riffs come storming back as they drag Ayers, and you, screaming back into his nightmare. If you are a Stephen King fan you will enjoy Kevin Ayers and his alias Dr Dream.
Surprisingly the album ends with an almost Beatlish song even Kopping (sic) some of the Fab fours lyrics to finish off the album. I was never sure why Kevin Ayers never became a huge star, maybe people were just to scared. (Mott The Dog.)

 K.Ayers - Confessions of Dr.Dream   (flac 424mb)

01- Day by Day
02 - See You Later
03 - Didnt feel lonely till i thought of you
04 - Everybody's Sometimes Blues
05 - It Begins with a Blessing
06 - Ballbearing Blues
The Confessions of dr. Dream
07 - Part One: Irreversible Neural Damage
08 - Part Two: Invitation
09 - Part Three: The One Dance Chance
10 - Part Four: Doctor Dream Theme
11 - Two Goes Into Four
12 - The Up Song
13 - After The Show
14 - Thank You Very Much
15 - Another Whimsical Song
16 - The Lady Rachel
17 - Stop This Train
18 - Didn't Feel Lonely Until I Thought Of You

Kevin Ayers @ Home
Kevin Ayers @ Wiki
Kevin Ayers @ Amazon

***** ***** ***** ***** *****
* All downloads are in ogg-7, artwork is included aswell as a very nifty ogg encoder/decoder.


  1. Nice posting, RHO.
    I too am overjoyed to see Rumsfeld go.
    Demon is right. I don't think there's much hope of redeeming his soul - whatever that might mean. My personal Belief System (BS for short)makes me think that if you make enough rotten choices in your life, the soul (or whatever) flees the sinking ship. So perhaps that's what's wrong with Rummy and his ilk. Soul-dead individuals seeking to reproduce their own inner emptiness, reduce the world to a series of animalistic opportunities rather than one of love-based possibilities.
    But then, I'm full of my own BS.
    Love your blog and thanks for all the great shares!
    Finally get to hear some newer Skinny Puppy!

  2. thanx for your Golden Earring.
    I ve once known the Live LP where there's an 10-minutes-or-so version of "8 miles high" originally by the Byrds.
    nice song. ;)

  3. Good to see Ollie Halsall getting a much deserved credit for his work with Kevin Ayers. Plenty more @

  4. Hi Rho, Thanks for warning me about Aspertame. I am an overweight dieting tragic and drink a lot of diet drinks. No more. I have to pull you up one issue though, the Evil Rummy was a President of Searle Pharmaceuticals not Sears (of Sears & Roebuck fame).

  5. Thank you.
    Very very much.

  6. Kevin Ayers' Dr. Dream is one I've been looking for for a while - I found a crappy vinyl rip a while ago - that is a great track to listen to in the dark late at night! Thanks for sharing, you do a great blog!


  7. hey thanks for doctor dream, i have been trying for ages to pick this up, but to no luck. used to listen to this in the early seventies on certain mind altering substances, it was always a good listen, if ya know wat i mean......cheers blankfrank.

  8. primal scream
    03 - Loaded (Terry Farley Remix)
    again a marvelous track!!
    thanks for (up)loading ;)

  9. Hello,
    Thank you for filling requests on this blog. It would be nice to have "Primal Scream - Dirty Remixed Works" again. Have a good day.

  10. Hello. If possible, could you re-up Primal Scream Dirty Remix CD when you get a chance? Thank you very much.

  11. Just reading through all your posts again, just saw this and thought it would be great to have the Killing Joke S/T in FLAC, and after all there is never any rewason not to listen to the JOKE! Thanks in advance.?.!

  12. First of all: man, many, many thanks for your work.
    Regarding Kevin Ayers upload
    "18 - Didn't Feel Lonely Until I Thought Of You" theme is missing.
    Thanks in advance and keep the good work

  13. Hey there, Would you mind re-uploading Skinny Puppy - The Greater Wrong of the Right. Thanks in advance.

  14. Hi, Rho, hope to be good in this coronavirus times. Could you please reup Confessions of Dr.Dream? Thanks.
